Kavach and Kundala

"Oi, demon, stop right there before I eliminate you," Velsun commanded, his voice filled with authority.

The arch demon looked at him and sneered. "Who the hell are ya, punk? Do you seriously think having a handsome face makes you a hero or something?"

Without warning, the demon launched himself toward Velsun, attempting to strike him. To Velsun, the demon's movements were so slow that even a granny might be faster. He easily sidestepped the attack and delivered a quick jab to the demon's face, sending him flying.

The demon crashed into a nearby building, rubble and dust scattering everywhere. Velsun remained calm, his radiant energy shimmering around him as he prepared for the demon's next move. The townspeople watched in awe and relief, sensing that their savior had arrived.

"You bastard, you're dead!" the arch demon screamed, launching a fireball twice the size of Velsun's human form. The fireball hurtled toward him, and the demon cackled, "Hahaha, that's what you get for provoking a demon like me."

The townspeople watched in terror, believing their savior was doomed. But to their and the demon's shock, Velsun emerged unscathed, his form shining even brighter from the flames.

"Do you call these flames? You truly are an imbecile," Velsun said, his voice filled with disdain.

He stretched his hand forward and declared, "Miniature Sun!" A compressed sun formed in his palm, radiating intense heat and light, and he launched it toward the demon.

The demon's eyes widened in terror as he realized he couldn't escape. "AHHHHHHHH..." he screamed, but it was too late. The miniature sun consumed him entirely, leaving nothing behind.

The townspeople stared in awe and relief, their fear replaced by gratitude. Velsun stood tall, his radiant energy shimmering as he turned to face them, knowing that he had protected them from the demon's wrath.

Then one of the elder humans approached Velsun, reverence in his eyes. "Lord, can you please tell us who you are, our savior?"

Velsun looked at the man in surprise, thinking, "Huh, does this guy think I'm some sort of god? Well, let's become the sun god for them. Hehe."

"My name is Velsun, the Sun God," he declared, his voice echoing with authority.

The townspeople gasped and then cheered, their fears melting away as they bowed in gratitude and awe. Velsun, now their divine protector, felt a sense of purpose and responsibility as he looked over the grateful faces of those he had saved.

"Can I stay in this town for a few days?" Velsun asked the elder.

The elder bowed deeply, his voice filled with gratitude and respect. "Of course, Lord Velsun. You are more than welcome to stay. It would be an honor to host the Sun God in our humble town."

The townspeople echoed the elder's sentiment, eager to show their appreciation and hospitality to their savior. Velsun nodded, pleased with their response, and prepared to spend the next few days in the town, learning more about its people and ensuring their safety.

In the following days, Velsun noticed that the humans were starting a religion in his name. Shrines were being erected, and people began to worship him as their deity.

"Meh, let them do whatever they want," he thought to himself.

Curious, Velsun asked, "Mimir, can you tell me why the hell are they making a religion in my name?"

Mimir responded, "Boss, humans often seek to worship and revere beings who demonstrate immense power and provide protection. By saving them from the arch demon, you have proven yourself to be a powerful and benevolent figure. It's natural for them to form a religion around someone they see as their savior and protector."

Velsun sighed, contemplating this new development. "I suppose it makes sense. If it helps them find peace and purpose, so be it." He decided to let the humans continue their newfound worship, realizing it was a way for them to express their gratitude and find hope in their lives.

"Mimir, tell me how weak that arch demon was compared to me," Velsun asked.

Mimir's voice echoed in his mind, providing a detailed analysis. "Boss, the arch demon was significantly weaker than you. Your power far surpasses his in both strength and magical abilities. To quantify, the demon possessed only about 10% of your overall power. This difference in power allowed you to easily defeat him and remain unscathed by his attacks."

Velsun nodded, absorbing the information. "So, I didn't even break a sweat," he thought, feeling a sense of reassurance in his abilities. This encounter was just the beginning, and he knew there were greater challenges ahead.

"Mimir, scan my memory of the past and calculate how long until Guy Crimson, the Red Primordial, and Rudra will begin their game," Velsun requested.

