Struggling to make ends meet

Maya creeps through the halls of the Russo mansion, she had been searching for Lucas all evening but he was no where to be found. She had a feeling he had been hiding something and she was going to find out what.

She spots a door open, the one door in the entire mansion that is off limits. She approached it, curious . She opened the door slowly, her eyes adjusting to the dim light within.

She hears loud voices. The deep voices of Carlo and Lucas. She figured they were having an argument.

She strained her ears, trying to catch their words and that's when she hears it - the conversation that changes everything.


Maya wiped off the sweat from her forehead as she vigorously cleaned the counter. She looked exhausted. Maya had been working double shifts for a week now.

Her sister's school expenses weren't getting cheaper neither her uncle's medical bills.

She takes in a deep breath and walked up to an old man with a cup of steaming coffee.

"About time Ms. Harrington. " he grumbled as he gives her a bad eye.

"Sorry sir, I'll be quicker next time."

Her mind was numb, her feet aching. She clocks out eager to leave the cafe.

Maya's apartment was cluttered but it was a home. She had lived there for 20 years, basically her whole life.

She walked up the stairs, tired, dispirited . Her darkening mood was lifted when she saw her childhood friend, Sophie, looking at her with a bright smile.

She gives her a big hug. Sophie handed her a flyer.

"I'll be performing in a play tonight and I want you to come along with me. "

Maya looks at her, she wants to say no but Sophie's innocent look changed her mind. She gives an affirmative nod.

She put on an old dress that still fits. It complemented her blue eyes and fair skin .

As Maya took a seat in the theatre, she felt a flutter in her chest. The play was about starting and everyone took a seat.

It was a Romantic Comedy and Sophie shone on the stage.

During intermission, she approached Maya with a mischievous smile;

"Have you ever been in love?" She asked.

Maya is doubtful, she gives a warm smile.

"I don't know." She answered.

"You do not know or you do not want to admit it?"

Maya doesn't give an answer.

Sophie laughed. "You are just scared, it will find you soon when you least expect it. "

Maya forced a smile, love seemed like a dream, a feeling that is not true.

The next morning, Maya is woken up by the sound of her Aunt Lily and Uncle Jack fighting. She hears the thick speech of her drunk uncle and the shaky voice of her aunt.

She quickly gets dressed and dashed out of her room. Uncle Jack attempts to hit his wife. He stopped at the sight of Maya.They all exchanged looks. Aunt Lily gave a pitiful look.

Maya sees her little sister, Kathy, peeping through the kitchen's door that is slightly open, crying.

She fights back her tears and without a word, she leaves the apartment. Unhappy and anxious.

She arrived at the cafe. She notices two hefty men in suit sitting in a corner, they locked eyes with her.

She instantly knew she was in some sort of danger.

She acted ignorant and walked away. They both approached her as she was setting up her station.

One of them handed her a letter. Their faces remaining expressionless.

"The Don expects you." the men spoke in unison.

Maya takes the letter, trembling. Don Carlo Russo, a wealthy Italian businessman with the reputation of ruthless tactics , was also the feared mafia boss of the Russo family.

His legitimate business empire served as a front for his outlawed activities. His power and influence reached far and wide.

Maya came back home expectant of the chaos lately - Aunt Lily complaining of the leaking toilet, Uncle Jack yelling back at her. But, she was welcomed by an oddly silenced house instead.

She sees her family seated around the dining table, sober.

The only sound was the clanking of the utensils against the plates. They looked up at her, their eyes returning to their food.


"Hey, join us." Kathy said, quietly.

Maya could sense the tension. Uncle Jack gobbled his food, avoiding eye contact with anyone.

Her aunt fixed her eyes on him, disappointed and furious. He pushed his chair back and wiped his mouth with a towel.

"Look, I know I've been a mess but I'm trying. " he said defensively.

"I'm sick, I have a limited time and I don't want to waste it on arguments and fights."

Maya and Kathy looked at him, their eyes understanding. Their uncle was a kind and loving person before his addiction took hold, and they remembered the good times with him.

Although, they knew his actions were not excusable .

"You promised." Maya said softly.

Aunt Lily scoffed.

"You promised to try, so we can become a family again. "

With his anger rising, he looked away.

A sudden knock on the door made everyone's heads turn, the room fell silent and eyes widened in shock.

The unexpected visit sent a chill down their spines. Aunt Lily hesitated, her hand on the door handle.

"Who could that be?" She whispered.

Uncle Jack's face darkened. "Do not answer it." he warned.

Aunt Lily's curiosity got a hold of her, she opened the door and a group of men in suits strode in, their faces stern and unyielding.

"Maya Harrington." one of them called out. His eyes scanning the room until they landed on her.

"You're coming with us, it is for your own good."

Maya's family protested, aunt Lily's eyes widen with terror.

"No, no." she pleaded, grabbing Maya's arm.

The men were unyielding, they pulled Maya away, their grip firm but not unkind. Maya stayed calm as she had expected this.

Maya's heart raced as she walked into the opulent Russo mansion. The lavish decor and it's priceless artworks seemed to mock her.

She couldn't help but think she was walking into a trap.

Don Carlo's voice echoed through the room, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Ah Maya, welcome, make yourself comfortable."

His piercing gaze seemed to bore into her soul and the patch over his eye only added to his intimidating presence.

"Sit." He commanded.

Maya hesitated, her fear evident. Don Carlo's expression darkened.

"Sit down Maya, don't make me ask twice!"

She obeyed immediately, her eyes fixed on the floor as she tried to compose herself.

Don Carlo leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers together.

"I know exactly how much money I am supposed to receive each day, down to the last cent."

Maya looks up at him.

"And I know that you have been siphoning funds from one of my accounts, I find that quite impressive, really "

Before Maya could speak, Don Carlo continued.

"Here's the thing, I am willing to let you live…for now. But you need to work for me, cover my traces and make sure my money keeps flowing"

Maya's mind raced with excuses. Accepting Don Carlo's deal was like a death sentence.

"What do you say Maya, are you willing to play by my rules?"