
Then I went towards the crying women and stood infront of her harun was also there with the child in front of his hand and the women was also shocked and held the child tenderly.

"What is your name" I asked the giant women

the woman looked at me, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and sorrow. "My name is Aeliana," she said, her voice trembling. "Why did this happen to us? Why did all of us have to suffer just because of the actions of a few? What did we do to deserve this?"

I listened to her words, feeling the weight of her grief. I stood in silence, unable to offer easy answers, only the promise of my presence and my commitment to help in any way I could.

"Aeliana, I can't change what happened," I began, my voice heavy with remorse. "But from this, I understand the value of life."

Aeliana and Harun looked at me, their eyes filled with pain, confusion, and a flicker of hope.

"I can't change what has already happened," I continued, my tone softening, "but I can give you a chance to change the way of your race." I offered them a sad smile, trying to convey my sincerity.

I straightened, taking a deep breath. "I, Velsun, the True Dragon of the Sun, declare you two to be the Real Ancestors of all giants. May your race flourish."

With a wave of my hand, a warm flow of magicules surged from my body towards them. They glowed briefly, their bodies healing and strengthening as the magicules infused them with new energy.

"I give you life again and name you Harun and Aeliana," I said solemnly, looking at them with newfound respect.

Turning my attention to the child in their hands, I spoke gently. "And I name him Herakles," I declared, sending more magicules into the tiny body. "He will be strong when he grows up."

Harun and Aeliana gazed at me, their expressions a mix of gratitude and awe. Tears welled in their eyes as they looked at their now revived child.

"Real Ancestors of Giants, thank you," I said, my voice filled with emotion. "Because of you, I understand the real meaning of life."

Suddenly, a notification echoed in my mind. "Ultimate Skill: Osiris god of Life acquired."

I stood there, feeling the profound weight of my new understanding and the immense power I had gained. This wasn't just about strength or dominance anymore; it was about preserving and nurturing life. The world felt different now, more precious, and I knew my purpose had shifted towards something far greater.

As the realization settled in, I felt a deep sense of responsibility and determination. This was just the beginning of a new chapter, not only for me but for the giants as well. Together, we would ensure that life flourished and that the mistakes of the past were not repeated.

"Mimir, tell me all the abilities of the skill osiris."

**Ultimate Skill: Osiris, God of Life**


1. **Life Restoration:** Instantly heal any physical injury and restore vitality to any living being.

2. **Resurrection:** Bring the dead back to life, provided their soul is intact. This ability has a cooldown period depending on the severity of the resurrection.

3. **Life Creation:** Create new life forms from raw materials or magicules, with complete control over their attributes and characteristics.

4. **Soul Connection:** Establish a link with any soul, allowing for communication, transfer of energy, and even temporary possession.

5. **Vitality Surge:** Boost the physical and magical capabilities of any being, temporarily enhancing their strength, speed, and durability.

6. **Purification:** Cleanse any living being of toxins, curses, or other harmful influences.

**Passive Abilities:**

1. **Life Aura:** Emit a constant aura that promotes healing and vitality in all living beings within a certain radius.

2. **Immortality:** Slow aging significantly and resist most forms of death, though not absolute.

3. **Empathy:** Sense the emotions and physical states of nearby living beings, allowing for deeper understanding and connection.

4. **Nature's Favor:** Gain the ability to communicate with and influence plant and animal life, fostering a harmonious relationship with nature.

5. **Endless Vitality:** Possess an inexhaustible well of life energy, making the user tireless and resilient.

6. **Soul Sight:** See and interact with the souls of living beings, allowing for deeper understanding and manipulation of their life force.


I listened intently as Mimir explained each ability and passive trait of my new ultimate skill, Osiris.

"Mimir, tell me all the abilities and passive abilities of the skill Osiris."

"Certainly, boss," Mimir responded, and began listing them.

I nodded as Mimir detailed each aspect of the skill. "Life Restoration, Resurrection, Life Creation... these abilities are incredible. And the passive abilities are just as impressive."

"This skill truly embodies the essence of life," I thought aloud, feeling the weight and responsibility of my new power. "I need to use this wisely."

As Mimir finished, I took a deep breath, feeling a sense of purpose.

"I see," I thought, absorbing the information Mimir had provided.

I just stood there, looking at the aftermath of the war. The battlefield was strewn with the remnants of the giants, and the air was heavy with the scent of blood and the echoes of anguish. Harun and Aeliana, now holding their child Herakles, were still gazing at me, their expressions a mixture of sorrow and hope.

At that moment, something shifted within me. I felt a profound understanding settle in my heart, a realization that transcended my previous notions of power and dominance.

The narrator's voice filled the air with a tone of gravity and revelation. "In that moment, Velsun was enlightened. He saw beyond the mere exercise of strength and destruction. He understood the true essence of his power and the responsibility that came with it."

The sky seemed to darken momentarily, as if the world itself was acknowledging the gravity of the realization. The sun, Velsun's eternal symbol, cast a gentle, golden light upon the scene, illuminating the path forward.

Velsun looked up, his eyes reflecting the radiance of the sun and the newfound clarity in his heart. He knew that his journey was no longer just about conquering foes and showcasing his might. It was about protecting, nurturing, and understanding the intricate web of life that he was now a part of.

Velsun turned towards Harun and Aeliana, a soft yet resolute expression on his face. "You both, I hope you will flourish," he said, his voice carrying both a blessing and a promise.

With that, he disappeared, utilizing the speed of Hermes. In an instant, he found himself on a secluded mountaintop, away from the chaos and noise of the battlefield. He sat down, his gaze fixed on the vast expanse of the sky.

The horizon was painted with the colors of twilight, the sun beginning its descent. Velsun's thoughts were a swirl of reflection and newfound understanding. The sky, endless and open, seemed to mirror the vastness of his potential and the depth of his responsibilities.

As he sat there, the peace of the mountain enveloped him. He felt the gentle breeze against his skin, the quiet hum of nature around him. The stillness allowed him to fully absorb the weight of his enlightenment.

In that solitude, Velsun understood that his journey was now intertwined with the lives he had touched and the power he wielded. He was not just a warrior or a ruler; he was a guardian, a protector, and a giver of life.

The sky above, vast and unending, seemed to whisper promises of new beginnings and endless possibilities. Velsun sat there, looking at the sky with a profound sense of purpose and understanding, ready to embrace the path ahead.