Mimir processed the information, taking a moment before responding. "Based on historical records and your recollections, the game between Guy Crimson and Rudra is likely to commence in approximately several centuries. Given the current timeline and the events that unfold, it should be around 500 to 800 years before they start their conflict."

Velsun considered this information carefully. "That gives me time to grow stronger and prepare for whatever challenges may arise," he thought, feeling a renewed sense of purpose.

"Mimir, can you make me a chestplate made of pure magicules and the energy of the sun? It should be impenetrable and grant the wearer nigh invulnerability," Velsun requested.

Mimir responded, "Creating such an item is within my capabilities. I will begin the process of synthesizing a chestplate infused with your solar energy and magicules. This will provide both protection and enhancement to your abilities."

As Mimir worked, Velsun envisioned the powerful armor that would soon be his, further solidifying his role as a protector and champion in this new world.

After a while, a magical golden chestplate formed, adorned with the symbol of the sun. It was perfect.

"Great! My chestplate, I name you Kavach," Velsun declared, admiring its craftsmanship.

As he spoke the name, magicules began to flow into Kavach, infusing it with even more power and enhancing its protective qualities. Velsun could feel the energy resonating, ready to offer him unparalleled defense and strength.

With Kavach now part of his arsenal, Velsun felt even more prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Mimir, make me earrings made of mana and sun energy that grant me regeneration and enhance my already great regeneration," Velsun requested.

Mimir replied, "Understood. I will create earrings infused with solar mana to amplify your regenerative abilities."

Moments later, the earrings materialized, shimmering with a radiant glow. Velsun picked them up, feeling the potent energy coursing through them. With a sense of anticipation, he put them on, ready to further enhance his powers.

"Earrings, I name you Kundal," Velsun declared, fastening them in place.

As he did, he felt an immediate surge of energy, enhancing his regeneration even further. With Kavach and Kundal, he was now better equipped to face any challenges that might arise in his journey.

"Now I truly am nearly unstoppable, right, Mimir?" Velsun asked, a confident smile on his face.

Mimir replied, "Yes, boss. With Kavach and Kundal enhancing your powers, you are now significantly more formidable. Your regeneration, combined with your innate abilities, makes you a force to be reckoned with in this world."

Velsun nodded, feeling a sense of invincibility as he prepared for the adventures that awaited him.

"Do you think Velzard or Velgrynd will be able to break this chestplate, Mimir?" Velsun asked.

Mimir responded, "Given their power levels and the nature of Kavach, it is highly unlikely that either Velzard or Velgrynd could break it. The chestplate's composition of magicules and sun energy makes it exceptionally resilient. However, they may test its limits out of curiosity or playfulness."

Velsun smirked at the thought, knowing that his new armor was a testament to his strength.

"And what about Veldanava?" Velsun inquired.

Mimir replied, "Veldanava, as the Creator God, possesses unparalleled power. While Kavach is designed to withstand significant threats, it would be prudent to assume that he could break it if he truly desired. However, he is not one to act with malice and would likely appreciate your growth rather than challenge it."

Velsun nodded, understanding the distinction. "Fair enough. I'll keep that in mind."

"Mimir, how long until Veldora is born? Calculate it through my memory," Velsun requested.

Mimir processed the information before responding. "Based on your memories and the timeline of events, Veldora is expected to be born in approximately 100 years. This aligns with the current state of affairs in this world."

Velsun considered this, recognizing that he had time to prepare for the eventual arrival of his brother. "Thank you, Mimir. That gives me a solid timeframe to work with."

"Okay, Mimir, notify me when the event happens," Velsun instructed.

"Yes, boss," Mimir replied.

Sighing, Velsun settled back, thinking, "Bruh, it's so boring. What the hell am I supposed to do for so long?"

With time on his hands, he contemplated exploring the world further, training to enhance his powers, or perhaps even interacting more with the townspeople who revered him. The possibilities were endless, but he needed to decide how best to use his time.