Veldora's training arc 1

As I lowered my hand veldora caught his breath, Veldanava and his seven Primordial Angels descended gracefully towards us. The celestial beings landed with an air of authority, their presence commanding respect and awe.

Veldora, still panting from the fierce exchange, looked at me with a mix of exhaustion and admiration. Despite the intensity of the battle, I stood unfazed. My connection to the sun and the regenerative power of Osiris allowed my magicules and stamina to be replenished at an extraordinary rate. I felt invigorated, ready for whatever came next.

Veldanava approached with a satisfied smile, his gaze shifting between me and Veldora. "Well done, Velsun. That was quite the demonstration," he said, his tone warm with approval.

Veldora, still catching his breath, looked at his elder brother with a mixture of respect and curiosity. "So, how did I do?" he asked, his voice tinged with the excitement of the challenge.

"You did well for a newly born True Dragon," Veldanava replied. "But there is always room for growth. Your strength is formidable, but remember, true power lies not just in your raw abilities, but in how you harness and control them."

Veldora nodded, absorbing his brother's words. His eyes then turned to me, eager for further interaction. "And you, elder brother Velsun? What do you think of my performance?"

I smiled, appreciating his enthusiasm. "You have great potential, Veldora. Your strength is impressive, but you'll need to refine your control and strategy. Power alone is not enough; it's how you use it that matters."

Veldora nodded in understanding, his gaze filled with determination. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the challenge."

With that, the atmosphere around us relaxed slightly, the storm having cleared and a sense of camaraderie settling in.

Then I offered Veldora with a smile, "Veldora, you have tremendous potential, and I can help you harness it. What do you say? Do you want to join me? We can train together and reach new heights."

Veldora looked at me with curiosity and interest, clearly contemplating the offer. "You know, that sounds like an excellent idea, elder brother Velsun. I'd be honored to train with you and reach new heights together."

"Great!" I said with enthusiasm. "With your potential and my guidance, we'll both grow stronger and achieve great things."

Veldora's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. Let's push our limits and see what we can achieve together!"

As Veldora accepted my offer, I felt a surge of satisfaction. Having him as an ally and training partner would undoubtedly be a tremendous asset. We stood there, united by a common goal, ready to embark on this new journey together.

I turned towards Veldenava and asked, "I hope you have no problem with Veldora living with me, right, elder brother?"

Veldenava smiled and replied, "No problem at all. After all, you both are my brothers, so I know you will take care of our brother."

He then turned to his angels and said, "Okay, we will be leaving."

The angels responded in unison, "Yes, Lord."

Fledway then addressed both Veldora and me, "We will take our leave, Lord Velsun, Lord Veldora."

"See you both next time," he added, before Veldenava and his angels teleported away.

"Veldora, you need to take a human form to go where I'm going." I said

Veldora looked curious. "And... how do I do it?" he asked.

I smiled. "You can transform into a human form by using a skill called 'Shape Shift.' It allows you to alter your appearance and become a human, which can be useful in various situations."

Veldora's eyes widened with excitement. "That sounds interesting! How do I start?"

I nodded, encouraging him. "Just focus on the image of the form you want to take. Picture yourself as a human and let the power flow. It might take a bit of practice, but you'll get the hang of it."

Veldora closed his eyes, concentrating. A shimmering aura surrounded him as he began to shift. Slowly, his dragon form began to change, his massive scales receding as his body shrank and reshaped. Within moments, a human figure stood in place of the dragon.

He opened his eyes, now in human form, looking at himself with fascination. "Is this it?" he asked, his voice now sounding different.

I nodded with approval. "Exactly. You look great. Just remember, you can always shift back to your dragon form if needed."

Veldora grinned, testing his new form with a few movements. "This is amazing! Thanks, elder brother. I'm ready to go wherever you need to take me."

"Perfect," I said, satisfied with his transformation. "Let's head to our next destination."

As Veldora and I flew towards Solara, I said, "Mimir, give me the rundown on all the skills and abilities Veldora has."

Mimir responded, detailing Veldora's powers:

1. **Storm Dragon's Breath** - Devastating breath attacks that create massive storms and destruction.

2. **Thunderstorm** - Summons intense thunderstorms, manipulating lightning and wind.

3. **Tempest** - Controls violent winds and storms, enhancing combat capabilities and environmental control.

