Chapter 8: Free Food!

One of the things Caleb enjoyed in his life was good food. Food has always brought him joy. The sensation it brings to his tastebuds and the fulfilment he feels always makes it one of his favourite things to do. Although food was basically for survival, he still relishes the joy it brings him.

Back on earth, he always felt grateful for the delicacies he enjoyed, especially those served at gatherings of scientific seminars. 'Free food' he dubbed it, was where he shines the most. Now this was not to say he was stingy with his own money or anything, but one of his philosophies was, 'If you have free food, why waste it?' He was a big fan of cooks everywhere as they made it their point to serve dishes that would make the people they served happy. This line of thought hasn't changed even after transmigrating.


Hearing his response, Kathleen nodded in affirmation and led to the cafeteria. This building was located close to the teaching block, where students and teachers can have quick access to their meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was a 20-minute walk from the living quarters of the teaching staff.

As they drew closer to the block with the teaching facilities, Caleb finally saw the students up close. Wearing matching uniforms with the males in black pants and the females in skirts, most students looked around 16-20 years old.

The majority of the students they met along the way greeted them politely before moving on. Caleb noticed that the people of this world had different hair colours. Some of the students they came across had silver, blue, golden, green and red hairs. He appreciated the variety and wasn't really surprised as he had seen this in animes and video games.

The cafeteria was a large square building with an open entrance. Caleb observed that, just like the other buildings around him, this one also had three floors. 'It looks like most of the buildings in the academy have three floors. I wonder if it applies to other places as well.'

Making their way into the entrance, Kathleen guided Caleb straight to the section that served only the teaching staff on the third floor. The eating space was mostly empty with a few teaching staff here and there.

Most of them waived at Caleb before he was guided to a seat close to one of the windows. The ceiling of the place was on the high end with three chandeliers that lighted the space in a golden glow.

Kathleen and Caleb sat across each other and shortly after, a servant came to take their order. "Good day, professors." The neatly dressed servant who looked mid-twenties passed two menus with the dishes to be served.

Looking at the menu with the list of dishes, it dawned on Caleb that he was carrying no money. He glanced at Kathleen, who was looking at her menu and called out to her. "Kath…" He began, feeling embarrassed about what he was about to ask.

She looked at him questioningly, "Yes…" Caleb cleared his throat before muttering, "I don't have any money." He turned his gaze down to avoid her eyes. Kathleen was baffled briefly before realization dawned on her. 'Right. He doesn't remember anything.'

"Oh…" she exclaimed softly and smiled at his action. "Teachers don't have to pay for any of the food they eat while in the academy grounds. The same goes for the students, except for a few things they must purchase themselves."

Looking back up, Caleb's eyes shined like stars and looked back on the menu with four listed dishes. 'Free food!' He exclaimed inwardly. Most of the dishes on the menu were like the ones on Earth, only under different names.

"I'll take everything if you don't mind." Caleb said to the servant who looked bewildered and momentarily stared at him strangely.

"Everything?" She muttered, not sure if she heard right. Kathleen also looked at him closely.

"What?" Oblivious to what he had done wrong, he questioned. "Nothing. It's just…" Kathleen trailed off before continuing, "…sorry, it's just that I've never seen you order or eat a lot at once before."

"Hehehe… I guess healing must have made me hungry." He nervously said before returning the menu to the servant. Kathleen made her choice as well and handed the menu to her to carry out their orders.

After the servant was out of hearing range, Kathleen turned her gaze to Caleb and asked, "Can you really eat everything you ordered?" She was left feeling bewildered by his choice.

"I think I can manage." He responded with a bit of confidence in his ability to devour loads of food. They proceeded to make small talk while waiting for their orders to arrive. Within three minutes, the dishes were brought to them on a serving cart.

And truly to what he said, Caleb devoured the food in front of him at record speed, leaving Kathleen speechless and unable to focus on her meal. In the time she had known him, Caleb had never displayed such an appetite before. 'Did the injury really make him that hungry?' She thought, not sure what to believe. She watched as Caleb savoured each dish like it was going to be his last for a very long time.

Mages at a particular strength level could go long days without sustenance and only rely on the mana they refine into their cores from mana stones and the atmosphere.

Thirty minutes later, Caleb was ready to continue their tour. "Okay… so where to next?" He asked, getting up to help Kathleen to her feet. She thought briefly about to go next before suggesting, "Why don't we go see your students? I believe they would be on the training field with Bani at this time."

He nodded at her suggestion before leading the way outside…