A Wedding to Plan

Two months had passed since she became a prisoner in this gilded cage, with only her work for Don Carlo to keep her sane.

Maya sat in a room, surrounded by the Russo family's extravagance, yet feeling more isolated than ever.

As they browsed through the wedding preparations, Lucas's impatience was apparent. He seemed to be tolerating the process.

He hastily selected a suit design and excused himself, Maya couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness, she longed for her mother's presence. Maria sensing her distress, reached out and took her hand.

"It will all be fine after the marriage." Maria said with a smile.

Maya forced a smile, grateful for Maria's kindness but doubting her words. She couldn't stop thinking of her parents whom she lost in a car accident at a very tender age, causing her to live with her aunt and uncle alongside her adopted sister, Kathy.

Memories of her parents flooded her mind, Madam Rochelle, fixated on the wedding preparations briskly gestured to a stunning wedding dress on the screen.

"Maya, I think you should pick this one. It is a masterpiece by the renowned designer, Richie. The intricate lace and embroidery are quite exquisite, you will look like a princess on your big day." Madam Rochelle said.

Maya hesitated but Madam Rochelle's enthusiasm was relentless, leaving Maya with no choice but to affirmatively nod.

Don Carlo takes Lucas and Maya along with him to a meeting.

The meeting room was filled with influential people and leaders who are also Don Carlo's business partners and friends , gathered to pay homage to him.

Don Carlo beamed with pride as he announced Lucas's engagement to Maya.

"She is not just any woman, my friends, you see..she helped the Russo's in securing a deal with Morie Enterprises."

"An asset indeed, these are the type of women our sons should marry, women who add to the value of our society." One of the men said.

There was a burst of hysterical laughter. However, Maya and Lucas didn't find the statement funny.

The room fell silent, with all eyes on both of them. One of the guests said to them;

"Why are you sitting apart, you two? You should be together, celebrating your love ."

Don Carlo gestured to Lucas to move closer to his wife-to-be. Lucas and Maya reluctantly moved closer, their bodies stiff and awkward.

Lucas's jaw clenched as he reached for Maya's hand.

He could not believe he was being forced to touch the woman he resented, the one who was trapping him in a loveless marriage.

He tried to hide his anger, mask his true feelings. Lucas was prompted to show affection to Maya, to make her feel less alone.

Maya, sensing his tension, felt a surge of fear. She didn't know how hard and tight he might hold her hand, how much pressure he would apply.

But, as Lucas's hand enveloped hers, Maya felt a sudden jolt of electricity run through her body.

His palm was soft, she was surprised at the gentleness of his touch.

Lucas felt a surge of conflicting emotions when he touched her hand. Despite his resentment towards her, he couldn't deny the spark of electricity that ran through his body when their skin touched.

He felt a sudden jolt of awareness, as if his body is betraying him.

He tried to push aside the feeling, to focus on his anger, but it's hard to ignore the warmth and softness of her hands.

For a moment, Lucas forgets his anger, he wants to hold her hand tighter and feel her fingers wrapped around his fingers.

He pushes the feeling aside, remembering he is only doing this for show, he doesn't really care about her.

But, the feeling lingered, leaving him unsettled. He wasn't sure why he felt a strange attraction to the woman he was supposed to detest.

Maya could not understand why he was so gentle when his eyes seemed to burn with anger.

Their eyes meet for a fleeting moment but quickly looked away.

Maya's heart raced, how could Lucas's touch evoke such a strong response when she knew he did not truly care for her? Was her body betraying her? Or was there more to this complicated mix of emotions?

The room erupted in collective applause as they admired their 'connection'. As they held hands, Maya could not help but steal glances at Lucas, searching for any sign of genuine affection but his eyes remained distant, his smile a mere facade.

The pretence of love was suffocating her, she wondered how long she could keep up the act.

The ride home was quiet and awkward, the tension between, palpable.

Maya gazed out the window, her mind racing with thoughts of events that had transpired.

Lucas's eyes were fixed on the road ahead, his jaw clenched in silence.

As they pulled up to the house, Maya felt a sense of relief wash over. She was eager to escape the suffocating atmosphere of the car.

Maya stepped into her beautiful bathroom, a serene oasis that epitomized elegance. It was adorned with marble countertops and a broad walk-in shower.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of fresh flowers, arranged artfully in a vase on the counter.

Maya felt a sense of tranquility wash over her as she approached the sink, her reflection staring back at her from the large mirror above.

She turned on the faucet, and the sound of gently flowing water filled the room, a soothing melody that seemed to calm her nerves.

As the water poured down her face, she closed her eyes and let out a sigh of relief. The tension in her body began to melt away.

She couldn't help but think of her meeting with Lucas earlier.

Maya strolled through the garden, trying to relax, when she coincidentally bumped into Lucas.

She attempts to leave, but he stops her.

"Don't go, yet." He said. He leaned against a nearby tree, his voice low. "My father's friends, they annoy me. Do they annoy you too?"

Maya chuckled at the unexpected question. "Yes, they do."

Lucas grinned. "We are not different then." But then, his expression turned serious, his eyes clouding over.

"Nothing is going to change, I love Gia, and Gia alone. Whatever happened earlier today, is just a farce."

Maya stared at him, her face expressionless.

"Do not worry, I will make sure you are taken care of." He said, his voice dripping with condescension. "But do not expect anything more from me."