“They have…claws”

Maya's mind raced as she sat in the car alongside V, Don Carlo's right hand man, her heart sinking .

How did they discover her secret? She had been so careful, covering her tracks and using encrypted channels to access the accounts.

Her financial struggles and duty had pushed her into using her skills for such a thing, once again .

She had used the money to pay off the house rent and it seemed her skills weren't unmatched as she thought.

As they arrived at her home, V turns to her.

"Your family will be fine, as long as you do whatever Don Carlo says."

Maya didn't know if V's statement was supposed to be comforting. It only made her more anxious.

She became scared of what the future holds, what if she doesn't meet up with Carlo's expectations, she asked herself.

V and Maya walked into her home. Aunt Lily ran to Maya, hugging her tightly.

"Ms. Maya will be gone for a while, she has a debt to pay, she works for us or your family would suffer the consequences ."

Aunt Lily and Kathy looked on, confused and concerned.

With a sense of resignation, Uncle Jack nodded his agreement. He clearly knew about this as he had talked Maya into doing it.

Maya felt betrayed. She felt a pang of guilt and anger, knowing her family's financial troubles had made them vulnerable to this victimization.

She wondered what the true cost of her debt would be and what kind of tasks she would be forced to execute for the mysterious Don Carlo.

She gnashed her teeth in regret, reminiscing about her choices.

Maya returned to the Russo mansion after bidding a bitter farewell to her family. She was extremely sad and scared. She wept all through the ride, provoking V.

"Crying changes nothing, after all , your uncle had agreed to this a while ago, you had better have a thick skin, you will need it to survive in the Russo family."

"And also, Madam Rochelle is quite peevish and her son Lucas, is an incorrigible young man. Don't do this around them."

Maya looked at him in amusement, disbelief. Her life had just taken a very different direction and that was more important? She asked herself.

"I do not care." she said with tears running down her face.

V gave a mischievous grin. They arrived at the Russo mansion.

As Maya followed V into the Russo mansion, she could not help but feel uneasy.

The maids curtsied and took her luggage, leading her into a lavish guest room.

Maya's eyes drifted, taking in the opulent decor when she noticed two ladies watching her from across the hallway. Their gazes were piercing, filled with hostility.

Maya turned to V, her voice low. "Who are they?."

V's expression was neutral but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Isabella and Gia, Bella is Carlo's daughter and Gia…Lucas's ex girlfriend. They are not thrilled about your presence here."

"Why is that?" Maya curiously asked.

V's smile grew wider. "Let's just say they are protective of the family's interests, and they don't think you are…worthy of our trust."

Maya felt a surge of determination, she would not let their disdain intimidate her.

"I'll prove them wrong." she said, firmly.

V chuckled. "They are not to be underestimated, they have…claws." He said as he strolled away.

Maya's thoughts were a jumbled mix of emotions as she gazed around the grand room.

The plush carpet, the crystal chandelier, and the lavish furnishings all screamed luxury and wealth.

A part of her could not help but feel drawn to the amenities and privileges that came with being in the Russo family's inner circle.

But her conscience pricked her, reminding her of the reason she was here in the first place.

Her family's struggles, her uncle's willingness to trade her freedom for financial gain.

Her gaze fell upon on the elegant bed, she felt guilty. How could she yield to the finer things in life when her family cannot.

The thought of her uncle's permission, given so readily, stung like a betrayal. She took a deep breath trying to shake it off.

Maya's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on her door, she opened it to find Maria, the eldest daughter of the Russo family.

"Welcome Maya." She said with a warm smile.

"I hope you are settling in well?"

Maya nodded.

"Good. I'm Maria, Carlo Russo's eldest daughter, I wanted to introduce myself and put you at ease."

"Thank you, Maria."

Maya felt a sense of relief at Maria's friendly nature.

"Make yourself comfortable, you are part of the family now, okay?"

Maya's confusion is clearly written all over her face.

"Didn't V explain this to you? You aren't just here to work for Carlo, Maya, you're going to become a part of us and we expect loyalty in return." Maria said, with a hint of warning and excitement.


V leads Maya to Don Carlo's office, the door closed behind them with a soft click.

"I hope you are settling in well, let me make your role here clearer. You are responsible for my accounts."

"Basically, you will become my financial strategist and you'll need to use your…skills to move funds for me without traces, and to assure your loyalty and safety, you have to do one thing."

"Isn't working for you enough? What else do I have to do?" She asked.

"Marry my son Lucas."

His words echoed in Maya's head.

"Marry..your son?" she repeated, trying to process the demand.

"Yes, I need to know you are fully invested in our future."

Don Carlo's words hung in the air like a challenge, she hoped it was just a bad dream.

Maya could not believe she was about giving up her dreams, her freedom, everything.

How could she marry someone she had never met?

She couldn't believe it all unfolded within days, and that she was getting married into a family this dangerous.

"You have the skills, intelligence and beauty, there is a reason we chose you."

Maya realized he saw her as a pawn in his game of power. She wondered if Lucas was a pawn as well or if he willingly participated in his father's schemes.