4. **Lightning Strike** - Powerful lightning-based attack causing significant damage.

5. **Storm Aura** - Emits a powerful aura causing storms and lightning to surge.

6. **Dragon's Roar** - Causes shockwaves and inflicts fear or disorientation.



- **Appraisal**: Analysis capability.

- **Black Lightning**: Powerful lightning strike capable of vaporizing targets and ignoring electric resistance.

- **Storm of Destruction**: Creates a wide-area storm with lightning pillars and a waterspout, vaporizing targets.

- **Death Heralding Wind**: Combines "Storm of Destruction" and "Black Lightning," creating a black storm sphere that shreds organic matter.

- **Storm Blast**: A high-speed emission of "Storm of Destruction," practically impossible to avoid.

- **Magic Perception**: 360-degree magical energy perception.

- **Thunderstorm**: Dense atmospheric mass that releases electrical discharge.

- **Dragon Claw**: Ominous claws with "Sundering Power" to tear apart materials.

- **Wing Blade**: High-frequency blade created from wing vibrations, capable of molecular destruction.

- **Fertile Paradox**: Engulfs an area in prismatic darkness, transforming it into fertile land with rapid vegetation growth, using the target's body as an energy source.

"That's a pretty extensive list," I commented, impressed. "Seems like we've got a powerhouse on our hands."

Upon reaching Solara, I landed smoothly with Veldora on the grounds of our training area. The landscape stretched before us, the familiar training grounds and surrounding buildings coming into view.

Turning to Veldora with a smile, I said, "Welcome to your new home, little brother. This is where we'll begin your training and help you harness your potential."

Veldora's eyes roamed the area with a mix of curiosity and excitement. "This place looks amazing. I'm eager to start training and get stronger."

Nodding, I replied, "Great! We'll get started soon. For now, let's get you settled and familiarize you with the facilities. There's much to do, and I'm looking forward to our training sessions together."

With that, I led Veldora towards the main building, ready to embark on this new journey with my brother.

After my enthusiastic response, I began Veldora's training.

"Alright, Veldora, the first thing we need to work on is controlling your magicules and aura," I instructed. "You have a tremendous amount of power, and if you don't learn to manage it properly, it could cause a lot of damage."

Veldora nodded, focusing intently. "Got it. How do we start?"

I led him to an open area. "First, let's practice focusing your magicules. Try to sense them within yourself. They're like a flowing river of energy. You need to control their flow and ensure they don't overflow."

Veldora closed his eyes and concentrated. I observed carefully, noting the fluctuations in his aura.

"Good. Now, visualize a containment field around your aura," I guided. "Imagine it as a bubble that holds your magicules in place. It will help you regulate the release of your power."

Veldora focused harder, his aura stabilizing as he visualized the containment field. The stormy energy that had once been wild and erratic began to calm under his control.

"Excellent progress," I encouraged. "Now, try releasing a small portion of your aura deliberately. Just a little at a time."

Veldora obeyed, and a controlled stream of storm energy flowed from him. He grinned at his success. "How am I doing?"

"You're doing great," I replied. "Just keep practicing this control. The more you manage your aura, the better you'll be able to harness and direct your power."

With that, I continued to guide Veldora through exercises to master his aura control, preparing him for more advanced training in the future.

As Veldora struggled to control his aura, it began to fluctuate wildly, threatening to explode. I reacted quickly, my eyes narrowing in concentration.

"Hold on, Veldora!" I shouted, sensing the impending danger.

I immediately formed a light barrier infused with sun energy, casting it around Veldora. The barrier shimmered with radiant energy, its light reflecting off the chaotic storm of magicules. The barrier absorbed and dissipated the excess energy, preventing any damage to the surrounding area.

Veldora, panting and sweating from the effort, looked up at me with a mix of relief and frustration. "I'm sorry, I thought I had it under control!"

"It's alright, Veldora," I said, maintaining the barrier. "Controlling such immense power is challenging. You're making progress, but it's important to keep practicing and adjusting."

I kept the barrier active until Veldora's aura stabilized. Once the situation was under control, I dismissed the barrier and approached my younger brother.

"Don't get discouraged," I encouraged him. "Learning to manage this level of power takes time. We'll keep working on it until you've mastered it."

Veldora nodded, taking deep breaths to calm himself. "Thanks, Velsun. I'll keep trying."