He was..different

Maya's heart raced as she stepped out of the car and gazed up at the stunning mansion before her.

It's simplicity belied by the warmth and elegance that radiated from within.

The grandeur and beauty of the house took her breath away - it was a far cry from the small, cluttered home she spent nearly all her life in.

She felt a mix of emotions; curiosity and a tinge of trepidation. She approached the door, and it swung open. Her aunt enveloped her in a warm embrace. Kathy stood beside her aunt, beaming with a bright smile.

"Oh Maya, darling, It's so nice to see you."

Maya's uncertainty began to melt away as she was surrounded by the warmth and love of her family.

The interior was tastefully decorated with comfortable furnishings, creating a cozy atmosphere.

She was enveloped by the sweet scent of blooming roses.

Aunt Lily's smile beckoned Maya to sink into the plush sofa that felt soft to sit on.

She could not help but notice the evident care and comfort that surrounded her family as she settled in.

The impeccable decor all testified to the life of ease and prosperity her family had been living for a month.

A pang of guilt and regret pricked Maya's heart, knowing she had been too caught up in her own adventures and pleasures in Thailand, to properly take care of her family.

Aunt Lily's eyes clouded with a tinge of puzzlement as she recounted the unexpected turn of events.

"Lucas, of all people, showed up and offered to help us move..he wasn't his usual aloof self. I later realized he came here, searching for you."

Aunt Lily's gaze turned thoughtful, as if trying to decipher Lucas's motives.

"It is strange Maya, Lucas has never been one for grand gestures or warmth, especially towards our family. But, that day he was..different.

Maya's mind reeled in confusion, her thoughts racing in questions. Why would Lucas go out of his way to search for her?

He did not even speak to her after their marriage. How did he even find her family's house?

The memories came rushing back - Lucas's coldness towards her, the way he always looked at her with disdain.

She could not help but wonder what his true intentions were.

As she snuggled into the bed, surrounded by the serene beauty of her new room, her mind wandered.

The softness of the mattress and the gentle rustle of the curtains in night breeze could not lull her into sleep.

Her mind swirled with questions, why had her husband gone to such lengths for her family? What could he possibly gain from it?

Maya's eyes remained open, as she gazed into the dark sky, trying to decipher the puzzle. She could not wait to speak with him the next day.

The sweet melodies of birdsong outside her window gently roused Maya from her slumber, like a soft alarm clock ushering in a new day.

As she opened her eyes, the warm rays of sunlight steaming through the curtains bathed her face, chasing away the remnants of sleep.

She stretched, feeling the plush bed beneath her, and swung her legs over the side, her feet searching for the soft carpet.

After a quick refresh, she made her way downstairs, following the enticing aromas of freshly brewed coffee, baked cookies and sizzling bacon.

In the kitchen, aunt Lily bustled about, preparing a sumptuous meal.

"Oh, good morning, join us for breakfast today." She said.

"Uh.. I have to return to the Russo's.. maybe some other time." Maya said, her voice firm but apologetic.

Maya hugged her aunt goodbye, she could not help but notice the warmth and slight happiness that radiated from her, it was a subtle change, one she had not seen in a while.

As Maya stepped into her room at the Russo mansion, her eyes swept across the space, taking in the familiar sights and sounds. She noticed her husband's closet was empty.

A faint suprise flickered across her face, but she quickly suppressed it. She had not expected him to leave so soon, but she wasn't concerned.

Their marriage had long since been a mere formality, a convenient arrangement rather than a loving relationship for a month now.

Her emotions had numbed to his presence, and his absence barely registered.

She turned to a maid who was busying herself with bed linens. "Where did my husband go to?"

The maid hesitated, her eyes darting around the room before responding.

"He left with madam Gia to another city some days after you left."

Maya nodded, her face expressionless. She did not press for more information, she didn't care.

Later that day…

Maya's heart raced as she opened her door to find Lucas standing before her, his eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that made her skin pricke.

She hadn't expected him to show up at her doorstep, she tried to process his presence, her thoughts stumbling over the questions she wanted to ask.

"L-Lucas," she stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "What are you doing here?"

Lucas gaze never wavered, his expression unreadable, his eyes holding hers with a gentle intensity.

"I said I was going to take care of you, which includes your family," his voice low and steady. "And I always keep my promises, Maya."

Maya's mind raced back to their encounter in the garden, she remembered his words, but she had thought they were just empty promises.

"Why?" She asked, her voice a little stronger now.

"Let's just say I have my reasons," his voice dripping with mystery. "Your family is now under my protection, you have nothing to worry about."

Maya's instincts screamed at her to be wary, to not trust this man who seemed to be hiding secrets behind his charming smile.

But a part of her, a small, vulnerable part, wanted to believe him, wanted to trust that he would keep his promises.

Her eyes searched Lucas's face, trying to decipher the enigma that lay before her. She had known him as a cold person, never showing a hint of emotion.

But now, his gaze was soft and his voice low and soothing.