Get Me an Heir

The whispers and murmurs spread like wildfire through the halls of Don Carlo's company and the town of San Diego.

The employees could not believe their eyes - Lucas the once-arrogant and aloof heir, was now openly displaying affection towards Maya, the new woman in his life.

Lucas's transformation was nothing short of remarkable.

Gone were the days of his arrogant and entitled behaviour, replaced by a kindness and gentleness that touched the hearts of everyone around him.

They were all shocked, they knew the tension between them, the way they seemed to clash like fire and ice.

But now, as they watched them exchange sweet glances and tender touches, they could not help but wonder what had brought about this change.

"Have you seen them in the board room?" One employee whispered to another. "They are always holding hands."

"I know, it's like they're a different couple, what has gotten into him?" another replied.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Mr Lucas would be so lovesick, Mrs Maya must have cast a spell on him."

The employees exchanged knowing glances, some of them smiling at the sight of the once-icy Lucas Russo now melting into a puddle of love.

Lucas and Maya radiated a warm, golden glow that seemed to brighten up the place.

It was clear that these two were meant to be. They had found a love that transformed them, that brought the best in each other.

Lucas was seen arriving at the office with bouquets of Maya's favourite flowers, his face lighting up with a smile as he presented them to her.

He opened doors for her, offered his seat, and listened to her intently as she spoke, his eyes filled with admiration.

He asked for her opinions in every decision he took.

Maya wasn't just the one who benefited from Lucas's newfound kindness. He was seen offering words of encouragement, lending a helping hand.

But, not everyone was pleased with this new development.

Isabella seethed with resentment as she watched the happy couple from afar.

She couldn't believe Lucas and Gia's relationship ended abruptly.

One day, as they rode their horses side by side, the warm sun casting a golden glow over the rolling hills. Maya turned to Lucas with curiosity written all over her face.

"Lucas, can I ask you something?" Her voice gentle.

"Of course Maya, what's on your mind?" Lucas asked, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled.

Maya hesitated for a moment before asking. "Why did you end things with Gia? You said you loved her and her alone, and it was pretty obvious."

Lucas's expression turned thoughtful, and he gazed out the horizon before answering.

"My relationship with Gia never really felt real from the beginning, my father arranged for us to be paired together from a very young age, intending for us to get married and unite our families' interests, I was just three."

Maya's mind began to wander as she pondered the what-ifs.

Why had Don Carlo chosen her, a newcomer, a random girl who worked in a cafe, struggling pay her bills, over Gia, the woman he paired Lucas with since childhood?

She could have just been his worker but he got her married to his son.

What was it about her that made him consider her a suitable partner for his son when Gia had been the original plan?

Maya's mind whirled with possibilities. Was it her personality or something else entirely?

She couldn't shake the feeling that Don Carlo had an ulterior motive, that he had chosen her for a reason that went beyond her mere skills.

As she delved deeper in her thoughts, Maya began to wonder if she was just a pawn in a much bigger game. Was she being used to further Don Carlo's ambitions?

She couldn't help but feel a pang of insecurity, wondering if she was just a fleeting infatuation, a momentary distraction from Lucas's predetermined path. Or had he simply grown tired of Gia? Or was there was something else to it?

What was Lucas's motive when he made a grand gesture by getting a new house for her family? She asked herself all these questions.

Don Carlo had been observing the tender moments between Maya and Lucas.

He had initially thought that Lucas's interest in her was a passing fancy, a distraction from his arranged relationship with Gia.

But now, as he watched them laugh together, their hands touching, and their eyes locking in a way that spoke of a deep connection, Don Carlo realized Lucas was really falling for Maya.

A mix of emotions swirled within him - suprise, curiosity and a tinge of concern.

Lucas seemed truly happy with Maya, Don Carlo could not remember training him to become that carefree.


Don Carlo's eyes narrowed as he studied Lucas, his gaze piercing.

"Lucas, what is going on with you? You are not the same man I trained. You're..softer." He said.

"I'm in love with her." Lucas replied.

Don Carlo's expression turned skeptical. "And you really think will last?"

"I know it will, I have never felt this way before, not even with Gia, the woman you paired me with for twenty-seven years."

"I don't care about whatever you feel, just get me an heir. Prioritize the family's interests and legacy like I have, that is more important to me."