Leave No Stone Unturned

Lucas, out of panic and fear, summoned some guards and asked them to check all the train stations they could, scouring every platform, every ticket counter and every passenger waiting room.

"Leave no stone unturned," Lucas instructed the guards. "I want to know if she has boarded a train."

The guards nodded and quickly dispersed, fanning out across the hallway to begin their search.

Lucas watched them, his mind racing with possibilities. Was Maya finally gone?

His hand's trembled as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his contacts with a frantic urgency. He desperately sought out Maya's number.

His phone felt like a lifeline, his only connection to the woman who had vanished.

Lucas dialed her number, his heart pounding in his chest like a drum. But the ringing was met with silence. No warm voice, no gentle laugh.

Just an endless, eerie quiet.

His anxiety spiralled out of control as he tried again and again, each unanswered call a fresh blow to his hopes.

Lucas, confused, paced back and forth. He tried sending her a text message. "Maya, please answer! I really want to fix things."

But there was only silence.

Lucas collapsed onto his bed, his mind reeling with the thought of losing Maya, finally.

Just months ago, he had seen her as nothing but a means to an end.

A way to secure his father's property. But now, he couldn't imagine living without her. He had grown to love her, truly and deeply, but he had never said those words to her.

Lucas buried his face in his pillow, feeling tears prick at the corners of his eyes. He had never felt such deep sense of loss before.

Lucas's phone rang, piercing the silence of the room. He goggly lifted his head, his eyes scanning the heart screen through a haze of exhaustion.

His heart skipped a beat as Maya's name flashed on the display.

He hurriedly picked up. "Maya, where have you been?"

"Hey," Maya's voice was soft and gentle, a balm to his frazzled nerves.

"I..I'm on my way to a family member's house, I'll be there for two days. I need space to think. A new environment to clear my mind."

Lucas felt a wave of relief wash over him, followed by a surge of curiosity.

"Wh-why didn't you tell me before leaving? I need to talk to you, and fix things"

Maya sighed, and for a moment Lucas wondered if she was okay. "I just needed some space, don't worry, I am safe."

Lucas nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "Okay I won't. But, please hurry back to me, okay?"

"Sure I will."

As Lucas hung up the phone, he felt a mix of emotions: relief, excitement and fear.

He wondered if the space between them was going to make things worse.

Time seemed to crawl for Lucas as he counted down the hours until he could see Maya again.

The next few days felt like an eternity, each minute ticking by at a glacial pace.

He found himself constantly checking his watch, willing the hands to move faster.

Lucas spared no detail in his efforts to make the evening of Maya's return perfect.

He transformed the garden into a romantic oasis, adorned with Maya's favourite flowers, soft candlelight, and the sweet scent of blooming jasmine.

The sound of gentle music floated through the air.

The table was set with crystal glasses and a delectable spread of Maya's favourite dishes.

Lucas even hired a personal chef to prepare the meal, ensuring that every bite would be a culinary delight.

He also carefully selected some gifts for her, there were flowers, chocolates, and jewelry. A silver necklace with a tiny locket, a painting of the two of them.

As Lucas put the finishing touches on the evening's preparations, he could not help but feel a sense of nervous excitement.

This was more than just a dinner - It was a heartfelt apology, a declaration of his love, and a promise to make things right between them.

He hoped that Maya would see the sincerity in his efforts and forgive him for his past mistakes.

As Maya stepped out of the car and onto the winding driveway, a mix of emotions swirled inside her.

She had made the decision to stay with Lucas, to work through their issues and explore the possibility of a successful marriage.

With a deep breath, Maya walked towards the mansion, her eyes fixed on the warm glow of the lights within.

As she entered the house, she was enveloped in the sweet scent of flowers, and the soft strains of music.

She followed the sound to a beautifully manicured garden.

Her eyes adjusted to the soft light, and she saw Lucas by a elegantly set table, his eyes fixed on hers.

His gaze burning with a mix of hope and longing.

Lucas looked handsome and nervous, his smile tentative as he waited for her approach.

She could see the sincerity in his smile.

The sight took her breath away - the gifts and the the look of hope in her eyes. Maya's heart swelled with emotion as she saw the effort Lucas had put into the evening.

She knew this was his way of apologizing.

"Welcome home, Maya." Lucas said, his voice low and husky as she approached the table.