Bad News

Their relationship continued to blossom, and they spent more time together sharing stories and laughter.

Lucas gained a deeper understanding of Maya's thoughts, feelings and desires.

He discovered her passions, her dreams and she began to open up in ways she never thought possible.

Maya, too, found herself feeling more comfortable around Lucas, her walls slowly crumbling as she realized that he was genuinely interested in getting to know her.

They began to feel like they understood each other better.

The chessboard became a sanctuary for them, a place where they could engage in a battle of wits and enjoy each other's company.

Lucas, an avid chess player, loved the strategic gameplay, but he also loved seeing Maya's face light up with excitement as she made her moves.

At first, Maya was hesitant, feeling intimidated by Lucas's skill level.

But he reassured her, "I'll go easy on you." And he did, making deliberate mistakes to allow her win.

As they played, Lucas would offer words of encouragement, praising Maya's clever moves and strategic thinking.

Maya, in turn, would laugh at her own mistakes, and Lucas would gently guide her towards a better approach.

Their chess games became a metaphor for their relationship.

Lucas was patient, kind and supportive, allowing Maya to grow and learn at her own pace.

Maya was grateful for his guidance and encouragement, feeling seen and appreciated for her efforts.

As they sat together, moving pieces on the board, their connection deepened.

They realized they shared a strategy, problem-solving and critical thinking.

Their friendship continued to blossom, but they never broached the subject of their feelings. They felt their relationship was special and worth preserving.

They didn't want to risk complicating things by diving into deeper emotions.

So they kept their feelings hidden and locked away. But the way they looked at each other, the way they smiled and laughed together, spoke volumes.

As their vacation extension in Maui continued, Lucas found himself facing regular check-ins from Don Carlo.

He would often call or text, asking about Lucas's progress and whether he was sticking to the plan.

Lucas, however, was hesitant to share his true feelings.

He didn't want to admit that his plan had changed, that he was no longer focused on his original plan.

He was too busy enjoying his time with Maya, exploring the island, and discovering new things about himself.

He shrugged off Don Carlo's questions, downplaying his experiences and pretending that everything was going according to plan.

He didn't want to disappoint Don Carlo but he also didn't want to tell the truth — that he was falling for Maya and reevaluating his priorities.

Maya's heart skipped a beat as she saw her aunt's name on the caller ID on a cold night.

She hesitated for a moment, wondering what could be the reason for the call. Her aunt rarely called at night.

"Hello, aunt Lily?" She answered, trying to sound calm.

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Maya's heart began to race. "Aunt Lily, what's wrong?"

"Maya.. I have some bad news," her aunt said, her voice trembling. "Your uncle..jack passed away today, he succumbed to the cancer."

Maya's mind went black as she struggled to process the words.

Her uncle Jack, the man who had been like a father to her was..gone.

She had been expecting a routine check-in and not a terrible news. Her world came crashing down.

She remembered the countless memories they had shared, the laughter, the adventures and the quiet moments when he had offered her wisdom and guidance.

Tears streamed down Maya's face. She sends her phone flying across the room.

Lucas's heart raced as he burst into the room, his eyes scanning the space for Maya.

He found her crumpled on the couch, her body shaking with sobs.

He rushed to her side, gathering her in his arms, holding her close.

"Maya, what's wrong?" He asked, his voice soft and urgent, trying to comfort her.

Maya's cries grew louder, her body trembling in his embrace. She couldn't speak, could not form words, as grief and shock overwhelmed her.

In Lucas's arms she felt like she could let go of all her worries, all her fears and all her pains. Maya felt a sense of security and comfort while in his arms.

Lucas held her tighter, his own heart aching in empathy.

He didn't need to know what had happened to understand Maya was in pain.

He stroked her hair, whispering gentle words, and planted kisses on her forehead, trying to soothe her.

He had never seen her like this before, and it broke his heart to see her in such distress.

His gentle stokes on her hair and his strong arms around her made her feel like she was home, like she was where she belonged.

She felt like she had been holding onto so much tension for the past months and with her in Lucas's arms, she could finally let go.

He held her for what felt like an eternity, until her sobs slowly subsided, and she collapsed against him, exhausted, replaced by a deep sigh of relief.

As her tears subsided, her mind began to race with thoughts and emotions she had been building up for the past few months.

She thought about her forced marriage to Lucas, the struggles she had been facing because of her debt.

She thought about Cole and Lucas's harsh words and actions, and how they had hurt her deeply.

But as she looked up at Lucas, she saw a different person.

She saw kindness, compassion and empathy in his eyes.

Torn between the pain of her past and the hope of a new future, she knew she wanted to move on, to leave the painful memories of her marriage behind, and create a new relationship with Lucas.