Not a Big Deal

Maya's heart raced as she exited the room, she could not believe what had just happened, one moment she was aiding to his drunken state, and the next, he was kissing her.

The kiss was soft, tender. Maya's thoughts swirled with questions.

Did he mean to do that? Was it just a drunken mistake? And why did she succumb to it?

The kiss lingered on her lips, a reminder of the sudden intimacy they just shared.

She tried to process the events of the night as she walked into her room.

The next day, Lucas clearly opened his eyes, his head pounding like a jackhammer.

He winced at the bright light that crept through the window, his mouth dry and sour. He gently sat up, his body aching.

He rubbed his temples trying to soothe the throbbing pain.

Lucas swung his legs over the side of the bed and planted his feet firmly on the ground. He tripped over his shoes and casually kicked them to the side.

He made his way towards the bathroom, his steps unsteady.

He reached the sink and turned on the faucet, splashing water on his face as he tried to wash off the lingering haze of alcohol.

As he stared into the mirror, he was met with a reflection that looked like he had been through war - his eyes were like two red moons and his complexion, pale, with a messy tangled hair.

As Lucas splashed water on his face, memories from the previous night filled his mind.

He recalled the whiskey-fueled confessions, the unexpected tenderness he had shown to Maya.

"Fuck.." his mind replayed the moments he spent with her.

Although it was a vague memory, he remembered how she helped him to bed, her gentle touch. He wondered why she cared for him.

His gaze dropped as he confronted the vulnerability he had exposed, he revealed a part of him he didn't want to share with her, a part of him he thought he had buried.

As he stood there with the water dripping from his face, he felt a spark of gratitude towards his wife, Maya.

She had seen him at his weakest and did not judge him.

She helped him and showed him compassion despite his harsh treatment.

He remembered the light kiss they shared and thought of how soft her lips were.

He admitted he owed her a chance in his life, and maybe a piece of his heart, as he had been too hard on her.


The atmosphere of the restaurant was lively, with the chinking of glasses and muted chatter filling the air.

Lucas and Maya sat across from each other, their eyes locking for a brief moment.

They exchanged gentle smiles, their greetings casual.

Lucas with his voice low and relaxed, "Hey, good morning, how's it going?"

"Not bad, just enjoying the view. Hope you had a good rest?"


The conversation stalled, the tension evident. The silence was deafening.

They both opened their mouths to speak, their words colliding in a awkward jumble.

"Listen, about last night—" Maya started.

"I just wanted to say—" Lucas began concurrently.

They both stopped, their eyes locking in a moment of mutual embarrassment.

Their words suspended in the air, delicately balanced, waiting to be resolved.

"You go first" Lucas offered.

Maya paused, her lips slightly parting, as if uncertain of the words that were about to escape.

Her words came out in a rush, as if she was trying to diffuse the tension before it became too much to handle.

"I just wanted to say…about last night, it meant nothing. It was just a moment of weakness, and it isn't a big deal."

Her eyes darted around the restaurant, avoiding his gaze, as if she was afraid of what she might see there.

Her voice was laced with a hint of desperation, a plea to just move past it, like it never happened.

His gaze sharpened, his expression unreadable.

He seemed to be processing her words, weighing his response.

A pang of regret hit him, knowing that he had put her in an uncomfortable situation.

Lucas shrugged, a nonchalant smile spread across his face.

"Of course, not a big deal. Just a stupid drunken mistake."

He laughed, trying to sound careless, but his eyes betrayed him, revealing a glimmer of hurt.

Maya's expression softened, her eyes filled with a sympathetic understanding. "Lucas, I.."

But he cut her off, not wanting to hear her pity or concern.

"Really Maya, it's fine, let's just forget it ever happened okay?" His tone was laced with false nonchalance, an attempt to conceal his true feelings.

Maya nodded, and he turned away, searching for a distraction, anything to shift the away the focus from his vulnerability.

There was tension between them and it was palpable, casting a shadow over the remainder of their vacation.

The air was filled with unspoken words making every interaction feel forced and strained.

They went through the motions, visiting tourist attractions and participating in activities that brought joy to Maya.

Lucas still tried to make her feel comfortable and cater to her needs even if the spark was absent.

He couldn't help but feel like he was walking on eggshells, he genuinely wanted to bridge the gap between them.

As the days passed by, the awkwardness only intensified.

The vibrant atmosphere of a festival on the beach was electric, with laughter and music filling the air.

Lucas's attention was drawn to the joyful chaos, his eyes scanning the crowd, as he tapped his feet to the rhythm.

He walked up to Maya who was also watching the crowd from her room's window, inviting her to come with him.

Maya hesitated, her eyes wavering as she considered his invitation. She wasn't sure if she wanted to spend time with him. But, Lucas's enthusiasm was irresistible, she thought of it as a distraction, "Okay" she finally agreed, her voice barely audible.

As they walked towards the crowd, the sound of drums and laughter grew louder and Maya found herself getting swept up in the energy and excitement of the crowd.