Hadrian Potter last remembered that he was stabbed by his uncle and a green bird saved him by attacking his relatives after that it shed tears on him and he lost consciousness. Now he slowly opened his eyes and his vision was slightly fuzzy so he waited for it to clear and as he focused he was laying on a big bed in a large room, all the furniture in the room looked expensive, it seemed as though he was in there was no other way to describe it he was in a majestic royal palace or castle. As he was pinching himself to see if he was dreaming or going mad he saw a green flash and the same bird which saved him was next to him and eying him as though checking him for any unhealed injuries.

The bird had bright emerald green plumage almost similar to the colour of his eyes Harry mentally noted and its eyes were beady black in colour covered by hazel rings. He was wondering how the bird transported him to a castle of all places and how he is suddenly healed and also he noticed he now didn't require glasses to read. Suddenly a voice in his head interrupted his musings.

"I see you have healed young lad" a voice said, Harry was wondering whose voice it was when the same voice said "I am right in front of you". Harry could only see the bird when it suddenly dawned on him that he could understand the bird, questioning his own sanity he mentally asked, "who are you and how did you save me from my injuries?"

"I am chronoros, a type of phoenixes and also the king of the Birds. As for how I saved you I felt a pull towards your home and teleported there and saw your condition, I confess I was rather angry seeing it and attacked your relatives and forced them to retreat after that I shed some tears on you stab and burn marks to ease your pain and clear the wound as my tears have magical healing abilities but you had suffered some internal bleeding and had some broken bones so I brought you here. I saw through your mind and know that those fat disgraces of humans didn't tell you about yourself, you are a Wizard Hadrian and magic does exist, your parents and one set of grandparents were also magical, as for your location I brought you to the Potter's Castle your ancestral home as I felt you had a bond with the house elves present here." The bird replied.

"So basically to sum it up magic is real and exists and I was somehow saved by your help and the house elves help" Harry intoned.

"Yes" the reply came.

"What do you mean a type of phoenix, are there different types of phoenixes, according to myths also a phoenix was red and could control flame and what do you mean by you read my mind how is it possible?" Harry asked.

"Well you have what is called a familiar bond formed with me due to which we can communicate in our minds also there are some other benefits you get from the bond" Chronoros replied.

"What benefits and how this bond was formed?" Harry asked.

"You get better healing which will not stop anything life threatening but will heal minor to major cuts and burns, and you gained the abilities to talk to all the birds and other types of phoenixes and can ask them to help you out when needed, lastly you can also form minor vacuum blasts by just willing to, as for how the bond was formed I do not know. Might be Magic deemed that you and I needed this bond to be formed between us." the reply came.

"I still find it hard to believe, also how many types of phoenixes are there?" Hadrian asked

"Don't worry you will get used to it and there are 6 types of phoenixes. I am a Chronoros Phoenix, as you can see we have green feathers and we can control Space and Time.

Next comes Pyrolithios Phoenix, they have red feathers and can control fire and lava and also they are the ones which are most commonly seen by humans hence the myth, they can also cause volcanic eruptions.

 Then there is Geokinetos Phoenix that have brown feathers and can control the earth and they can also cause earthquakes.

Thalassos Phoenix that have blue feathers and can control water and causes tsunamis, whirlpools and floods.

Cryos Phoenixes have brilliant white feathers and can control ice and causes hail storms and snowfalls.

Then there is also Aerastre Phoenixes which is the second most commonly seen phoenixes in the magical world, other magical humans also call it thunderbirds, they have yellow feathers and can control lightning and air and it can cause cyclones and thunderstorms" replied Chronoros and as he was describing each type he showed Harry a mental image of the different phoenixes.

"Thanks for explaining it to me so if you are my familiar what does it mean?" Harry asked.

"Well we are pretty much bonded for life and we both can I can pretty much help you in different matters and also our Magic is now in a symbiosis that is our magical cores are slightly merged" Chronoros replied.

"Do you have a name?" Harry asked.

"No" Chronoros replied.

"How about Cosmozeith, cosmos for short?" Harry asked.

"Hmm I like it." Chronoros replied.

"And what are house elves?" Harry asked.

"They are creatures that form a bond with their master human, the bond enables them to reproduce, be happy and importantly stay alive in exchange for serving their master, I know what you are thinking but do not worry they are not slaves as if this bond is broken then they would lose their will to live and die eventually. By the way I can sense your house elf approaching, I will see you later lass bye." Cosmos intoned and in a green flash he teleported away.

