The Family’s Pawn

Maya is woken up by a gentle knock on her door, she sits up.

"Madam Maya" the voice called out.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, and before she speaks, some maids flooded her room.

"Good morning miss, we are here to get you ready, you need to be awake and ready by 7 am"

Maya's jaw dropped.

"7 am? I don't even wake up this early to go to the cafe!"

The maids smiled sympathetically.

"I know it is early miss but the family has a very strict routine. Breakfast is at 8 am and you wouldn't want to be late."

"Master Lucas will be joining the family and you wouldn't want to make a bad impression."

One of the maids added.

Maya's mind raced as the maids began to rifle through the clothes, she is shown an exquisite blue dress but she declines it.

The maids present her with a pink dress with white florals, they paired it with minimal jewelry creating a charming look that suited her natural appearance.

The dress made her feel more like herself.

Maya is transformed into a polished version of herself, she couldn't help but feel excited. She had never felt so pampered in her life.

She felt relieved and appreciated the maids' consideration. Beneath the surface, she knew this was all a facade, she was bound to this family's whims.

Maya walked into the well decorated dining room. Maria, Isabella and Gia were seated already.

"Good morning Maya, have a seat " Maria greeted.

"Good morning." She answered.

"I'm aware you lack class, but I did not know you lacked manners, and respect as well." Isabella said.

Maya takes in a deep breath.

"Good morning Bella." She said calmly.

Gia looked at her, anticipating a greeting.

"You really lack respect huh?" Gia asked.

"And you…you lack dignity" Maya replied, her voice barely audible.

Isabella and Gia exchanged angry looks. Gia fumed with anger but she composes herself.

Maya smirked, she figured she could not let Isabella and Gia intimidate her.

Madam Rochelle, Don Carlo's wife, swept into the dining room , her elegant presence commanding respect and attention. Her eyes fixed on Maya, and she offered a warm smile, though her tone laced with sarcasm;

"It's lovely to finally meet you. I must commend your audacity in trying to steal from my husband. You must be aware you are joining our family as Lucas's…companion."

Maya felt a hint of unease at the emphasis on the 'companion' but she smiled politely "Yes, Madam Rochelle."

Madam Rochelle's gaze drifted over Maya's face, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"I must say, I'm not entirely convinced you are the right match for my son. But, my husband has made his decision and I have no choice but to accept it, no one does."

Maya sensed the weight of Madam Rochelle's disapproval. Maria, Isabella and Gia watched with interest.

Maya felt like an outsider, a feeling that intensified as Madam Rochelle took her seat at the head of the table.

Her eyes drifted to the empty seat beside Maya and she sighed audibly. Maya's gaze followed hers, she wondered where her so called fiancé could be.

"Where are you Lucas?." She muttered under her breath.

As if summoned, Lucas walked in with his feet claiming the ground as he moved with a purposeful stride.

Maya's eyes widened as she took in his well-defined features, his immaculate style and piercing gaze.

She had not expected him to be that…handsome. Her mind went blank, her thoughts consumed by the tailored fit of his designer clothes.

Isabella's giggle snaps Maya back to reality, she felt, embarrassed. Lucas looked at her with disdain.

"Well look who we have here, the little thief, dressed up like a doll." He said sarcastically.

Maya's face burned as Lucas's insults washed over her, she felt a sense of anger and before she could respond Lucas turned to his mother.

"Where's father?" He asked. "I need to speak with him."

"He is in the study." she replied.

Lucas entered his father's study, which is dimly lit. He confronts him;

"I wasn't anticipating getting married to a clown. Really father? Her? It wasn't even in the plan."

His father's expression remained unchanged, his gaze still fixed on the bundles of money he was arranging .

"That girl is a valuable asset to this family and this union will solidify our position in the business world."

Lucas scoffed.

"What advantages could she possibly bring? She's a..a.." he struggled to find the words, his disgust evident.

Don Carlo's voice remained calm.

"Maya has the skills and potential that will benefit our family, she seems brave and unyielding. And she is…persuasive, she will help secure the deals we need."

Lucas's face twisted in disgust. "What about Gia? I still want to be with her, dad."

"Gia is a liability, Lucas. She is weak and petty, Maya, on the other hand is strategic, I have been watching her. You will marry her and maintain the family's interest."

Lucas's voice rose in protest. "But father please, I cannot give up Gia, can I still see her, after the marriage?"

Don Carlo's eyes glinted in calculation. "Yes, you can, discreetly. Now please go spend some time with Maya. Get to know her ."

Lucas reluctantly leaves. He ambled onto the balcony, looking at Maya with a sarcastic gaze;

"How charming, I am stuck with you and you are…you are delightful."

Maya's eyes flashed with anger, she couldn't take any more insults.

"And you are a narcissistic, entitled and pathetic boy. I am equally thrilled to be stuck with you."

Lucas's smirk faded, his ego bruised, he grabs her wrist tightly. "How dare you? Watch it—"

"You watch it! I never asked for a selfish, ruthless husband like you and —"

"That is enough!" He said as his eyes bored into her soul.

"You want to play games? Great. Do not expect me to fawn over you." Maya said as she frees herself from his grip.

"Now, are you going to properly introduce yourself or continue to behave like a child?" she asked as she adjusted her dress.

Lucas showed a suprised expression, he figured he is faced with a feisty wife-to-be.