Chapter 6: Meeting The Headmaster (1)

Next day

Like any other day, the headmaster makes his rounds around the school to check on the students, professors and working staff. He is known by the majority as a wise sage due to his looks and demeanour. Of course, only those who knew him closely knew of his perverted side.

After making his rounds, he went back to his office to wait for Prof. Walter and Prof. Barnes, the head healer of the academy. During his wait, he did a bit of administrative work to pass the time. Noticing the time, at which he usually receives his 'other' reports, he called out gently, "Prime"

Moments later, the figure only known as 'Prime' showed himself. "Report", the headmaster said without taking his eyes off his work. "The professor remained indoors the whole night. Nothing of significance occurred.", reported Prime to the headmaster.

"Mmm…" Right as he was about to respond, he heard a knock at the door. Already expecting this, he waved at Prime who disappeared right after.

"Come in" he said out loud for the person or persons to enter. Professor Kathleen Walter and Professor Janet Barnes made their way inside his office.

"Good morning, headmaster." They both said, and the headmaster acknowledged their greetings with his own. After the exchange of the pleasantries, headmaster George asked about their schedule. "I've taken care of my first two periods" Kathleen responded. Prof Barnes, however, was the head healer of the academy and had capable subordinates who could handle any accidents the students and faculty reported to them. Her department also had professors who specialized in teaching healing magic. Mostly, she handles the administrative duties of her department.

"I'm always available George. Caleb is one of us and as the person who took care of his injuries, it's only right I examine what happened with his memories". The previous day, Kathleen had already informed her of the delicate situation with Prof. Zane.

"That's good to know. Shall we?" George gestured to the door while standing up. They proceeded to leave the office, heading towards the living quarters of the faculty.


The faculty building was a large building that could take up to 100 professors. Assistants and the other working staff had a separate building not very far from the building. Each living space of a professor had a space for receiving guests, an office and a bedroom. The rooms were nicely decorated with various artworks of world-renowned mages who once taught at the academy. Chandeliers hung in each room to give lighting during the night. They were mostly powered by mana stones by those who could afford them.

The trio made their way inside the building and climbed up the stairs to the third floor, where Caleb's room was located. Since classes were in session, the halls were mostly empty except for the receptionist on the ground floor.

Arriving shortly at Caleb's room, Kathleen went ahead and opened the door. Since Caleb was brought in a bad condition, the door to his residence remained opened. They made their way to the guest area. George and healer Barnes proceeded to sit down while Kathleen moved to fetch Caleb from his bedroom.


~Knock, Knock~

Hearing a knock at the door, Caleb who had been awake for a while and taken a bath, was playing around with his unique skill raised his head to respond.

"Come in"

Entering the room was Prof. Kathleen Walter, who had identified herself the previous day. 'As beautiful as ever…' Thought Caleb to himself with a small smile.

"Good morning Caleb, and how are you feeling today?" she asked standing close to the door, not wanting to repeat what happened yesterday. "I'm feeling much better today, thanks." He said while getting up from his bed. "Do you recall anything?" She asked, hoping for a positive response.

Caleb shook his head in reply. As a transmigrator, the chances of recollecting the previous memories of the original Caleb were close to nil. Not to mention, the original Caleb was probably long gone.

"I see…"

'Hopefully, with healer Barnes here, the problem might be solved. I'd hate for him to forget everything we've been through.' Silecctly thought Kathleen. While their relationship hadn't progressed very far, it was still on the right track.

While she was lost in thought, Caleb had noticed how his emotions were in a bit of a mess. As he has accepted his new reality, he began taking notice of things he had missed before. 'Were they in a relationship before or something?' He thought to himself while taking a good look at here.

Swallowing the lump that had somehow formed in his throat, he asked, "Is there something you wish to talk to me about?" Kathleen snapped out of her thoughts and replied, "Oh right, the headmaster and head healer are here with me. The head haler would like to examine you to see if she could do anything about your memories."

"Sure… lead the way" Caleb responded. Kathleen turned around to head back to the receiving area with Caleb following closely behind.

Entering the receiving area he did not know he had, he saw a man, likely around his fifties with black and white strips in his hair looking out the window with his hands behind his back. Behind him was a middle-aged woman, also wearing similar robes that clung to her body. She was seated when they appeared.

Noticing their presence, healer Barnes stood up to receive him with a warm smile. The headmaster finally turned around and said, "Oh Caleb, how are you feeling?"

Caleb responded in the affirmative. After the exchange of pleasantries with the headmaster and the healer, Caleb gestured for them to take a seat. He may have been introvert, but that stemmed mostly from his choice. He still knew how to receive and treat guests.