Who the hell are you?

With a dumbfounded expression, I looked up at the imposing figure before me and blurted out, "Who the hell are you?"

Veldanava chuckled softly, his eyes reflecting amusement and understanding. "I am Veldanava, the creator god and the eldest of the True Dragons," he said with a calm yet authoritative tone. "You, my sibling, are the Sun Dragon, newly born and brimming with the power of the sun."

He paused, giving me a moment to absorb the information. "You are in a world where dragons like us hold immense power and influence. I have watched over your egg, waiting for your emergence. You are now part of our family, and together, we shall shape the destiny of this world."

As I processed his words, the realization of my new identity and the vastness of my potential began to settle in. The journey ahead promised challenges and adventures, but with Veldanava's guidance, I knew I would navigate this new existence and discover the true extent of my powers.

As the radiant light of your emergence filled the area, the seven archangels, loyal servants of Veldanava, descended gracefully from the heavens. They landed softly, their wings folding behind them as they knelt in reverence before the creator god.

One of the angels, with a voice tinged with curiosity and respect, asked, "Who is he, my lord, and what is happening here?"

Veldanava, still smiling, turned his gaze towards the angels. "This," he said, gesturing to me, "is our newest sibling, the Sun Dragon. Born from an egg that radiated the light of the sun, he is a True Dragon of immense power and potential."

The angels exchanged glances of awe and wonder, clearly impressed by the presence of another True Dragon. Veldanava continued, his tone gentle but firm, "The birth of a new True Dragon is a momentous event. The Sun Dragon's power will bring balance and new dynamics to our world. You will treat him with the same respect and loyalty you have shown me."

The angels nodded in unison, accepting your presence and significance. Veldanava then turned back to you, his expression warm and encouraging. "Welcome, Sun Dragon. Your journey begins now, and with it, a new chapter unfolds for all of us."

As I stood there, still adjusting to my new form and surroundings, a sudden, resonant voice echoed in my mind. It felt as if it originated from the very fabric of the universe itself:

"Ultimate Skill Mimir acquired. This skill allows the possessor to analyze whatever they desire and ask whatever they wish."

The words reverberated within me, and I felt a surge of new awareness and understanding. The Ultimate Skill Mimir had become a part of me, granting profound analytical abilities and the power to seek answers to any questions I might hold.

Veldanava noticed the change in my demeanor, the flicker of newfound knowledge shining in my eyes. "It seems the world has bestowed upon you the Ultimate Skill Mimir," he said. "With this skill, you can understand and analyze anything you encounter, as well as seek answers to any questions you have."

He paused, his expression thoughtful. "This is a rare and powerful gift, one that will aid you greatly in your journey. Use it wisely, my sibling."

The seven angels, having heard Veldanava's words, looked at me with even greater respect. I could sense their curiosity and admiration for the power now coursing through me.

With the Ultimate Skill Mimir at my disposal, the possibilities before me were vast. I could unravel the mysteries of the world, understand the nature of my powers, and navigate the challenges ahead with unparalleled insight. The path of the Sun Dragon, illuminated by my radiant light and guided by this newfound wisdom, was now mine to tread.

As I stood amidst the celestial beings and the radiant energy of my own birth, I took a moment to reflect. "Well, it seems I've been reincarnated in the Tensura world. Thank goodness I'm a True Dragon. I'm technically from a race with the most potential," I thought, feeling a mix of relief and excitement wash over me.

With the Ultimate Skill Mimir guiding my thoughts, I sensed the vast potential within me, the immense power that came with being a True Dragon. The world was filled with mysteries and challenges, but with my unique abilities, I felt ready to face them head-on.

Veldanava, noticing my introspective moment, stepped closer. "I can see you're beginning to understand the significance of your existence," he said. "As a True Dragon, you have the potential to shape the world in ways few others can. Your journey will be filled with challenges, but also with opportunities to grow and make a profound impact."

With his support and the reverence of the angels surrounding me, I felt a deep sense of purpose ignite within me. The Tensura world awaited my influence, and with my radiant power and the wisdom granted by Mimir, I was prepared to embark on this extraordinary adventure.

