A Glimpse of Truth

Lucas was determined to win Maya over, his sight set on achieving his ultimate goal: an heir.

He tried to win her over by showering her with attention, lavishing her with gifts and praises, all in efforts to gain her favor.

Yet, Maya proved hard to impress, he wasn't even allowed to touch her.

She could not help but wonder what he wanted in return.

On a beautiful night, Lucas's expression turned contemplative, his eyes gazing into the distance as he swirled his whiskey glass, with Maya seated across him, stunningly dressed.

"How did growing up in such a wealthy and influential family influence you?" Maya asked.

She was curious about his background and his experiences, to understand what shaped him into the person he is today.

He hesitated, "Growing up in my family was..complicated," he began, his voice low and measured. "There were expectations, to excel, succeed and to carry on the family's legacy."

Maya leaned in, her interest piqued. "What was that like?" She asked with a soft and encouraging voice.

Lucas's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched. "Most times, suffocating, it felt like I was in the shadow of my family's name rather than forging my own path, which I eventually did. It taught me the value of hard work and perseverance."

His eyes clouded, his voice laced with bitterness.

"My father married my mother for her family's business dealings. It was a merger and not a true love match. He only cares about what she can bring to the table, and not her." He paused, as he took a sip from his cup. "My mother was just a trophy, a symbol of his success, a mere trophy."

"They didn't love each other, he only cared about his ego and not her happiness."

Maya's eyes stretched wide, her voice filled with empathy. "I.. I had no idea" her heart going out to him.

Lucas chuckled, "My father drummed it into me: 'Never show weakness, never show emotion. You have to be tough always, Lucas..always' My sisters and I were taught to put on a mask and never be vulnerable. It is exhausting," he emphasized on 'exhausting'

"Always having to be strong, I.. I am living a lie, like I'm trapped in this persona created to please my father."

Lucas was taken aback by his own vulnerability, surprised by the words spilling out of his mouth, maybe he had too much to drink, he thought.

But, he had no explanation to why Maya's presence made him feel at ease, making him feel like he could trust her with his deepest secrets.

As he spoke he felt a weight lifting off his shoulders, like a burden he had been carrying for way too long.

In her eyes, he saw a glimmer of understanding, a sense that she got him in a way no one did.

Maya's eyes widened in surprise, her mind racing to process the depth of Lucas's revelation.

She expected more of a superficial conversation, not a heartfelt one. His vulnerability was enthralling and daunting.

She couldn't help but wonder if the alcohol had lowered his inhibitions, allowing him to open up in a way he normally wouldn't.

His words were laced with a deep yearning, a desire to break free from being under restraints of his privileged upbringing.

As they sat there, the air thick with emotion, Maya realized she was witnessing a rare moment of genuine connection.

Maya's eyes flashed wide as she realized Lucas was reaching for another drink, his eyes glassy and his movements sluggish.

She speedily interposed, and carefully collects the glass from him.

"I really think you've had enough Lucas." She said firmly but with a kind voice.

Lucas looked at her, his eyes losing clarity and resisted weakly. "Please…just one..more."

Maya held her ground, her demeanor becoming gentler. "No, Lucas, that is enough."

His gaze lowered, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

Maya helped him settle back into the chair, her eyes met the guard's, and she discreetly gestured for him to assist them.

As the guard approached, Maya struggled to support Lucas's weight, her knees crumpling slightly under the strain of supporting his tall, muscular body.

The guard quickly took Lucas's other arm and together they managed to navigate the stairs and guide him to his room.

They cautiously lowered him onto the bed where he collapsed with a soft groan.

Maya breathed a sigh of relief, her body aching from the effort.

She smiled faintly at the guard who nodded as he discreetly walked out of the room.

Her attention returned to Lucas, her eyes scanning his face as he lay there, his eyes closed as he takes in deep breaths.

She felt an upsurge of concern, her heart going out to this troubled man who had just opened up to her.

She found herself unable to resist his defined physique, she was a whirlwind of emotions, she had never expected to be in such situation, caring for a man she held in contempt and vice versa.

She sat down beside him, taking off his shirt. As her fingers lightly grazed his chest, she felt a sudden jolt of electricity.

His skin was so smooth and warm. His muscles tended beneath her touch.

She felt the steady throb beneath his skin, her fingers traced the contours of his chest, exploring the ridges of his abs.

Her heart skipped a beat when Lucas's hand gripped her wrist.

Her eyes meeting his gaze and for a moment they just stared at each other intensely.

Her pulse pounded like a drum as she realized the intimacy of their position.

She swiftly retracted her hand, her face reddening with embarrassment.

"Please..stay," he mumbled. "I don't want you to leave." He pleaded.

As they locked eyes, Maya's mind raced with anticipation and a tinge of trepidation.

She felt his hands on her waist, his fingers enfolded her gently, like a tender embrace. Her heart fluttered as he drew closer, his face mere inches away.

Her instincts told her to retreat but her body appeared to betray her, her feet rooted to the spot.

A part of her wanted to bask in the moment, to feel his lips on her and enjoy the sweetness of his kiss. She let the moment unfold.