A common interest

As the days drifted by, the connection grew stronger, they strolled along the beach watching the sun rise and set, their footsteps in synchronisation.

Yet, despite the ease and comfort they started to share, Maya held back a part of herself, a fragility she couldn't quite shake.

She did not reveal the depths of her fears, her dreams or her past, keeping them locked away like a precious treasure.

The memories of Lucas's past hurtful behavior and harsh words still lingered in her mind, a painful reminder of the scars he had left on her heart.

She recalled the way he lashed out at her, his words cutting deep and leaving her feeling small and insignificant.

She remembered the day she had a meeting with Don Carlo's clients and Lucas intentionally spilled his coffee on her, leaving her embarrassed.

She recalled the way she was left alone and forgotten on her wedding night; the way Lucas always spoke to her in the presence of the workers, a few to mention.

She wondered why she was timid, why she let him intimidate her.

The pain of those moments still felt fresh, she could not help but ponder if he had truly changed or if this was all just a facade, a temporary reprieve from the pain he was capable of inflicting.

The fear of being hurt once more held her back.

Lucas sensed the walls she'd built around her heart, but he didn't push her to open up.

He tried to be kind, polite and patient. With each passing day, Maya felt herself softening, her trust in Lucas growing.

She began to realize that maybe, just maybe, could let her guard down, and he would catch her if she fell.

But for now, she took comfort in the slow and steady pace, savoring the sweet uncertainty of what was to come.

Her heart felt heavy with the weight of her doubts and tears, her mind racing with questions and uncertainties.

Maya couldn't help but feel guilty as she reflected on her behavior towards Lucas for the remainder of their vacation.

She had been distant and cold, her walls still firmly in place despite the glimpses of kindness and vulnerability he had shown her.

They spent their days exploring the town and enjoying the festivals, but Maya's reserve lingered, a subtle tension underlying their interactions.

Lucas sensed her distance and he respectfully gave her space but Maya could tell he was getting hurt by her coldness.

A part of Maya wanted him to feel the same way she did.

Despite her efforts to remain aloof, she couldn't deny the connection they shared, she felt it in the way her heart skipped whenever she saw him, and the way her thoughts drifted to him long after the day was done.

Maya realized she had to confront her feelings, she didn't want to leave things unresolved, and a part of her hoped that Lucas might feel the same way.

She set out to make amends and see where this connection might lead to.


Lucas's face lit up with a warm smile as he looked up from his book, thinking about his hobbies. Maya had tried to spark a conversation by asking about his hobbies.

"I enjoy hiking and exploring new outdoor spots and I love playing the guitar. It inspires me and helps me clear my head." He said, his eyes sparkling with passion.

Maya's eyes widened with interest, her cold reserve melting away, her mind painting a picture of Lucas strumming a guitar or hiking through a scenic trail.

"That sounds great," her voice a little softer. "I've always loved music and the outdoors too. What kind of music do you listen to?"

Lucas's smile grew wider, and he leaned in, his voice taking on a passionate tone. "Well, I love playing indie-folk music. There's something about it that really speaks to me."

Lucas's enthusiasm was infectious, and Maya found herself becoming more engaged in the conversation.

As they talked, she learned more about Lucas's creative side, a side she didn't know he had.

And she discovered they shared a common interest in indie music and outdoor activities.

For the first time, Maya felt like she was seeing a different side of Lucas, their conversation flowed easily like a gentle stream meandering through the countryside.

Her walls began to crumble and she found herself enjoying his company, laughing and smiling more naturally.

The coldness she had maintained for so long began to thaw, replaced by a sense of curiosity and connection.