The sun had truly risen, marking the dawn of my new life as the Sun Dragon.

Veldanava smiled warmly and said, "Okay, younger brother, before we go, I realized I forgot to name you. I shall name you Velsun. Do you like the name?"

As soon as the name was bestowed upon me, a surge of magicules—raw, potent magical energy—flowed from Veldanava's body towards you. I felt an intense, invigorating power course through my being, amplifying your strength and capabilities.

I gasped, overwhelmed by the sudden influx of energy. "I feel stronger than before!" I exclaimed, marveling at the newfound power within me.

Veldanava nodded, his expression both proud and wise. "In this world, names hold great power. When you name someone, they receive a portion of your magicules, thus becoming stronger. You are now Velsun, and with this name, you have inherited a part of my power. Use it wisely, my brother."

The seven angels, witnessing this profound event, bowed their heads in reverence. They recognized the significance of your naming and the bond it created between me and Veldanava.

With my new name and enhanced strength, i felt an even deeper connection to my siblings and the world around me. The journey ahead was now clearer, and with the power of Velsun, the Sun Dragon, i was ready to face whatever challenges and adventures awaited me in the Tensura world.

"Alright, brother," Veldanava said with a warm smile. "Let's go to my place. Let's meet our sisters."

As I prepared to follow him, a flicker of worry crossed my mind. "Shit, now I'm going to meet those sadistic sisters who tortured Veldora," I thought, recalling their harsh treatment of the Storm Dragon from the series I remembered. I had never liked them, and now a protective instinct surged within me. "I will be Veldora's shield and protect him when he is born," I resolved, my expression turning serious.

With that determination, Veldanava and I took to the skies, the golden light of my wings shimmering brilliantly. As we soared through the celestial expanse, I considered my strategy and how best to navigate the complex relationships within my new family.

Veldanava glanced at me, sensing my resolve. "I can see you're already thinking ahead, Velsun. Remember, our family is powerful and unique, each of us with our own strengths and weaknesses. Your presence will undoubtedly bring a new dynamic to our interactions."

I nodded, appreciating his words. Despite the challenges that lay ahead, I felt a surge of confidence. I was Velsun, the Sun Dragon, ready to carve out my place among the True Dragons and ensure that Veldora would have an ally and protector when his time came.

As we approached Veldanava's grand palace, my heart pounded with anticipation. The vast structure glowed with a majestic aura, reflecting the power and grandeur of its inhabitants. I knew this was just the beginning of my journey, filled with trials, alliances, and the promise of making a significant impact on the Tensura world.

As I soared through the skies with Veldanava, I couldn't help but notice he was still in his human form, a graceful and majestic appearance. Curious about how I could achieve a similar transformation, I turned to him and asked, "Elder brother, how do I take a form like you? I mean a human appearance."Veldanava chuckled softly, clearly pleased by my question. "Ah, Velsun, it's quite simple. As True Dragons, we possess the ability to take on different forms, including that of a human. This allows us to interact more easily with other beings and blend into their societies when needed."He paused and then continued, "To transform, you need to focus your magicules and visualize the form you wish to take. Picture yourself as a human, with all the details of your appearance. Let your magicules shape and mold you into that form. It may take a bit of practice, but I'm confident you'll master it quickly."Encouraged by his explanation, I decided to give it a try. Closing my eyes, I focused on the energy within me, feeling the flow of magicules throughout my body. I pictured myself as a human, visualizing the details of my new form—shining blond hair, a calisthenics athlete's body, wearing a dhoti and angvastra, and a handsome face resembling the Hindu sun god, Surya.As I concentrated, I felt my body begin to shift and change. The sensation was strange but exhilarating, like a warm, tingling energy enveloping me. When I finally opened my eyes, I looked down to see myself in a human form, similar to Veldanava's yet distinctly my own.Veldanava nodded approvingly. "Well done, Velsun. You look splendid. Now, let's go meet our sisters."With newfound confidence and my human form perfected, I continued on to Veldanava's palace, ready to face whatever lay ahead with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.