A Charity Case





*Rape scene




"Did you hear about the fire that occurred days ago, the town's people are pretty angry."

"I heard but how is that any of my business? I have a lot on my mind, Tessa. I need to restore the trust people have in me" Mr Justice.

"You need to address them love, show them you care. You know elections are around the corner. Let the people know you still have their back and you care for them" Mrs Justice replies.

Mr Alfred Justice, the town's mayor gave his wife's suggestion a second thought

"We are already repairing the building, what else do the people want"

"Well, there's a victim, she's young. I'd say between the ages of 12 and 14, she has no one. You could start from there"

The Mayor visited Karen that day, at that time, she had been unconscious for 2 days. When he got to the clinic, he was told that tomorrow, she would be transferred to a smaller public hospital as her hospital bills hadn't been paid yet and no relative had been contacted.

Alfred was curious, no one in particular really knew her and her deceased mother. They were new in town, so why were people in support of this particular woman and her child? He came to the conclusion that, if such could happen to newbies in this town, it would stop tourists and migrants from moving into the small town.

Alfred paid all of her bills and moved her into one of the VIP rooms available. The first time he saw her, her hair all splayed on the pillow. It was as black as charcoal, her perfect jawline. She was beautiful. She reminded him of someone but he couldn't pinpoint who she reminded him of.

He knew if she was to open her eyes, her eyes would be just as captivating as her face was. She was a bit pale, with bruises here and there. A broken rib. She's lucky that's all she sustained from the fall.

He couldn't get Karen out of his mind. He visited her everyday, he brought flowers as he came, hoping she'd wake up. He would stay in her room for about 10 minutes and take his leave. He did this for five days. Karen was unconscious for a week.

On the eighth day, he came as usual replacing old flowers from yesterday. He waited again, his usual 10 minutes routine. A nurse entered to check on her vitals.


She looked at him

"What's the patient full name?" the nurse must have been surprised by his question. He had been coming here every day for 5 days and he didn't know the patient's name.

"Karen Anderson" she said without looking at her file, she took a quick glance at her file again and said

"Karen Carolina Anderson" she corrected.

Carolina, Carolina, Carolina. He thought, the name rings a bell. Karen's eyes move as she slowly regains her consciousness.

"Wh- whe- where am I" the nurse looked at her, turned around and Alfred was gone.

Alfred never showed his face ever to her again. Karen knew it was the people, in conjunction with the mayor that paid her bills. She recovered and was discharged from the clinic. As she stepped out from the hospital, Joan and John greeted her with a G-wagon. They introduced themselves to her.

Karen thought at first, it was a prank. She had a car, a driver, a cook and even a freaking house. She was given a black credit card too, it was unlimited. She believed them when they handed her the papers and she realized the property was in her name.

'Karen Carolina Anderson'

Karen was in no place to even throw tantrums. These people treated her well. Joan was so kind. She stayed with Karen through the whole period, later on she reduced her appearance to once a week. Karen wouldn't even blame her. John only came when he was asked to come. They had other stuff they were doing.

Karen buried her mother the next month. At the wake, she, John and Joan were the only ones that attended along with a priest. Karen didn't she'd a tear. She bottled it in. She wanted audience with the mayor of the town but it seemed, he was always busy. He was never in his office or maybe he avoided her.

She didn't think too much about it, she moved on with her life. Miserable. In pain. She was then enrolled into the best school in town. Penny Wise High School, she was practically a living ghost until the smile Letisha offered one Monday afternoon.

She then thought, maybe she could have a normal life, like any other child. She didn't know Letisha had different goals.

Letisha is the first daughter of her parents out of two children. Apparently, they lived in the slums. Letisha was lucky to get a scholarship to attend PWHS. It was like a dream come true. She sold drugs, she stole from people. She would dig into thrash, find reusable stuff and sell them as new to people.

Her father was an alcoholic. He'd usually beat up her mother, but that was the least of her problems. The year Letisha clocked 12, was the year everything changed for her. Puberty had hit hard. She had more difined hips and her breasts grew overnight.

Her father had noticed, he looked at her strangely. It made her uncomfortable. One night he entered her room, she was awake but acted like she was asleep. He laid on the bed and spooned her.

He was very quiet as he didn't want to wake the Letisha's little sister, Sabrina who was on the other side of the bed. He held her waist, moved up, gave her little breast a squeeze. Letisha was frozen, he took it as an opportunity to continue with his disgusting act.

He touched her, he touched her everywhere except her v-spot. Letisha avoided her father, she left very early in the morning, came home late at night but still couldn't successful avoid him. He did it everyday for the next 2 years.

When he felt she was older, he advanced his moves. He caressed her vagina and as he deeped in a finger. She whimpered. He finished off and left.

The next morning, Letisha didn't leave early for school, she had breakfast with her mom and her sister, Sabrina. Her father had gone out early that morning.

"Why is dad always sneaking into our room, Letisha" Sabrina had asked unknowingly, she was 5.

Letisha's mom suddenly looked up at Letisha in confusion

"What do you mean Sabrina" their mom had asked

"Well dad's always coming to our room at night, mommy"

Fear passed through mom's face as a tear dropped from Letisha's eye. She held Letisha

"Letisha" as if she knew, she hugged Letisha as both pairs bursts into tears.

That day Letisha skipped school, waited with her mom at home for dad. Sabrina was taken to school on the other hand. She was too young to hear anything that was about to occur.

Immediately, Letisha's dad got home

"You stupid man, useless godforsaken, poverty stricken man" throwing things at him.

"How dare you touch my poor girl, pack your load. I never want to see you again"

"Woman I have no time for your games this afternoon"

"Games, games"she chuckles "games, she's just a child, YOUR child, your very own blood"

"She should be happy she's my child, she should be happy I touched her or are you jealous, I never touched you the way I did her"

"You dirty pig " in anger Letisha's mom grabs a knife to stab him but he was stronger, faster and taller than her. He slammed her head against the wall as she dropped the knife.

With one hand, he raised her up strangling the life out of her "who are you to talk to me anyhow - ahhhhh"

Letisha slammed her bedside lamp on his head. He didn't budge. He looked at her, clearly pissed off. He dropped Letisha's mom as he forceful dragged Letisha through the hair into her room.

He tore off her clothes, used one hand to hold both of her hands above her head. She struggled against him as he punches her, he punches her again and then again till she loses consciousness. He does his zipper as he has his way with her till he was satisfied. He stood up proud of his work and took his leave.

They carried themselves to the hospital with the little strength both Letisha and Letisha's mom had. Even with all the screaming and shouting that came from the house, no one could come to help. It was a norm in the slums. Every person for himself.

The hospital had to report the case to the police, fortunately for them he was arrested, they won the case and he was sent to prison. Unfortunately for them the breadwinner had been imprisoned meaning they had to fend for themselves.

Letisha had to double her hustle. She spent a month healing at home. Lied to her friends and everyone in school that she went on vacation. Letisha came back worse. She became a total bully. She collected her juniors allowances, sold more drugs. She was a nuisance.