Beyond the Gilded Cage

Maya settled into the plush leather seat of her SUV, the soft hum of the engine and the gentle rustling of the air conditioning, a soothing complement as she dialed her aunt's number.

As the phone rang, Maya gazed out the window watching the cityscape unfold.

She felt a mix of emotions twirling inside her, excited for her impendent adventure.

"Aunt Lily," Maya said, her voice filled with warmth as her aunt answered.

"My dear child, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing great. I just called to say, I love you and I'll see you soon. Send my regards to Kathy."

Aunt Lily's pitch, calming. "Oh, I love you too. Be safe."

Maya smiled, overwhelmed with love. She knew her aunt would always be there for her, no matter what.

As she ended the call, the car glided smoothly through the city streets.

The airport came into view, and Maya's driver expertly navigated the car through the bustling terminals.

Maya's escort gathered her belongings, her outfit a testament to her luxurious lifestyle.

With one last glance at the city she left behind, Maya stepped out of the car.

She settled into the elite leather armchair on the Russo family's private jet, she couldn't help but admire the timeless opulence that surrounded her.

The plush leather felt like butter beneath her fingers. She thought to herself, 'This is what generations of wealth and legacy looked like, the Russo family's old money was more than just a fortune.'

The luxurious interior of the jet enveloped her. As the jet soared into the sky, Maya gazed out the window.

The flight attendant offered her a glass of champagne, and Maya accepted. Her eyes never leaving the horizon.

As the private jet touched down the runway, she looked out the window.

Her thoughts, a mix of excitement and nervousness.

She takes off her diamond wedding ring, the symbol of her loveless marriage and tucked it into her purse.

She couldn't bring herself to wearing it, not when her relationship with her husband wasn't real.

With a deep breath, she stood up, smoothing out her silk dress.

Lucas's eyes narrowed as they scanned the empty room, he had been gone for few days, for a buisness trip.

He had grown accustomed to Maya's presence even if they no longer shared a bedroom.

He wondered where Maya could be, a glint of concern crossed his face and he quickly suppressed it.

He ordered his bodyguards to pack his bags, as he was leaving for his home. He had fulfilled his promise to his father, and his request in exchange for that had been met.

Maya's adventure in Thailand was already unfolding like a dream.

She had settled into an intimate and relaxing hotel in Bangkok, Thailand's capital, surrounded by the enticing aromas of the Thai cuisine.

Maya had stayed in Thailand for a week now, away from the control of her father-in-law, who still checked in with her and away from the crazy rules the Russo's had set in their home.

Maya lounged in the upscale cafe, surrounded by the soothing aroma of coffee and the gentle hum of conversation, her mind began to wander.

Her eyes drifted across the busy streets of Bangkok, as she looked out the window.

She remembered the cozy cafe in San Diego, where she had worked once, dreaming of a life beyond the everyday routine.

She recollected the long hours, endless stream of customers, the nice and rude ones.

But now, Maya's life differed from those humble beginnings. She was surrounded by affluence, her every whim catered to.

The contrast between her past and present was jarring.

Maya noticed a woman sitting alone at a nearby table, her composure and poised attire caught Maya's eyes . The woman, Salma, looked up and caught Maya's gaze.

With a bright smile, she signaled Maya over. "Join me, I could use some company." She said.

Maya obliged, sensing a kindred spirit, she gestured to her escort to leave, he does.

"Hi, I am Maya Russo." Maya said, confidently.

"Russo? The Italian businessman?" Salma asked.


"You aren't his daughter, right?" She asked.

"I am his daughter-in-law."

"That is interesting, I am Salma Rogers, I own SR Luxe."

"Fascinating, I love your brand. What brought you here to Thailand?"

"I came here because I needed to, I don't wanna lose my mind. My household has become a nightmare."

"I've been married for 7 years and…I've been trying for a child. My husband seemed not to care, he always told me he was…satisfied. And now he's had a child with his mistress."

Maya takes in a deep breath, with understanding in her eyes. She knew what it felt to be treated like crap.

She completely understood the emotional pain that came with neglect.

"His constant infidelities and disrespect…I married him when he had nothing and supported him…and this, is what I get in return."

"I understand you, but we really don't need them, they aren't all that." Maya said.

"Absolutely." Salma paused. "Do you have children?" She asked.

Maya chuckled. "No, no, I don't. I'd love to someday, when I meet the right man."

"You are married to Russo Carlo's son. Isn't he the right man to have children with?"

"Absolutely not! He is not what the media paints him to be, he is far from it." Maya said firmly.

"Apparently, the whole family is." Maya said, her voice barely audible, as they both burst out laughing.