The Facade of Love

Maya's mind was consumed by thoughts of Cole, her heart aching with longing.

She had tried reaching out to him, but he seemed to vanished into thin air.

She reached out to his company, hoping to get a response, but her messages went unanswered.

Desperate to reconnect with him, she tried every possible means.

She scoured social media, looking for his name online, and even searching for his friends, but everything led to a dead end.

As the days turned into weeks, Maya's hope began to dwindle away. Had she imagined the connection she felt? Was she just a momentary person in his life?

She couldn't shake off the feeling that Cole was the only person that deeply understood her.

She felt lost and alone, and only Cole's presence seemed to make her feel alive. Her thoughts were a jumble mix of emotions, her heart refused to let go of the memories.

Lucas could see the wariness in her eyes, the defenses she had built up against him.

But, he was determined to break them down, to wear her down until she surrendered.

He tried charming her with his words and actions. He whispered sweet nothings in her ear, playing the part of a loving partner.

Maya's impassiveness to her husband was palpable.

She played the role of a dutiful wife but her thoughts were consumed by Cole, the man who awakened her senses.

She did not bother to hide her tracks, didn't worry about Lucas finding out about her secret trysts with Cole.

She knew he was too self absorbed to even consider the possibility that she might be seeing someone else.

As they planned to leave for a vacation Lucas had organized, Maya was excited but her excitement had nothing to do with him.

She was simply ready to explore new horizons and discover things about herself like she did in Thailand.

Lucas, oblivious to her true feelings, smiled to himself, convinced that he had her right where he wanted her.

But, his sweet wife was already gone, her heart and body belonging to another man.

Her feelings were checked out of the marriage, but little did she know this trip would be a start of a new journey.

As the plane touched down on the sun-kissed runway, Maya's excitement grew.

She stepped off the plane and into the warm embrace of Maui's tropical air.

Her gaze swept across the lush landscape, taking in the swaying palm trees.

"Wow," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's even more beautiful than I thought it would be."

She felt as though she had entered a new world.

As she made her way through the airport with Lucas, she felt a sense of enchantment wash over her. The sweet scent of plumeria filled the air.

Outside, the warm sun shone on them, casting a golden glow over the entire scene. Maya's heart swelled with joy - this was paradise.

They arrived at an opulently decorated suite, with marble floors and crystal chandeliers.

As they walked through, Lucas wrapped his arm around Maya's waist, pulling her in a possessive embrace. He smiled broadly, staring into her eyes as if bombed.

She played along, smiling at him with a hint of admiration, but her eyes flashed a warning, a subtle signal that she was onto his game.

To the outside world, they appeared to be a loving couple, enjoying a romantic gateway.

But in reality, Maya was seething, her eyes conveying a message that only Lucas could see: "I know what you are doing, and I am not buying it."

Lucas's smile never faltered, his eyes filled with amusement acknowledging her silent rebellion.

A woman suddenly approached them, a warm smile on her face. She is stopped by Lucas's escorts, but he gestures to let her be.

"Oh, you two are so adorable!" She exclaimed. "I can see the love radiating from you both. How long have you been married?"

Lucas's face lit up with a charming smile. "Two years ma'am, two wonderful years." He lied, his eyes gazing adoringly at Maya.

"We are still at the honeymoon phase, aren't we sweetheart?"

He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close.

Maya's eyes widened with disbelief, her mind reeling with the audacity of Lucas's deception, they had only been married for about two months.

She played along, her expression softening into a loving gaze.

"Definitely," she cooed, her voice dropping with saccharine sweetness. "Every day with him is a dream come true."

Her thoughts turned bitter as she reflected on what she said.

"A dream?" She thought to herself. "You call this a dream? A never-ending cycle of lies and pretence."

The woman beamed at them. "That is so beautiful! You two are an inspiration and I wish you the best."

As the woman walked away, Lucas's smile dropped, and he whispered in her ear, "Great acting, wasn't it?

Maya rolled her eyes, her face a mask of neutrality. "You are a regular Oscar winner."

Maya's hand shot out, her palm pressed against his chest, halting his progress. "Don't." her voice firm, and her eyes flashing a warning.

Lucas's face fell, and he looked at her with a mixture of confusion and hurt. "What do you mean?"

Maya's grip on his chest tightened, her fingers digging into his skin.

"This is my room and I don't want you in there. You shouldn't be in a room with a little, pathetic thief dressed up like a doll."

Lucas's eyes widened with shock, he had indeed called her that, a cruel and thoughtless comment that deeply hurt her.

The memory of that moment hung in the air, a painful reminder of the harsh words they exchanged.

His gaze was met with a deep sadness in Maya's eyes. In that moment, he felt deep regret, a realization that his thoughtless words had hurt her.

He saw the vulnerability behind her mask, the hurt she had been carrying inside.