Chapter 7: Meeting The Headmaster (2)

Sitting comfortably in their seats, the headmaster began, "Caleb, I was informed of your condition yesterday. Do you recall anything at all?"

"No, I don't remember much." Caleb responded. Although what he said was false, he wasn't completely lying either. He is no longer the Caleb they knew, but a completely different person they would have to know all over again.

"Mmm…If you don't mind, healer Barnes here would like to see if she could examine you. She was the one who treated you when you were brought back to the academy." George said, gesturing to healer Barnes who stood up.

"Caleb, you may have forgotten, but I am Professor Janet Barnes, the head healer of the healing department of the academy. May I?" Healer Barnes sought his permission before drawing closer to him.

Sitting by Caleb's side was Kathleen who observed everything going on. As healer Barnes stretched both her hands at Caleb's head, a soft green light was emitted from her palms. She touched his head and closed her eyes to focus.

Caleb subconsciously closed his eyes. He felt the warm light of healing wash over him. Feeling the use of magic for the first time, Caleb thought about the sensation, 'The feeling is like a warm embrace all around me. But I feel no different. Maybe because I have no injuries that needed treatment?'

Healer Barnes furrowed her brows as she used her healing magic on Caleb but did not detect any lingering injuries to his head. 'There is nothing wrong with him though. Maybe this is just psychological and needs time for his memories to return.' Healer Barnes pondered before retrieving her hands from his head.

"I didn't detect any injuries to your head that might have caused you to lose your memories. This might be a psychological issue that needs time to heal." She said to Caleb before heading back to her seat. She gave the headmaster a brief nod to convey her diagnosis.

George nodded in reply before looking back at Caleb. "Looks like there isn't any damage to your brain. But as things stand, you can't return to teaching anytime soon." As his words reached this point, he stood up and moved to the window. Putting his hands behind his back, he gave his directives.

"Healer Barnes made mention of this possibly being a psychological issue. Considering that, I've decided you would take time off teaching. I advise you to visit places of significance to you to see if it could trigger anything.

"Kathleen would take you on a tour of the academy to meet your colleagues and students. After that, you take a break at home. Your parents would want to know what happened to you." Reaching this point, he sighed quietly and thought to himself, 'This is trouble I don't want to deal with. And I must send a letter to the duke explaining the issue with his son.

'Someone at my age should be enjoying himself with some nice babes' George was disgruntled about the whole situation. Turning around again to face the others with a sage-like look, "I have other duties to attend to, I'll summon you before the time comes for you to go back home."

With that, he walked towards the door. Healer Barnes stood up as well and bid farewell to the two before following behind the headmaster. Caleb and Kathleen were already on their feet to see them off.

"Erm... Kathleen? I don't think I got the name of the headmaster." Caleb said to Kathleen beside him who smiled in response, "His name is George Hughie. A renowned and powerful mage of the kingdom."

She looked at the door and back to Caleb again before whispering, "But just between you and me, he's a big pervert. The previous act before was him trying to regain some face."

Caleb was surprised by her response and chuckled briefly. "I appreciate the honesty"

He sat down to regain his bearing. Although he didn't show it, the presence of the headmaster was heavy. Like someone was pressing down on him. 'How strong is the old dude?' his curiosity was stirred. This was something he would investigate later.

"So, what now?" Caleb asked looking up at Kathleen still on her feet. "The headmaster advised you to look around the academy. If you were not busy before, we could start now." She suggested looking at him. The day was still starting, and they could do a lot in that time.

'I could get used to being around her more often' Caleb thought before answering. "Then I'll be in your care, my lady." He said, getting back up with a gentle smile.

Kathleen flashed him a sweet smile as well before gesturing to the door. "Shall we?" They both made their way towards the door.

"Oh…I forgot to mention that the other professors wanted to come by your place but were strictly forbidden from doing so. The headmaster wanted you to have your rest.

"Your best buddy in here, who also teaches combat magic is eager to see how you are doing. He is the one handling your class in your absence." Kathleen informed him as they walked side by side in the hallway leading to the stairs and the ground floor.

Caleb nodded in response as he took in the information she gave him. They reached the ground floor shortly and stepped outside. Looking around the surroundings, Caleb appreciated the serene environment and fresh air. Devoid of pollutants and rich in what he assumed to be mana; he took a deep breath.

"Where would you like to go first?" Kathleen asked him, awaiting his response. Focusing on her, he thought for a moment and replied, "How about the cafeteria? I've not eaten anything yet."

He had noticed since yesterday that he did not feel any hunger. Although he had his theories as to why, food was one of the things Caleb enjoyed the most. He was interested in seeing what kind of food this world had to offer.