The Warmth of a Stranger

Maya walked through the grand mall, her confident and outstanding appearance commanding attention. Her outfit accentuated her curves.

As she entered the boutique, the staff rushed to her offering personalized service.

Maya's eyes examined the racks, her fingers trailing over the luxuriant fabrics as she selected the finest pieces.

As Maya reached for a stunning black evening gown she hears a voice, low and smooth, halting her motion.

"May I suggest something else?"

She turned to face a man with piercing hazel green eyes, they lock eyes for a moment.

His eyes sparkled with warmth, Maya felt a connection between them, her heart skipped a beat.

She had never seen a man so handsome, fascinating and gentle.

He smelt like roses. He looked so polished in his gray suit.

She couldn't help but stare at his lips, which turned into a gentle smile.

He took a step closer with his eyes never leaving hers.

"You look beautiful but I think this would suit you better." He said, as he selected a vibrant green dress.

Maya felt shivers running down her spine as she collected the dress from him, their fingers touching.

She wondered if he felt the same way too.

"Thank you, Mr…?"

"Cole," He replied. "And you are?"

"Maya." She said, softly.

"You should try it on," Cole said, with a persuasive tone. "I'll wait outside." He winked.

Maya was left speechless. She tried the dress on and bought it, instantly.

She walked out of the boutique, as her eyes skimmed through the crowded sidewalk.

She searched for Cole who had left a long lasting impression on her. She suddenly spotted him, coming towards her.

"Hey, I hoped I'll see you again." He said.

Maya responded with a smile, she reached into her bag and pulled out a small box.

"I got this for you." She said.

Cole, intrigued. "Really? What is it?" She opened the box, revealing a sleek watch with a leather strap.

"I saw this on my way out of the store, and I got it as a way of expressing my gratitude."

Cole's face lit with delight. He said, taking the watch from her. "That's very kind of you, thank you. I bet it would fit perfectly, just like us."

Maya's cheeks flushed.

"Why don't we meet again, somewhere..a little more intimate, what do you say?" He said, with a flirtatious tone.

"That..would be nice." she replied. He reached into his pocket, and hands her his business card.

"Call me tonight." He said. Maya sees her escort approaching, she hurriedly collected and tucked the card into her bag.

"Have a nice day, Mr Cole." She said, as she walked away with her escort.

Maya couldn't stop thinking of the mysterious gentleman she had just met.

She wondered if it was…love at first sight. She could not wait to speak with him again.

Hours later, as Maya settled into her bed in her silk pajamas, she felt at ease.

She dialed Cole's number, her fingers moved with anticipation.

The phone rang only once before he picked up.

"Hi, Bluey." He said, with a deep voice.

Maya's heart melted, she smiled from ear to ear. As they spoke, their conversation flowed like a peaceful stream.

Their words, loversome. It was as if they had known each other for years.

Their conversation felt peaceful, Cole cracked some jokes, making Maya laugh hard. A sense of belonging she had not felt in a while.

The duo planned to meet at a bar the next night.

Maya's mind was filled with excitement, which made it difficult for her to fall asleep.