Under the stars

Suddenly, he heard a sweet melodious laugh that stood out from the rest.

It was Maya, her eyes sparkling with happiness as she spun around, dancing.

Her hair flowed around her like a radiant golden halo, framing her face with a dazzling glow.

Lucas watched her, his gaze captivated by her carefree spirit, he felt a surge of joy, his own laughter bubbling up as he made his way towards her.

Maya's hand felt small and delicate in Lucas's grasp their fingers entwined as they grooved to the music.

She had hesitated at first but Lucas intense stare, sparkling eyes and warm smile put her at ease.

Lucas's smile grew wider, his eyes crinkled at the corners.

Maya had never seen him this carefree, so happy, and it drew her in making her feel like she was part of something special.

For a moment they forgot about their constrained relationship, and they let themselves be present in the moment.

As they danced and laughed together, the warmth of the sunset seemed to melt away their differences, for the first time she noticed how beautiful his smile was, and the way his hair curled slightly.

Lucas, too, found himself stealing glances at Maya, her eyes shining like stars. He felt a sudden tenderness he could not explain.

As they moved closer their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music, they both wondered why they were suddenly being so tender with each other. Weren't they unable to stand each other's presence before?

But at this moment, none of that seemed to matter.

They exchanged a glance, and for a moment they just looked at each other.

It was as if they were just seeing each other for the first time, really seeing each other, and everything else faded away.

Lucas tossed and turned in bed his mind racing with thoughts of Maya. He couldn't believe how much his feelings for her had changed in just few days.

He had gone from looking at her with disdain and seeing her as a pawn to..well he wasn't quite sure what she was to him now.

All he knew was that, he couldn't stop thinking about her.

The way she smiled, the way her eyes shimmered in the sunlight, the warmth and softness of her hand.

It was like a switch had been flipped and he could not turn off these new feelings.

He remembered their encounter at the beach, how she was reluctant to take his hand, then smiled up at him, the way her hair had blown in the air.

Lucas sighed, throwing off the covers and getting out of bed. He knew he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon, not with his mind racing with thoughts.

He decided to take a walk, hoping the fresh air would help him clear his head up, and make sense of these new feelings.

Maya's mind wandered, her thoughts drifting to Cole like a constant whisper.

She couldn't help but wonder why fate seemed to be playing a cruel joke on her.

She was stuck in this limbo, torn between two hearts.

She thought of Cole's warm smile, his kind eyes, and the way he made her safe.

She had been sure that she was in love with him, that he was the one.

But, now with Lucas, she felt a different connection, one that was growing stronger than she thought it might, yet completely different.

She felt frustrated. Why did she have to feel this way? Why did she have to be drawn to two men?

She couldn't express her feelings to Lucas, not when she was unsure of his feelings and intentions.

Maya felt like she was in a dream, one where her heart was pulled in two different directions.

As she sat outside, surrounded by the soothing sounds of nature, her gaze lost in the sky.

The cool night breeze caressed her skin, carrying the faint hint of saltwater from the distant ocean.

Maya felt her heart fill with a sense of wonder and peace as she gazed up to the stars that twinkled like diamonds.

She thought about the kiss she shared with Lucas, and a smile spread across her face.

As Lucas walked, he tried to shake the feeling. His heart skipped a beat as he looked up at Maya.

He approached her. Her eyes still fixed on the stars above, she looked lost in thoughts, her expression contemplative.

He was curious to know what was on her mind, what was keeping her up this late.

He walked up to her, quietly, not wanting to startle her and cleared his throat to announce his presence. Maya's eyes fluttered down.

"Why aren't you asleep?" He asked.

Maya's voice barely audible, "I couldn't sleep, why are you up?"

"I couldn't sleep either" he said as he sat beside her.

They sat in comfortable silence, both staring up at the stars, and Lucas felt a sense of peace wash over him being near Maya. He finally broke the silence.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice low and gentle.

She turned to look at him, their eyes locking for a moment. "Just life, I guess. How quickly things can change in an instant."

Lucas nodded, his thoughts mirroring hers. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Their gaze drifted back up to the sky, Lucas realized with a startling clarity that he his feelings for her had changed.

It hit him like a wave, unexpected and uninvited, yet undeniable.

Lucas tried to rationalize it, and convince himself it was a passing infatuation, but deep down he knew better.

Maya had awakened something in him that no one could, not even Gia.

He realized her presence illuminated the dark corners of his heart within weeks.

He wondered what it would be like to explore these feelings further.

This time he realized he was genuinely interested in knowing her more, and wasn't thinking of trying to get an heir like he initially did.

Maya felt a surge of warmth as Lucas's jacket enveloped her, his scent wrapping around her. She looked at him, her eyes meeting his.