What have I done?

As Veldenava finished naming the three newly separated entities, a faint glow surrounded him. Magicules, the essence of his power, began to flow from him towards Draguel, Glassord, and Fenn. The three brothers absorbed the magicules, their forms becoming more defined and their presence more imposing.

I watched in awe as the magicules infused them, making them stronger and more resilient. The transformation was remarkable, and even the archangels paused to observe the change.

Veldenava, his expression calm and focused, explained, "By granting them a portion of my magicules, they are now bound by the laws I set. They will retain their power, but they will also be more manageable and less likely to revert to their former chaotic selves."

Draguel, the eldest, flexed his newly empowered form, a fierce determination in his eyes. Glassord's cunning gaze became even sharper, while Fenn, the youngest, displayed a newfound agility and confidence.

"Elder brother, you truly are incredible," I said, admiring the precision and control with which Veldenava handled the situation.

Veldenava turned to me with a small smile. "Strength alone isn't enough, Velsun. Wisdom and control are just as important. Remember this as you continue to grow."

I nodded, taking his words to heart. "I understand. Thank you for the lesson."

With the ritual complete and the three brothers stabilized, Veldenava addressed the archangels once more. "Ensure that Draguel, Glassord, and Fenn are given the guidance they need. Their power is now aligned with our cause, but they must be monitored closely."

The archangels, now more at ease with the situation, resumed their duties, leading the newly named entities to their designated areas.

As the scene unfolded, I felt a surge of anticipation. The world had changed once again, and with these new developments, I knew our journey was far from over. With Veldenava's wisdom and the strength of the archangels, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Veldenava and the archangels departed with the three newly empowered brothers, I stood alone amidst the aftermath of the intense battle. The battlefield was littered with the remnants of fallen giants and the once-mighty Ashura, who had been brought low by the confrontation.

I surveyed the scene, feeling a mix of exhaustion and contemplation. The ground was scarred, and the air still hummed with the residual energy of the fight. The immense power I had wielded, the destruction I had caused, and the changes brought about by the separation of Ashura—all of it weighed heavily on my mind.

"What have I done?" I thought, staring at the wreckage. The gravity of my actions began to settle in. While the battle was won and the immediate threat was neutralized, the consequences of my involvement and the new developments in the world were still unfolding.

The battle had shown me the limits of my power and the importance of restraint. Even with my immense abilities, the responsibility that came with them was overwhelming. I had altered the course of events significantly, and I knew that the implications of my actions would ripple through the world.

(You can listen to memory reboot or mortals for this part it's fun)-Author

As I stood amidst the wreckage of the battlefield, the weight of my actions pressed heavily upon me. The female giant's cries echoed through the ruins, a haunting melody of grief and loss. The male giant, his own eyes filled with tears, approached me with a lifeless child cradled in his arms. His face was a portrait of anguish, and the sight made my heart ache.

I watched him closely, feeling a deep, gnawing sense of responsibility for the devastation. As he neared, I found myself unable to meet his gaze directly. Instead, I took a hesitant step back, sweat beading on my forehead. The magnitude of my actions, of the lives I had taken, weighed heavily on me.

He drew closer, his gaze piercing through me with a mix of sorrow and condemnation. "Oh ultimate warrior," he said, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and grief, "you possess the power to end countless lives in the blink of an eye."

I stood silent, the enormity of his words crashing over me like a wave. His grief-stricken eyes met mine, filled with a plea for redemption.

Gently, he extended his arms, revealing the lifeless form of the child. "Now, please," he continued, his voice cracking, "show us the true measure of your strength. If you can take lives so effortlessly, then bring life back to this child."

I stared at the small, still body in his hands, my own heart breaking with every second that passed. The weight of his request was more than I could bear. I felt an overwhelming wave of guilt and sorrow wash over me, paralyzing me with the stark reality of what I had done. The enormity of my power seemed hollow in the face of such profound loss.

In that moment, words failed me. I fell to my knees, my gaze fixed on the ground. The reality of my situation hit me with a force I had never felt before. This wasn't just some world of anime I had once watched; this was real, and every action had consequences. The weight of the lives I had taken pressed down on me, a crushing reminder of the cost of my power.

I looked up, meeting the giant's sorrowful gaze. I was lost, overwhelmed by the magnitude of what I had done. "Life," I thought, struggling to grasp its full meaning. The sun, a symbol of life and energy, had given me so much power. Now, I understood that with such power came a profound responsibility.

"I will change the course of destiny," I resolved silently, my heart heavy with newfound determination.

"what is your name "I asked him

The giant looked at me with weary eyes, his voice trembling as he replied, "My name is Harun."

Then i raised my hand and took the lifeless child into my arms, feeling the cold weight of their tiny body. My heart ached with every beat, burdened by the gravity of this moment. Harun's eyes were filled with desperate hope, and the air around us seemed to hold its breath.

"Sun gives life to the world," I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "I will give life to you, child."

I closed my eyes, drawing upon the deepest reserves of my solar energy. My hands began to glow with a brilliant, warm light, casting a soft halo over the child's pale face. I focused all my will and power into this sacred act, letting the radiant energy flow from my hands into the child's still form.

As the life-giving energy coursed through the tiny body, the child's chest began to rise and fall, the skin flushing with color once more. A soft, golden light enveloped the child, illuminating the darkness that had once been there. The breath of life returned to the child, their eyes slowly fluttering open.

Harun's despair turned to astonished joy as he watched the miracle unfold. His tears fell freely now, a mix of relief and gratitude, as he fell to his knees beside me. The giant's voice broke with emotion as he whispered, "Thank you… thank you for giving him back to us."

I held the child close, feeling their warmth against my chest. The once lifeless body now nestled safely in my arms, the spark of life restored. The enormity of what I had done settled upon me—this was more than just power; it was the profound responsibility of life itself.

As I looked up at Harun, I saw the raw, unfiltered relief and joy in his eyes. The battlefield, once filled with destruction and sorrow, now bore witness to a moment of hope and redemption.

"Life is precious," I said softly, "and it's our duty to cherish and protect it. I will remember this always."