A Deal Made

Don Carlo and his son Lucas both prepare to leave for a meeting some days after. Madam Rochelle helped adjust her husband's suit as he got ready.

Father and son walked through the hallway alongside Maya. Isabella stops them;

"Father, I don't think this is necessary, Maya is not really a part of this family and business, neither is she ready to be." She said as her eyes narrowed in protest.

Don Carlo's expression remained calm but his eyes gave a hint of warning.

"I..will decide who is necessary, come along Maya."

Maya followed, her heart racing.

Isabella fumed with anger but she knew better than to push her father further, seething, as the three of them departed for the meeting.

The meeting was tense, with the potential investors, a group of entrepreneurs, hesitant to commit.

Don Carlo, Lucas and Maya sat across the investors. The conversation began with pleasantries.

One of the investors, an elderly man spoke up;

"We appreciate your enthusiasm Carlo, but we need to see more value in this proposal, we need to know how your company plans to stand out."

They had all gone back and forth with the proposal. Maya leaned forward as she locked eyes with the investor.

"That is a good question, but gentlemen, I think you are misunderstanding the potential of Mr Carlo Russo's business, this company could be a game changer with the right investment." She intervened.

The investors exchanged a look.

"We are building a future where technology and sustainability converge and we are asking you to join us."

"Have you all considered the potential of disruptive innovation? We are looking for partners who share our vision so we can revolutionize the way business is done, so, join us."

Everyone seemed impressed by Maya's passion. Everyone except Lucas. One of the investors nodded with a smile.

"We might just be willing to take the chance, you know."

Don Carlo beamed with pride.

"I knew you'd get it, Maya here, has a gift for seeing the bigger picture." He said.

Lucas remained unimpressed.

"She is my future daughter in law, you see." Don Carlo said.

Maya continued to engage the investors, her words weaving a spell of possibility. At the end of the meeting, the investors were nodding in approval, the deal all but sealed.

As they left the meeting room, Don Carlo placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You have proven to really be an asset to me."

Maya smiled, her heart filled with pride and joy, as her plans were on track.


As soon as they stepped into the mansion, Lucas turned on Maya, his eyes filled with disdain.

"You are so desperate to impress everyone, aren't you?"

Maya scoffed. "I was brought here to please your father, unfortunately you as well, and that is what I am trying to do."

Lucas sneered. "You are trying too hard, it's pathetic."

"You are the pathetic one here. You have a bad taste and it's not my fault, Lucas."

Maya walked out on him, leaving him seething, his ego bruised.

Later that night, Lucas and Gia meet in a secluded spot, their hands entwined as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"I missed you so much." Lucas whispered, his lips brushing against Gia's.

"I missed you too." Gia replied, her voice barely audible.

Lucas's hand cradled Gia's face, his fingers traced her cheekbones.

As they kissed, Gia's eyes closed in bliss.The intimate moment was a stark contrast to the tension between Lucas and Maya.

Meanwhile, Maya stood alone in her room, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. All she could think of was her family - Aunt Lily, Kathy and Sophie. She longed to see them again.

Maya laid on the bed and cried herself to sleep.

The next day, she sat in front of a mirror, her maids bustling around her, they adorned her with expensive jewelry.

They gushed over her beauty and their eyes shone with admiration.

"I am quite happy today." Maya said with a wide smile.

"It's because you are going to see your family, isn't it?" One of the maids asked.

Maya nodded. "Yes, and it's a suprise, I haven't seen them in days," Maya's smile slowly faded. "I hope they are doing well."

As she hurried down the hallway, she collided with a figure she had not expected to see. Gia stood before her, a sly smile spreading across her face.

"The little bride-to-be is all dressed up and ready to impress today." Gia taunted, her eyes gleamed with malice.

"Gia, what do you want?" Maya said softly.

Gia held out a watch, dangling it tantalizingly in front of Maya.

"I think this belongs to your fiancé, he was with me last night and I think he forgot this in my possession."

"That is a lie."

"Oh, but he was. And he will always come back, No matter how hard Don Carlo tries to keep both of you together."

Gia's eyes sparkled with triumph. She turned and strolled away.

Maya takes in a deep breath, trying to shake it all off.

Maya arrived at her family's house and as she entered, she was met with a cozy scene . Sophie, Aunt Lily and Kathy were gathered in the living room, surrounded by balls of yarns and knitting needles.

They looked up as Maya approached, their faces lighting up with smiles.

"Maya dear, it is so nice to see you!" Aunt Lily exclaimed setting aside her knitting.

The girls rushed to hug Maya, their arms wrapped around her tightly.

"We've missed you so much." Kathy said, her voice muffled against Maya's shoulder.

"I have missed you all so much."

They all pulled back, as they take their seats. Aunt Lily's expression turned sad.

"What's wrong Aunt Lily?" Maya asked.

"Don Carlo cleared all of our debts and bills some days back, it was a bittersweet feeling. But at what cost? Your happiness? Your freedom? Are you being treated nicely there?"

Maya sighed, she described her stay at the Russo house as a 'golden cage', where she was trapped in a life of opulence, suffocated by lack of love.

"Lucas is a selfish and arrogant man." She said.

She revealed she felt like a pawn and a mere accessory.

Her family listened with empathy and understanding ,validating and reassuring her that they are there to support her, no matter what.