God Of Speed

With time on his hands, he contemplated exploring the world further, training to enhance his powers, or perhaps even interacting more with the townspeople who revered him. The possibilities were endless, but he needed to decide how best to use his time..

Velsun decided to take a stroll through the kingdom of Solara. The sun was shining brightly, casting a warm glow over the bustling marketplace. Vendors were calling out their wares, and children were playing in the streets. The atmosphere was lively and filled with the hum of daily life.

As he walked, Velsun couldn't help but notice the smiles and respectful nods from the townspeople. They admired him not just for his power but for the protection and prosperity he brought to Solara. He stopped at a fruit stand, picking up an apple and taking a bite.

"Good day, Lord Velsun!" the vendor greeted him with a wide grin.

"Good day," Velsun replied, smiling back. "How's business?"

"Better than ever, thanks to you," the vendor said. "The safety you've provided has allowed trade to flourish."

Velsun nodded, pleased with the positive impact he had on his kingdom. He continued his walk, enjoying the sights and sounds of Solara. Eventually, he made his way to a training ground where he saw young warriors practicing their skills.

He watched them for a while, impressed by their dedication and potential. Suddenly, an idea struck him. "Perhaps I can offer them some guidance," he thought.

Stepping forward, he called out, "Listen up, everyone!"

The trainees stopped and turned to face him, their eyes wide with awe and anticipation.

"I see a lot of potential here," Velsun began. "But potential alone isn't enough. It takes hard work, determination, and the right training to become truly powerful. I'm going to train with you today and share some of my techniques."

The trainees cheered, eager to learn from the legendary Velsun. He spent the next few hours demonstrating advanced combat techniques, correcting their stances, and pushing them to exceed their limits. The session was intense, but by the end of it, the trainees were visibly stronger and more confident.

"Remember," Velsun said as they wrapped up the training, "the path to greatness is never easy, but with perseverance, you can achieve anything."

The trainees bowed respectfully, thanking him for his guidance. Velsun felt a sense of fulfillment. Helping others grow stronger was a rewarding experience.

As the sun began to set, Velsun headed back to the palace, feeling more energized and purposeful. There was still much to do, but he knew he was making a difference.

As Velsun returned to his temporary lodge, he found Eldrin waiting for him at the door.

"Yo Eldrin, what are you doing here?" Velsun asked with a curious face.

"Lord Velsun, I wanted to discuss matters related to the archdemon's attack. Can we please head inside and talk about it?" Eldrin said with a serious look.

Understanding the urgency, Velsun nodded, and they both went inside. They took seats around the modest sofa, a small table in the middle of the room. The lodge wasn't very fancy, but it was good enough for Velsun.

"So, what is it that you wanted to discuss about the archdemon's attack, Eldrin?" Velsun asked.

"Lord, please help us townsfolk. We are suffering from the dark forces. An evil council called the Shadow Council is trying to destroy our village," Eldrin explained.

"But why are they doing this? There has to be a reason," Velsun thought aloud, pondering who would attack a town for no reason.

"Yes, my lord, they are after the magisteel that is in the mountains behind Solara," Eldrin replied.

"Magisteel," Velsun thought.

"Mimir, tell me about magisteel," he asked in his mind.

Mimir responded, "Magisteel is a rare and powerful metal, imbued with magical properties. It can be used to create weapons and armor of immense strength and power. It's highly sought after by those who wish to enhance their magical abilities or create formidable tools of war."

After Mimir informed Velsun about the magisteel, he pondered for a moment.

"Hooh... Magisteel seems like some rare mineral," Velsun remarked, absorbing the significance of the revelation.

"Yes, lord. If they get their hands on the magisteel, it will cause great destruction and havoc," Eldrin said, his expression serious and filled with concern.

Velsun nodded thoughtfully. "Okay, I will help you."

Eldrin's face lit up with relief and gratitude.

"But," Velsun continued, and Eldrin's expression quickly shifted, his hope fading slightly as he awaited Velsun's next words.

"Look, Eldrin," Velsun began calmly, "I won't help you directly. As much as I want to assist, as a god, I can't interfere directly in human affairs."

