He's scary

It's been 2 weeks and I still haven't gotten over her, so it really wasn't about my heart giving up.

It never had anything to do with my brain not accepting reality, it was just that my feelings for her were that strong.

When did it become like this? When did I even start liking her? Why is it that even after 2 weeks I can't forget her whatsoever?

"Alright everyone, the class is about to start so sit down. But before that, I'd like to call apon new transfer students that will join us today."

I wasn't really paying attention to her before but as a whole commotion started around me I felt a bit scared.

I thought that Rose had complained about what happened that day and I don't know but I felt scared as soon as the whole class erupted.

But soon 2 individuals came into the classroom, the first one was a handsome man he was way more handsome than Michael and all the women started whispering about how good-looking he was.

I reflexively looked at Rose to see her reaction and she was quite unfazed, that made me a bit happy and sad at the same time.

So even this level of beauty won't faze her? Is she a lesbian? No, there was a time when she liked a dude in grade school and I was super jealous about it and tried to get in their way every time.

I was more carefree back than wasn't I, now I can't even look her in the eye much less even get close to her.

Than the next one who entered was a beautiful women with Silver hair.

And this time all the male students erupted in a cheer.

"Good morning My name is Daniel and I look forward to my new year with you all hope you treat me well."

Said the handsome dude

And the whole class erupted in a roar.

"My name is Alicia, I look forward to studying with you all."

"Alright, Alicia Sit next to Malcom and Danial Sit next to Alice."

Why? Why do you want her to sit next to me and why the hell are there so manyGood looking people in one class?

She glanced at me once and started walking this way and sat next to me.

I thought it was impolite to not say anything so I greeted her.


I said, but got no reply from her. She was staring at that handsome man who was cheerfully talking to Alice.

While not even acknowledging my existence she looked down her bag got some books out and put them on the desk.

My already tainted heart had taken another hit, as water was about roll through my eyes again I covered them with my eyes and put my head down.

For the first time after that day I couldn't stop my emotions again as I just put my head down and cried for a bit.

Fuck, why am I so emotional, it feels like even the slightest bit of pain is leading me to cry.

I'd better not associate with her, I think I might need to change classes.

I thought for a second but is it possible? Can I change classes?

If I tell her that I might be making women in the class uncomfortable she might let me change classes.

I really can't take this anymore. The glares from her friends sometimes, the absolute disregard of my existence by Alice and now another rude women who doesn't care about my existence shows up.

I'm better off being alone in another class than being alone in this class.

After school was done, I'd decided to go to the teachers office and ask for a change of class.

I'd probably need my parents approval, for now I'll write a letter about how I want to change class.

And give a reasonable reason he should let me go right?

So I wrote the letter after class had ended, and Alicia had already left and had completely disregarded my existence.

It was a bit hurtful at the beginning but soon I got used to it, I guess it shouldn't matter.


"Leave me alone."

She pulled her hand away from the guy that grabbed her hand.

"Come on, why won't you talk to me? I am from a rich family and have good grades I can make you happy you know."

"Why can't you understand that I'm not interested in you, why do men not understand when someone is interested in them?"


Suddenly a slaping sound was heard, and before he could realise what had happened he'd felt a sting on his cheek.

He became red with anger and as he was about to slap her.

"You bitch."

Right as he was about to slap her a figure entered her frame of sight and stopped his hand.

He was fairly good looking, he had black hair with a bit of bed head and had blue eyes.

He was the guy that sat next to her, and didn't speak a word after he'd greeted her and she'd softly nodded her head.

She wasn't the talkative type and was fairly introverted because of past experiences of being forced on she stopped opening up to people and kept them at arms length.

She found it odd that he'd put his head down and the teacher after seeing him sleep still didn't say anything to him.

I'd thought he was a bully at first but after noticing him fidgit in his sleep, I realised that he was crying for some reason.

I thought of helping him out but the teacher had stopped me when I looked his way and he nodded his head horizontally.

I than realised the teacher knew he was crying and he let it happen.

"Don't you think you are going too far? She said she wasn't interested? Not like I'm one to talk but seriously forging yourself onto someone is a dick move dude. There are cameras around if I report this to the teacher you'll be out of the college."

"YOU... Do you know who I am, if you don't get lost, I'll tell my father and have your parents disposed off. Not even their bones will remain so get lost."

As he said that the guy's eyes softened and as if the whole world had stopped, there was total silence and he just held his head down.

"I told you to get lo-- aahhhhh."

Before he could realise anything his hand was twisted and he grabbed the guy by the neck and pinend him down.

"Listen here, if you ever dare to even harm my parents in any way, It won't just end with your death, no. I'll start with your parent's fingers chopbthem into tiny little pieces 1 by 1 and than slowly end their suffering by slitting their throat right in front of you. Than I'll make you eat red chillies cut you here and there apply salt pluck your hair one by one and than chop your fingers 1 after the other and than end your suffering you hear? Now get lost."

Just as he was done with his sentence the molester's face was so pale that he almost fainted.

He was usually the quite type, she felt when she first saw his behaviour, nobody came to talk to him and he goes somewhere whenever lunch time arrives and comes back with his face covered in water.

That's what she observed when she noticed his behaviour, except for his repeated crying there was nothing unusual about him.

But, right now he felt like a monster trying to predate on his prey. He was the scariest human she'd every seen before.

Scarier than any man she's ever encountered and his words sent shivers down her spine.

For the first time in her life she'd seen an insane person and he was the guy who sits next to her.

She wondered how her days would go with him as her bench mate as she saw his figure leaving her eye sight.

He's scary, she thought.
