A Loveless Vow

The grand cathedral was abuzz with excitement as guests filled the pews, dressed in their finest attire. The atmosphere was electric, with chatter and laughter filling the air.

Don Carlo, in his splendiferous tailored suit stood at the entrance welcoming guests with a warm smile. His wife, Madam Rochelle, elegant in her designer dress and Maria, a vision in her bridesmaid dress stood beside him, beaming with pride.

As the guests took their seats, a hush fell over the crowd. The organ music swelled, and the doors at the back of the church swung open.

Maya appeared, a breathtaking vision in her white wedding dress, her Uncle Jack by her side.

The guests fixed their eyes on the gorgeous bride.

Maya's wedding dress was a work of art, with intricate lace and delicate embroidery. Her hair was styled perfectly, and her makeup accentuated her natural beauty.

She walked down the aisle with grace and poise, her eyes fixed on the altar where Lucas waited, his eyes fixed on Gia's face. This was a union of two different families and backgrounds.

The ceremony was a blur for Lucas, his mind elsewhere. His eyes fixed on Gia's face in the crowd.

As Maya reached the altar, he couldn't bring himself to look at her or helping her up the altar. Sophie stepped in, supporting Maya as they reached the priest.

The priest's words were a distant hum, a mere formality. Lucas's silence was deafening as the priest asked him to recite his vows. He shook his head, his voice hoarse. "Just get on with it."

The priest's eyes widened, taken aback by Lucas's abruptness.

Don Carlo's eyes narrowed. "Say the vows." He mouthed. Lucas hesitated, but his father glared at him. He took a deep breath and recited his vows, his voice devoid of emotion.

"I, Lucas Russo, take thee…Maya Harrington, to be my wife, to have and.. to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, to…lo..love and cherish, till death..do us part." He said, as he struggled to say the words.

Maya's voice shivered as she repeated her vows. Lucas's gaze was fixed on his father, his jaw clenched in resentment.

His father's expression softened slightly, a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. Lucas and Maya are announced as husband and wife, everyone applauded.

The kiss that was supposed to seal their union never came.

Lucas turned away, his eyes still fixed on Gia, his heart heavy with regret. Gia's eyes welling with tears.

Don Carlo had ensured that the ceremony proceeded without a hitch, the family's reputation, intact.

Lucas's voice was detached as he introduced Maya to his friends and the guests as requested by his father, his words lacking warmth and enthusiasm. "Everyone this is Maya, my..wife."

Maya faked a gracious smile, trying to make the best of the situation.

But, Lucas's next move was a stab in the back.

He turned to Gia, who was standing nearby and asked her to join the conversation.

Gia's eyes sparkled as she joined the group, and Lucas pressed a kiss on her forehead!

His eyes locked onto hers. Maya's heart sinks at the blatant display of affection between her husband and his mistress.

She hoped Lucas would have some respect for her, at least on their wedding day. The guests seemed oblivious to the tension, but Don Carlo's eyes narrowed, his gaze fixed on Lucas.

He knew his son was playing a dangerous game, but he seemed powerless to stop him.

The evening party was in full swing, the sound of music and laughter filling the air. A group of dancers performed a lively routine, their colourful costumes shimmering under the lights.

Maya, resplendent in a stunning evening gown stood with her family, cheering and laughing along with the guests. She hadn't been this happy in a while.

Don Carlo made his way through the crowd, two glasses of champagne in his hands. He approached Lucas, his expression stern.

"Lucas, a word."

Lucas turned to face him, his eyes flashing with defiance. "What is it father?"

Don Carlo handed him the glass of champagne. "What you did a while ago was…unacceptable. But, I supposed you've satisfied me for now."

Lucas took the glass, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

" How relieved I am to have met your expectations. But, let's be clear, Father, I have fulfilled my promise to you, I am not beholden to you anymore."

Don Carlo chuckled. "You are, do not forget that."

Lucas moved closer to his father. "I acknowledge you as my father and as a powerful figure, Don. But do not think for a moment that I am someone to be underestimated."

He placed his hand on Don's shoulder.

"I have built my empire, my own way and I won't be intimidated or controlled."

Lucas walked away, his father takes a sip from his glass and smirks.

The party comes to an end, and as the last guest departed, Maya felt a sense of desperation wash over her.

She had hoped to spend the night with her family, to feel safe and loved, but Isabella's stern expression had made it clear that it wasn't an option.

She couldn't stand Maya let alone her family.

Madam Rochelle asked Maya to wait for her husband Lucas, in their well-arranged room upstairs.

"Maya dear, go wait for Lucas. You will no longer stay in your personal room, you'll share a room with your husband." She said.

Madam Rochelle's words rang in Maya's head. She couldn't imagine sharing a room with such a man.

She made her way to the room, as she stepped into the lavish room, she was enveloped in a sense of luxury and romance.

The soft glow of candles and the sweet scent of rose petals created a sensual ambiance, while the smooth R&B music, whispered sweet nothings in her ears.

Her eyes roamed over the room, taking in the velvet drapes and majestic four-poster bed, adorned with more rose petals.

The room was a true sanctuary for a newlywed couple.

Gia's eyes sparkled with delight as Lucas wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close in a passionate embrace.

They laid under the sheets, their naked bodies wrapped around each other.

Lucas's wedding night, and he was here, with her.

"I feel bad I married her and not you." Lucas whispered, his breath hot against Gia's ear. "It's all part of the plan, my love, I'll marry you, soon."

Gia asked, curiousity in her eyes. "Babe, what plan are you talking about? It's taking too long."

Lucas shrugged, ignoring the question. "It doesn't matter, Gia. I love you."

Gia's heart raced as she clung to him, her fingers digging into his back. "I love you too."

Lucas's lips traced her neck, sending shivers down her spine, as they lost themselves in each other's arms.

Maya waited in her room, alone and forgotten. With a deep breath, she began to think, she knew she had to be careful.

One wrong move could mean disaster, but she was determined to escape on her wedding night, this had been her plan.

Maya's pulse quickened as she crept through the darkened hallway, her eyes fixed on the back door.

She reached the door, her hand on the handle, and slowly turned it.

The door creaked open and she slipped out into the night. The cool air hit her like a slap in the face, and she shivered.

Her eyes scanned the grounds, the guard was no where in sight, but she knew he couldn't be far. She moved, her feet silent on the grass. She took a step forward, she sees the guard nearby.

His back to her, her eyes fixed on the guard. She takes another step forward, and that is when she saw it - a glint of metal in his hand, he was armed.