First Kiss

Maya sat at the bar, drinking a glass of wine as she waited for Cole to arrive. She had paid off her escort, Chad, to keep her meeting with Cole quiet.

He reluctantly accepted, he looked at her with a flicker of disbelief on his face.

The door swung open and Cole walked in, his eyes scanning the room until they landed on her.

His eyes wrinkled at the corners when he smiled, and made his way to her.

"Hey," he said, as he sat on a chair across from her. "You look stunning."

Maya had worn the dress he picked out for her.

"Thank you, you have excellent taste." Maya said, and gave him a warm and sincere smile.

"Thank you, and you have the most beautiful eyes ever. Enough of me, what brings you here?" He asked.

"I have a business proposition to share with a potential client, what about you?"

"I'm here for business as well, I have a few ventures in few industries, but my main focus is on real estate development, and I'm actually based in New York."

Maya's eyes widened in surprise. "New York? That's a long way from here." She said.

"I travel a lot for work, but it's nice to get away and relax."

Maya smiled, she felt a sense of connection to Cole who seemed to appreciate life.

Their conversation flowed smoothly like they were old friends reconnecting after a long time apart.

Cole was like a reminder that there was still kindness in the world. As they stepped out the bar into the cool night air, Maya stumbled about on her heels, with a contented smile.

Cole, equally tipsy offered his hand to steady her, which she gratefully accepted.

"Let me take you home." He said, gently.

Maya leaned into him, her eyes gazing up at his face. "No, take your…place instead." She said as her speech faltered. Cole's eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"I don't want to go home tonight, I' lonely." She said, as she kept a firm grip on his arm. She did not want to face the emptiness of her room. Cole's presence felt safe.

He gave an affirmative nod, "Okay, I'll take you to my place."

As they stepped into his room, she felt warm. The space was cozy and accommodating, the air was filled with the same alluring scent that clung to Cole's skin.

It was well decorated and it reflected his eclectic style.

Maya turned to him, as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. This made her feel seen; a connection that was beyond mere acquaintances.

"Thank you, Cole." She said, her voice muffled against his chest.

As they stood, they swayed to the rhythm of their footing. Maya's heart soared as she leaned in, her lips brushing against Cole's cheek, planting a soft kiss.

It was a 'thank you for being there' gesture, but Cole responded with a soft and tender kiss on her lips!

Her eyes widened with shock, it was her first kiss. She hadn't expected it, but she liked it. Cole's soft touch and well moisturized lips made her want more.

As they kissed, he wrapped his hands around her waist, holding her close.

His hands moved around her body, familiarly, as if he had explored it before.

She reacted, giving him the consent for every touch. Time stood still as they kissed, the bubble of intimacy shut out the rest of the world.

They broke apart for a moment, grasping for air. In that moment, they both knew they were falling for each other, hard.

As they lay on the bed, their warm bodies entwined. Maya and Cole's hands moved in unison, removing each other's clothes. Their movements slow and intentional.

With every piece of clothing that slipped away, they revealed more of themselves, not just their bodies, but their souls.

Their eyes locked, as they cherished and honored the moment.

They finally lay naked together, their skin touched, a moment of vulnerability.

They felt the pure connection, the gentle pressure of their bodies, as they made love.

As the morning rays crept into the room, a new day unfolding, the sky was bright with a hint of pink and orange.

Maya's eyes fluttered open, she found herself snuggled in Cole's arms.

She replayed last night's moment in her mind as she gazed into the sky from the window across the bed.

The only sound heard was the soft hum of the city outside. Cole planted a kiss on her forehead, "Good morning" He spoke with a sleepy voice.

"Good morning." She replied sweetly. They laid in silence as they locked eyes.

"I could stare at your face, for eternity. You have the most beautiful freckles." Cole said, as his fingers traced her face, she responded with a smile.

"I think we should see often, I could come visit you in San Diego when we return."

Maya slowly disengaged herself from his hold, Cole's eyes filled with admiration.

She never told him she was married, or trapped in a loveless marriage with a ruthless mafia boss.

"We both have busy lives and careers," she paused as Cole's smile slowly faded away. "But I guess we could make it work, I promise to come see you in New York, is that acceptable?"

Cole responded with a smile, as he pulled her into a warm embrace.

She wasn't sure how she would pull this off, but she was not going to let the only man that made her feel good slip away.

Maya and her new found love Cole, explored the vibrant streets of Bangkok. The duo discovered a shared love for spicy food, nature and..cake.

Their days blended together as they always found joy in each other's company.

Not once did they talk about their personal or professional lives.

It seemed like they had silently agreed to focus on the present and the connection they shared.

Maya finally found someone who understood her love for adventure. As the sun sets, they would sit on the couch watching the city come alive.

Both grateful for this chance encounter, that had brought them together.