The Return

Isabella's words stuck a chord, and for a moment, Maya wondered if she had misread Lucas entirely.

"Why are you telling me this?" Maya asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Isabella's shrug was casual. "I just want you to know the truth. You deserve better, don't you?"

But her eyes gleamed with malice.

Maya's heart raced, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty. Was Isabella telling the truth? Was Lucas really using her?

Her thoughts were a jumbled mess as she tried to recall every interaction with Lucas.

Isabella's words hung in the air, toxic, designed to erode Maya's confidence and destroy her relationship with Lucas.

And as Maya stood there, frozen in shock, Isabella knew she had succeeded in ruin her night.

Her eyes glinted with satisfaction as she watched Maya's expression crumble, she knew she had struck a chord.

As Isabella turned to leave, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her eyes sparkled with malice, and her lips curled into a triumphant smile.

She knew she had played her card perfectly, and now all she had to do was sit back and watch the drama unfold.

Her gaze drifted back to Maya, who was still standing by the sink, looking shell-shocked.

As Isabella emerged from the bathroom, her eyes scanned the hall, searching for Lucas.

She spotted him across the room, laughing and chatting with some group of guests, oblivious to the situation.

Maya couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, she took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She needed to talk to Lucas, to confront him about what Isabella said.

She had thought that Lucas was genuinely interested in her, that their connection was real.

But now, it seemed like it was a ruse, she remembered the way Lucas had looked at her.

The way he had touched her, the way he had made her feel like she was the only person in the world. It had all felt real, so true.

The thought that Lucas only wanted her to bear his child, made her feel sick to her stomach.

She felt like she had been used, like she was nothing more than a means to an end.

Maya's heels clicked on the marble floor as she made her way to the hall, her expression stern.

Her mind was still reeling from the conversation with Isabella in the bathroom, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach.

Maria's eyes sparkled with excitement as she gestured for Maya to come closer. "Maya, I want you to meet someone," she said, her voice bubbly.

Maya's anger and confusion turned forgotten as she took in the sight of…Cole.

"This is Mr Cole Simpson, a friend I met at a business conference a few years ago. We lost touch, but what a wonderful surprise to run into him again!"

Maya's eyes widened as she took in Cole's familiar features, her breath caught in her throat.

"Cole?" She whispered, her voice barely audible.

Cole's eyes locked onto hers, a mix of suprise and caution in his expression. "Maya?" He replied, his deep voice tentative.

Maria continued to chat, oblivious to the tension between them.

"I'm so glad I ran into Cole again, Maya. He's an adventurous man, always off on some exciting journey or another. I've never been able to pin him down for so long, he is always on the move!"

Maya raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "An adventurous man." She repeated.

Cole nodded, a hint of smile playing on his lips. "I like to think of myself as a free spirit," he said. "I get restless when I stay in a place for too long."

Maria laughed. "That is an understatement! I have tried to reach out to him over the years, but he's always off in some remote corner of the world!"

Maya's eyes met Cole's, and for a moment they just stared at each other.

She could see a hint of wanderlust, the thrill of the unknown.

It was something she always admired about him, something that had drawn her to him in the first place.

But now it seemed like a convenient excuse, Maya's mind was still reeling from the revelation about Lucas, and she couldn't help but wonder if Cole's adventuring was just a way to avoid commitment, to avoid getting close to anyone.

Maria's eyes flickered to the corner of the room, where her father was gesturing for her attention.

"Excuse me Cole, Maya," she said, her voice apologetic. "My father needs me for a moment."

As Maria hurried off, Cole and Maya were left standing alone, the tension between them apparent.

They stood there for a moment, the silence stretching out awkwardly. Finally, Cole spoke up, his voice low.

"Maya, we need to talk."

Maya's eyes narrowed, her guard still holding.

"What's there to talk about Cole?"

Cole took a step closer, as he looks deep into her eyes.

"About what happened between us."

Maya's pulse quickened as she felt a rush of emotions. She had thought she was over Cole, that she had moved on.

"What's the point? It's all history." She asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"It's not history Maya. It's unfinished business, and I'm not leaving until we settle it."

Cole's eyes never left Maya's face as he explained.

"I came to this party tonight because I was invited by the Russo's, they are interested in investing in one of my ventures and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet with them."

He paused, his gaze intense. "But I'll admit, I also hoped to meet you here. I knew you worked for them and I couldn't resist the chance to finally see you again."

Maya tried to process his words, he had come to the party hoping to see her? After months?

"Why?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "Why would you want to see me again?"

Cole's expression softened.

"Because I never stopped thinking about you, I never stopped wondering what could have been if I had stayed. I had to leave to Fiji to seal a buisness deal.. I was unreachable for a while."

"But even in the midst of the chaos, my thoughts kept drifting back to you."

His voice filled with sincerity as he placed his hand on her arm.

"I know I hurt you, and I don't blame you for being wary. But I want you to know I never stopped thinking about you."

Maya's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions as she tried to process the unexpected turn of events.