Eldrin started to panic, his worry evident in his eyes. "But, my lord, without your help—"

"Chill, Eldrin," Velsun interrupted gently, sensing the man's desperation. "I will aid you by taking five kids under my wing as disciples. I'll train them to become strong enough to hold their own against the Shadow Council."

Eldrin visibly relaxed, hope returning to his face. "Thank you, Lord Velsun. This will be a great help in our fight against the Shadow Council."

Velsun nodded firmly. "Gather the kids you think are suitable."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Eldrin hurried off to start selecting the young apprentices, knowing that Velsun's guidance would give them a fighting chance against the looming threat of the Shadow Council. Velsun remained seated, deep in thought, already planning the rigorous training regime he would implement to prepare the children for the challenges ahead.

"Okay, Eldrin, you may leave. There is nothing more to discuss," I said with a calm smile.

"Thank you for your time, my lord," Eldrin replied, bowing before taking his leave.

"Phew, well, this world keeps getting more interesting. These five students I will teach will become some of the best and be able to contend with threats of S rank or above."

"Mimir, how can a person acquire unique skills and ultimate skills in this world?" I asked curiously.

Mimir responded promptly in my mind, "Unique skills can be acquired through intense training, significant experiences, or through the manifestation of one's desires and willpower. Ultimate skills, however, are much rarer and typically require a significant catalyst, such as a near-death experience, immense emotional stress, or being bestowed by a higher power. They can also be evolved from unique skills under the right conditions."

"Interesting," I thought. "I'll need to push my students to their limits and beyond to help them unlock their full potential."

Then I went outside to a secluded area out of the place and went there.

"Sun is the eternal blazing source of energy. It gives light and life to all. I remember in many shows, characters—be they gods or demons—don't use their affinities to their full potential," I thought to myself.

"But not me. Since I'm the Sun Dragon, the sun gives light."

"And light is the fastest thing in the universe, so...heheh...I will become the fastest being alive," I thought with a self-arrogant smirk.

"I need to convert my solar energy into light energy and apply it to my body to increase my speed to the pinnacle of speed," I thought and started converting the sun's energy into light and sending it to my body.

As the radiant energy surged through my veins, I felt an overwhelming power coursing through me. My body began to glow with a blinding light, and I could feel every cell vibrating with an intensity I had never experienced before.

Focusing on harnessing this energy, I visualized myself moving at the speed of light, every motion a blur. Slowly, I began to test my newfound speed, dashing across the field with incredible swiftness. The world around me seemed to slow down, and I could perceive everything with heightened clarity.

"This is it. This is the power of the Sun Dragon at its peak," I thought, exhilarated by the sensation.

I continued to refine my technique, pushing the boundaries of my speed further and further, determined to master this new ability and become the fastest being alive.

Suddenly, as I was running, I heard a notification.

"Ultimate skill: Hermes acquired."

"Wow, I didn't know acquiring an ultimate skill was so easy," I thought with an overly excited look.

"Hahaha...." I kept laughing for a few minutes; anyone hearing it would think a madman was laughing by now.

"Alright, Hermes was considered the Greek god of speed. Yosh... Alright, now let's test this ultimate skill."

I began to apply the skill. Instantly, I felt an even greater surge of energy enveloping me. The power of Hermes coursed through my veins, amplifying my speed to unimaginable levels.

I focused on my target, a distant mountain peak miles away, and with a single thought, I propelled myself forward. The world blurred around me as I moved, the landscape shifting in a matter of milliseconds. Trees, rocks, and streams passed by in a mere flash, and within an instant, I found myself standing atop the mountain peak.

"Unbelievable," I muttered, feeling the rush of adrenaline and power. "This skill is incredible. I can traverse vast distances in the blink of an eye."

I continued testing my new ability, darting across the land at speeds that defied comprehension. Each movement was effortless, and I could feel the ultimate skill adapting to my body's limits, pushing me to go even faster.

"This changes everything," I thought. "With this power, I am already one of the strongest being in tensura already . My enemies won't know what hit them before they are dead."

As I stood there, basking in the exhilaration of my newfound speed, I knew that this was only the beginning. The ultimate skill Hermes had opened up a world of possibilities, and I was ready to explore every one of them.