Storm Dragon VS Sun Dragon

"Yes, boss," Mimir responded. "The Storm Dragon Veldora is about to be born."

As I reached the location, I saw the sky engulfed in a maelstrom of storms. It wasn't an ordinary storm; it was a cataclysmic, destructive force, swirling with tremendous energy.

My senses detected another presence, and I soon realized my elder brother, along with his seven Primordial Angels, were there as well, standing solemnly as they awaited the birth of the new True Dragon.

I approached them and greeted, "Yo, elder brother, you're here too."

He turned towards me with a smile and responded, "Oh, Velsun, you're here as well. Perfect timing. You can witness the birth of our new sibling."

"Yeah, I'm pretty excited about it," I replied.

"Greetings, Lord Velsun," said Fledway, one of the Primordial Angels.

"Oh, yo guys! How's it going?" I greeted the seven Primordial Angels.

Suddenly, the storm's intensity increased, with lightning striking violently and winds howling uncontrollably. The air crackled with the immense power being unleashed.

An impatient tremor of anticipation surged through me. This wasn't just the birth of any entity; this was the birth of a monstrous force. The storm's power hinted at the danger and discomfort to come.

As I thought of the potential battle with my new brother, Veldora, my smile grew into one of wild excitement.

Then, the roar of a dragon pierced through the chaos. It was a sound so powerful it could render an average person unconscious or dead.

The Storm Dragon was born.

The young dragon, Veldora, flexed his wings and began to release his storm aura. The air around him crackled with lightning and the tempestuous energy of his birth. His presence was overwhelming, a force of nature unto itself.

Veldanava extended his hand towards the dragon, his voice resonating with authority. "True Dragon of Storm, I name you Veldora, the Storm Dragon."

As Veldanava spoke, a surge of power flowed from him, enveloping Veldora. The newly named dragon's aura intensified, and his power seemed to amplify, surpassing even my own. I could sense the tremendous quantity of magicules within him, which was far greater than mine and possibly more than Veldzard's as well.

"This is surprising," I mused in shock. "It seems Veldora has more magicules than me and Veldzard."

A smirk formed on my face as I contemplated the situation. "Well, it doesn't matter if he has more magicules than me. If his magicules deplete faster than mine, it won't make a difference. Thanks to my solar energy absorption, I have near-infinite stamina. With Osiris, I might even have true infinite stamina."

I felt a surge of confidence as I prepared for whatever challenges might come with Veldora's presence.

As Veldora began to laugh arrogantly, his voice echoing through the storm, he declared, "Hahahah! I was already strong, but after being named by you, I feel even stronger. Nothing can stop me now, hahaha!"

I couldn't help but sweat-drop at his antics. His over-the-top bravado seemed less like a serious threat and more like a child boasting about their newfound power. To me and Veldanava, it was clear that Veldora's arrogance was more of a youthful exuberance than a genuine menace.

Veldora, still brimming with his newly acquired power, suddenly looked toward me and Veldanava with a confused expression. "Who the hell are you two?"

I furrowed my brow, feeling a pang of confusion. "Wait, why does this sound familiar?" I muttered, trying to recall where I had heard such a reaction before.

Veldanava chuckled and said, "Well, you said the same thing when you were born, so I guess you and Veldora will bond well together."

To Veldora, Veldanava continued, "And to answer your question, Veldora, we are your elder siblings. I am Veldanava, the Creator God, and this here is Velsun, the Sun Dragon."

The Veldora's eyes lit up with curiosity as he regarded us. "Oh, so you guys are my siblings, huh? Good, good. Then you must be powerful as well, right?" he asked with an eager smile, clearly excited to gauge the strength of his new family members.

"Hooh… You wanna test our strength, little Veldora?" Veldenava asked in a playful tone, his voice taking on a light, almost fatherly quality.

Veldora nodded eagerly, his enthusiasm unmistakable.

I couldn't help but sweatdrop at Veldora's childlike demeanor. *How is this guy so strong and menacing yet so childlike?* I wondered to myself.

"Well then, how about you fight your elder brother Velsun," Veldenava suggested, pointing at me.

I looked at Veldenava with a deadpan expression. "Huh? Me?"

Ignoring my reaction, Veldenava continued, "So, what do you say?"

Veldora looked slightly disappointed. "I was thinking of fighting you. He seems pretty weak to me."

A tick mark appeared on my forehead, veins popping around it. I forced a smile and said, "Well, little brother, if you think I'm weak, how about I show you if I'm weak or not?"

The atmosphere crackled with tension as Veldora's challenge hung in the air. Veldora stretched his wings, his storm aura intensifying as he prepared for battle. I met his gaze with a calm, yet determined expression.

"Well, don't blame me if you get hurt," Veldora said with a mischievous grin, his voice carrying a hint of arrogance.

I smirked, my own power beginning to resonate. "I wouldn't dream of it. Let's see what you've got."

Veldora roared, unleashing a powerful storm that swirled around him. Thunder rumbled and lightning arced through the clouds, making the air crackle with energy. With a powerful flap of his wings, he launched himself at me, lightning crackling along his body.

I reacted quickly, bracing myself as Veldora's attack neared. His lightning-charged claws slashed through the air. I deflected the attack with a burst of solar energy, a shield of radiant light forming in front of me. The clash sent a shockwave rippling through the area, causing debris to scatter.