As soon as he vanished a small humanoid creature that was short and had bat like ears and enormous eyes wearing a type of uniform that had the symbol a logo of a dragon roaring under the sun with two swords around it and the words "Natus Vincere", he thought that this must be the house elf Cosmos mentioned about.

"Master Hadrian I is being Tipsy the head elf of the Potter family since the time of your Grandfather. Tipsy and the other elves be happy to have young master back among us and are glad to see that you is healed from most of your injuries." Tipsy said.

"Thank you Tipsy I am also pleased to meet you, how long was I unconscious for?" Harry asked her.

"Master is being sleeping for 4 days and your Grandfather's portrait been instructing me to bring you to talk with you when you is being awake" Tipsy said respectfully.

"All right Tipsy please take me to his portrait" Harry requested

Tipsy snapped her fingers and suddenly Harry was in a room that large office. It had a large desk in the middle and had a large amount of bookshelves and drawers full of different types what appeared to be contracts. But what caught his attention were portraits of many different men with the men themselves moving, all the portraits appeared to eye Harry carefully and suddenly a portrait greeted him.

"Hello Hadrian or should I call you Harry, I am your grandfather Fleamont Charlus Potter, I don't know if you remember me but I can see its you clearly you are the exact spitting image of me and your father but you have your grandmother's facial features and your mother's brilliant emerald eyes. I know your parents died but where have you been and why have you never visited our castle and why were you on the verge of death when you arrived" his grandfather asked him.

"Hello grandfather I was actually raised by my relatives and I did not know that magic itself existed until today as for my injuries those relatives of mine were the once who caused it" Hadrian told the portrait and told about his life at the Dursleys to and how he was saved but he did not mention about Cosmos being his familiar yet as he still had some trust issues.

After hearing this both his grandfather's and the other portraits were enraged and appalled and were cursing whoever placed their House's Heir in that place. It took quite a bit of time for them to cool down and focus.

Then his grandfather's portrait told him to go to the desk and take a runic device that controls the wards and also instructed him to put on the heir ring that was present there. After putting the ring on his grandfather told him to draw different patterns of runes after pouring a drop of his blood in it and told Harry to say, "Lockdown, Ancient Wartime wards activate". Harry did as instructed and could feel the wards of the castle could view the entire property and its defences mentally, He also notice that the decorative suits of armour started to patrol the entire area.

"There now no one would be able to track you" his grandfather's portrait told him.

"Grandfather is there also the portraits of mother, father and grandmother that I can talk to" Harry asked.

"Well your parents commissioned portraits of themselves it is in our family vault in Gringotts, you can bring it to the castle and activate it. As for your grandmother she is still alive but in a state of coma. We both were shopping when around 27 death eaters attacked us. As I was old and was diagnosed with dragon pox I was far from my prime and way weaker, but I was able to take a spell that was headed for your grandmother and also I activated her emergency portkey which would have taken her to her brother's home, that's why I was shocked when Arcturus her brother did not take you in, but I am sure there must be a good reason for it, so please Harry give them a chance to explain themselves and then you judge what course of action must be taken." his grandfather's portrait told him.

"All right grandfather, I will give them a chance" Hadrian intoned. His grandfather's portrait beamed at him.

"Also Harry Tipsy informed me about lingering dark magic on your scar that they could not get rid of so I want you to go to Gringotts tomorrow and ask the teller for Ragnok our account manager who is also from the royal line of goblins, after meeting Ragnok ask him for a inheritance test and magical health test as well" his grandfather's portrait told him and also was explaining on how to behave around the goblins and also taught him a spell with which he could speak in Gobbledegook the language of goblins.

"But grandfather won't I be traceable if I step out of the wards" Harry asked.

"Don't worry Harry we are the friends of goblin nation hence they gave us a two way portkey that will transport you to just outside of the bank, you can ask Tipsy to apply some glamour on you so you would not be recognizable and once you step into the bank, Its wards will also prevent you from being tracked. Now just go have your meal and then go rest again" His grandfather's portrait explained and instructed.

"All right, goodnight grandfather will see you tomorrow after visiting the bank" Harry told and he went and had his dinner and then went to his room where he was mentally going to tell Cosmos about his talks with his grandfather's portrait but Cosmos informed him that he was aware of it due to their mental link, He also told Harry that when he organizes his mind he will also be able to tell what Cosmos was doing and where he was. Hadrian felt tired and wished goodnight to Cosmos and fell into deep slumber.