8: Where is my father?

Ethan's POV

Beatrice's eyes gleamed with malice as she stepped aside, revealing Leo behind her. He kept smiling fakely at me, his lips curling up in disgust.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. I didn't expect to see you so soon, Ethan."

"It's been two years."

"Really? That long?" He smiled, "How are you doing brother? You don't look so good."

Beatrice chuckled, a cold, mirthless sound. "Yes, Ethan, you look really thin. Was Pris–I mean, rebab life that bad?"

I said nothing to them. Everything seeming so clear now.

She continued, "I'm sure your father will be thrilled to see you though in this...state."

I ignored her again, my eyes locked on Leo. "Where is he?" I growled.

Leo raised an eyebrow, his expression mocking. "Oh, you mean father? Well, I'm sure he's just dying to see you. Literally."

Beatrice snorted, a harsh laugh. "Yes, Ethan, your father is in a...delicate state. I'm sure your presence will be a real comfort to him."

"Oh, mother." Leo said, acting like he was reprimanding her for being so cruel with her words.

"Your husband is sick and you're here making sick jokes?" I frowned.

"Well, my husband isn't the Alpha right now or holds any power, but my son does." She smirked.

I gritted my teeth, my patience wearing thin. "Just tell me where he is," I snarled.

Leo smirked, his eyes glinting with malice. "Oh, all right. If you must know, your father is currently residing at...Mercy Hospital. Room 304."

I ignored his jibe, my mind racing with worry. Mercy Hospital? That didn't sound good.

"Thanks for the information," I said curtly, turning to leave.

Beatrice's laughter followed me, a harsh, mocking sound. "Do give your father our best, Ethan. I'm sure he'll be delighted to see you."

I didn't respond, my heart heavy with foreboding. I don't know why they kept saying that.

I just hope the old man was okay.

I shifted into my wolf form and ran, my paws pounding the pavement as I made my way to Mercy Hospital. I had to see my father, had to know he was okay. The address Leo gave me led me to a shabby building that looked more like a rundown clinic than a hospital. My heart sank as I approached the entrance, a sense of foreboding settling in.

I shifted back into my human form, trying to compose myself as I pushed open the door. The lobby was dimly lit, the air thick with the smell of disinfectant and decay. I approached the nurse at the counter, trying to ignore the curious glances from the other patients.

"Can I help you?" the nurse asked, eyeing me warily.

"I'm here to see Paul," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "My father. He's supposed to be in room 304."

The nurse raised an eyebrow, her expression skeptical. "I'm afraid there's no one by that name here. And even if there was, I'm not sure you're related to him. You don't exactly...look like family."

I felt a wave of shame and embarrassment wash over me. No one believed me. No one thought I was related to Paul. I looked around, hoping to find some proof, but the hospital seemed to be in disarray. I didn't even know if she didn't remember me as the prince Ethan or that the former Alpha was in her care or maybe both? I don't know.

"Please," I said, trying to keep my desperation in check. "I need to see him. Can you just check?"

The nurse sighed, her expression softening slightly. "Fine. Let me check." She tapped on the computer screen, her eyes scanning the information. "Okay, there is a Paul in room 304. But like I said, I'm not sure you're related to him."

I nodded, my heart heavy with worry. "I am. I'm his son. Please, can I see him?"

The nurse hesitated, then nodded. "Okay. But be warned, he's not...he's not doing well."

I followed the directions the nurse gave me to room 304, my heart racing with anticipation and worry. As I entered, I saw my father lying in the bed, his face gaunt and pale. He looked up, his eyes sunken, and for a moment, I thought he didn't recognize me. But then, a spark of surprise and joy lit up his face.

"Ethan?" he whispered, his voice weak.

I nodded, feeling a lump form in my throat. "Dad," I said, trying to keep my emotions in check.

My father struggled to sit up, but I rushed to his side, helping him back onto the pillows. He looked up at me, his eyes filled with regret.

"Ethan, I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry I didn't do more to stop Leo. I was blind, I was weak...and when I finally realized what was happening, I fell sick."

I took his hand, feeling a surge of compassion. "What are you talking about Dad?"

"Oh, Ethan…I fear it was all Leo's plan. Everything."

It all slowly clicked in my head. My gut feeling was not wrong.

I sighed, "Dad, it's not your fault. You did the best you could."

He shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. "No, I didn't. I should have stood up to Leo, I should have protected our pack. But I was afraid, I was selfish...and now look at me."

I squeezed his hand, trying to reassure him. "Dad, it's not too late. We can still fix this. We can still take back our pack."

My father smiled weakly, his eyes clouding over. "I'm afraid it's too late for me, Ethan. But I'm proud of you, son. You're strong, you're brave...you can do what I couldn't."

I felt a wave of grief wash over me, knowing that my father's time was running out. But I also felt a sense of determination, a sense of purpose. I would make things right, I would take back our pack, and I would make my father proud.

"I don't even know where to start from.." I confessed.

My father's eyes locked onto mine, a sense of urgency in his gaze. "Ethan, listen to me. The Alpha title...it's not just a title, it's a legacy. And I'm afraid I've failed to protect it. But you can still take it back, son. You can still overthrow Leo."

I leaned in, my heart racing with excitement and trepidation. "How, Dad? Tell me what to do."

My father's voice was weak, but his words were laced with determination. "You need to win your mate back, Ethan. Camella. She's the key to your success. Or, if that's not possible, find a new mate and mate her properly before the next full moon. And then...you need to have a child with her."

I felt a surge of surprise, but my father continued, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Wh…what?"

"I'm sorry, Ethan. I'm sorry I didn't prepare you better for this. I'm sorry I didn't stand up to Leo sooner. But I'm proud of you, son. I know you can do this. You just need to be quick about it...because I don't have much time left. If I die while Leo is still Alpha, then…then it's over."

I felt a lump form in my throat as I looked at my father, his face pale and gaunt. I knew he was telling the truth - he didn't have much time left. And I knew I had to act fast, for his sake, for the sake of our pack, and for my own future.

"I will, Dad," I promised, my voice firm. "I'll do whatever it takes. I won't let you down."

My father smiled weakly, his eyes filled with a sense of hope. "I know you won't, son. You were always my pride and joy, and you are the true Alpha of this pack. I know it."

I walked out of the hospital, my heart heavy with emotion. I was hurt, heartbroken, and worried about my future. How was I going to take back what was mine? Where was I going to find a new mate in such a short amount of time? And what about the moon goddess? Would she give me a second chance, even though I hadn't fully rejected Camella?

Lost in thought, I didn't notice where I was going. I crossed the street without looking, and suddenly, a car screeched to a halt just inches from my face. I froze, my heart racing, as I looked up to see who was driving.

That's when I saw her. Camella…Camella Bate, my mate. Our eyes locked, and for a moment, time stood still. I saw a flash of surprise, then concern, in her eyes.

But before I could even process what was happening, Camella's eyes widened, and she slammed on the brakes. The car jerked to a stop, and Camella's head hit the steering wheel with a sickening thud. She slumped forward, unconscious.

I rushed towards the car, my heart racing with fear. "Camella! Camella, no!" I yelled, trying to open the door. It was stuck, but I managed to pry it open and pull her out of the car. She was limp in my arms, her head bleeding from the impact.

I held her close, feeling a wave of panic wash over me. What had just happened? And what was I going to do now?