"Impressive," I called out, "but you'll have to do better than that."

Veldora's eyes glinted with determination. He twisted in mid-air, his tail crackling with storm energy. He lashed out with a tail swipe, trying to catch me off guard. I sidestepped with agility, feeling the wind of his attack whip past me.

"Too slow!" I taunted, channeling solar energy into a beam and firing it at Veldora. The beam streaked through the air, aiming directly at his chest.

Veldora roared again, conjuring a storm shield to intercept the beam. The shield absorbed the energy, dispersing it into the storm swirling around him. The impact sent a burst of lightning arcing outward, crackling through the air.

"Nice defense," I acknowledged, "but let's see how you handle this."

I summoned a flurry of solar blades, their edges shimmering with intense light. They streaked towards Veldora, cutting through the storm's chaotic energy. Veldora's eyes widened in surprise, and he barely managed to evade the blades by twisting his body in mid-air.

"Not bad," Veldora admitted, grinning as he maneuvered with impressive agility. "But you'll need more than that to defeat me!"

He gathered storm energy into his claws, launching a massive storm sphere towards me. The sphere crackled with electricity and dark clouds, expanding as it approached. I met the attack head-on, concentrating solar energy into a dense, glowing barrier.

The sphere collided with the barrier, causing a tremendous explosion that rocked the battlefield. The force of the blast sent waves of energy crashing against the surroundings, tearing through the landscape. I held my ground, my barrier absorbing the brunt of the impact.

With the smoke and debris settling, I emerged, slightly winded but determined. "You're certainly full of surprises."

Veldora descended, his storm aura fading slightly as he prepared for his next move. "I haven't even started yet!"

He unleashed a torrent of lightning bolts, each crackling with fierce energy. I evaded the bolts with swift movements, using my solar energy to create temporary barriers that absorbed or deflected the lightning. The sheer intensity of the storm made it difficult to keep up, but I managed to stay on the offensive.

"Impressive speed," I commented as I darted through the storm. "But how's your stamina holding up?"

Veldora growled, his energy beginning to fluctuate as the battle continued. He roared again, channeling his remaining strength into a massive storm wave. The wave surged towards me, an overwhelming force of lightning and wind.

I concentrated, drawing upon my own reserves of solar energy. With a focused effort, I unleashed a powerful solar flare, clashing with the storm wave. The two forces collided in a blinding explosion of light and energy.

When the dust settled, I stood firm, my energy still strong. Veldora, panting heavily, looked at me with a mix of respect and exhaustion.

As Veldora, still panting from the previous exchanges, unleashed his strongest attack, a torrent of black lightning surged towards me with explosive force. His voice rang out, filled with raw determination. "Black lightning, survive this if you can!"

I regarded the approaching storm of black lightning with a calm, unreadable expression. With deliberate ease, I spread my arms, and the chestplate I called Kavach materialized around me. The Kavach, a shimmering, ethereal shield of immense power, enveloped my torso.

The black lightning struck the Kavach with a deafening crack, the immense energy crackling and raging against its surface. The Kavach absorbed the full brunt of the attack, its surface glowing with the force of the impact. The energy surged and sparked, but the Kavach held firm, its protective barrier unyielding against the onslaught.

Veldora's attack didn't end there. Following the black lightning, he unleashed his secondary ability, Storm of Destruction. Lightning pillars erupted from the sky, connecting the heavens and the earth, accompanied by a spiraling waterspout that twisted through the chaos. The area was engulfed in a maelstrom of lightning and water, creating a tempest of destruction.

I stood unaffected, the black lightning and storm energy dispersing harmlessly around me. The Kavach absorbed and neutralized the fierce assault, its protective barrier glowing brighter as it contained the full power of the attack. The storm and lightning were absorbed and dispersed by the Kavach's formidable defense.

With the attack fading, I lowered my arms and looked at Veldora, who was now watching in awe. "Impressive, but you'll need more than that to break through this," I said with a hint of amusement in my voice.

As Veldora was just standing there, I conjured a miniature sun with cosmic energy, the swirling fusion of light and heat crackling with nuclear intensity. I shaped it into a small, spherical form around my finger, resembling a gun.

I pointed the miniature sun directly at Veldora's face, a small, amused smile playing on my lips. "Boom," I said softly.

The miniature sun emitted a powerful, concentrated glow, the sheer force of its energy palpable. Veldora's eyes widened in shock and awe, a mix of fear and respect crossing his features as he stared at the potential devastation.

The energy from the miniature sun hovered inches from Veldora's face, a constant reminder of my own immense power. The aura around it shimmered with cosmic energy, sending a tangible sense of danger through the air.

"Just a little demonstration," I said, my tone casual yet firm. "It's always good to remember that there are different levels of strength in this world."

Veldora, still catching his breath, looked at me with a newfound appreciation. "Alright, alright, I get it," he said with a nod, his voice tinged with respect and a touch of humility. "You've definitely made your point."

I smiled, retracting the miniature sun and allowing its energy to dissipate. "Good. Remember this moment. We're all powerful in our own ways, but there's always more to learn and more to achieve."

With that, I turned away, allowing Veldora to regain his composure while Veldenava and his angels watched with approval.