There is no Us

The next morning, Maya is woken up by a sudden knock on her door.

She woke with a start, her eyes gritty and her vision blurry, and rubbed them vigorously to clear the haze.

"Come in." She said.

Maya's personal maid entered the room with a smile, alongside Lucas.

Maya's eyes widened as she took in the array of clothes and accessories spread out before her.

"What's all this?" She asked, her voice still husky from sleep.

Lucas smiled, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

"I want to have a nice breakfast with you today, so get dressed. I'll be downstairs." He said as he walked away.

Maya's thoughts swirled with confusion and curiosity, trying to comprehend the sudden transformation in her husband's behavior.

Lucas had chosen an outfit that accentuated her curves, making her look like a million bucks.

This was happening all too fast, too suddenly.

One moment, she was struggling to make ends meet, and the next, she was living in a mansion, wearing designer clothes.

Maya felt a sense of unease as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror.

The romantic breakfast, the thoughtful gestures, it all seemed too deliberate, too calculating.

Her instincts screamed warnings, telling her to be cautious, to not let her guard down. But her heart, oh her heart, was a traitor fluttering with excitement at the prospect of being loved and cherished by Lucas.

As she made her way to him, his eyes locked onto hers with an intense stare that sent a spark of electricity through her body.

She felt her heart flutter in her chest, and her pulse raced with excitement.

She was trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, unable to escape the gravitational pull of Lucas's allure.

He stepped closer, his cologne wafting towards her, a subtle scent that made her feel lightheaded.

Her heart soared as he reached out to adjust her dress, his fingers brushing against her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

She felt herself melting into his touch, her resistance, crumbling down.

She had been drawn to him, but had forced herself to ignore the feeling, to suppress the flutter in her chest whenever he was near.

His numbness and cold demeanor had pushed her into ignoring her feelings for him from the beginning.

She felt it was pointless, and he would never notice her.

Lucas's mind flooded with conflicting emotions, he had always told himself his wife was a pawn in his father's dirty games, a means to an end, but in this moment he could not deny the strange pull he felt towards her.

His instincts screaming at him to draw her closer, to hold her.

He pushed the feeling aside, he had a plan and he couldn't let his emotions get in the way.

"Please, Maya sit down." Lucas said, pulling out a chair for her. "I've got your favorite dishes here, I asked aunt Lily what you liked, and of the maids prepared it."

Maya looked shocked and maybe impressed. She was speechless.

The table was laden with an array of delicacies - crispy bacon, fluffy pancakes, cookies and fresh fruits.

The aroma of the baked goods wafted through the air. As they sat down to eat, Lucas poured her a glass of fresh orange juice, her favorite.

"You really don't have to do this you know, just tell me what you want."

Lucas raised a brow at her statement. "For once, I decide to be a loving husband and this is what I get? C'mon…our one month anniversary was some days back, so I thought of doing something..romantic."

"I see, I didn't even know it was a month already, a month of being stuck with the most difficult man I've ever laid my eyes on. And now, he wants to do something sweet, after being a piece of shit for months."

He takes in a deep breath as he began to eat. A storm brewing inside him.

The silence between them was deafening, but comfortable. The only sound being the clinking of silverware against the plates, and the sweet melodies of birdsong.

Maya's eyes glazed over, her mind transported to the memories in Thailand.

The fluffy pancakes Cole had made her, topped with fresh mango and a drizzle of honey, had been the best she had ever tasted.

But it was more than just the pancakes that had captured her heart, it was the way he listened to her, like she was the only person that mattered. The way he admired her flaws. Her heart ached with longing, she thought she left the past behind, but the memories came rushing back, her eyes welling up with tears.

Lucas's voice, sharp, broke through her reverie. "What's wrong?" He demanded.

"Nothing, just good memories."

With a nod, one of the maids quickly cleared the table, her movements efficient and discreet. Lucas stood up, his eyes never leaving Maya's face.

As they left the dining room, Lucas reached out for her hand, his hand hovered in mid-air, her rejection was like a slap in the face.

"Do not touch me," Maya spat, her voice venomous. "Lucas just stop it, stop it right now."

"What are you talking about?"

"This..this act, you are pretending to be something you're not and will never be."

Lucas's eyes darted away from her face.

"I do not know what you are talking about."

Maya's laughter was bitter, "You are planning to use me for something, just like you and your father always do." She glared at him, with resentment in her eyes.

Lucas's face darkened, his jaw clenched in anger, his hand dropping to his side.

"Fine. Have it your way, Maya. But I'm not giving up on us yet."

"There is no us, Lucas, and there will never be us, just go back to Gia."

"Gia was a…mistake, forget about her."

"Forget about her? I see the way you look at me Lucas, the way you've manipulated me."

Maya's mind was torn between reason and delusion, a part of her, a part that had been starved of real love and affection for so long wanted to believe his words.

She knew he didn't know the meaning of love, but she couldn't help but hope that this time, things would be different.