Chapter 1: Awakening Ceremony


Chapter 1: Awakening

Steel Fort Kingdom, 1st day of the Seventh Month of Year 1436.

Inside a grand stadium, an air of eager anticipation swirled among the thousands gathered. Excitement crackled in the air as families and onlookers filled every available seat, their eyes fixed on the central stage where the Awakening Ceremony was about to unfold.

At the heart of the stadium stood a vast square stage adorned with intricate symbols that pulsated with an otherworldly energy. Dominating the stage was a pedestal, atop which rested a shimmering black gem, its surface gleaming with a mysterious allure.

"Good morning, everyone!" boomed the voice of King Henry Steel, ruler of the Steel Fort Kingdom. His commanding voice resonated through the enchanted amphitheater, amplified by a magical artifact. "Today, we gather to witness the Awakening Ceremony! Today marks the dawn of new talents among our people! I know many of you share the same excitement as me. Let us not delay any longer—let the Awakening Ceremony commence!"

With his authoritative command, children of ten years of age began to form a neat line, their faces a mix of nervousness and anticipation as they prepared to step onto the stage.

The first child approached the pedestal with hesitant steps, placing a hand above the black gem. Immediately, the intricate symbols etched on the stage began to glow with a vibrant energy, and the black gem burst into a brilliant crimson hue. The crowd erupted in applause and cheers, celebrating the child's newfound potential.

One by one, more children underwent their Awakening. Each time a child touched the gem, it illuminated in one of three distinctive colors—red for physical prowess, blue for arcane magic, and purple for mental acuity. The diversity of talents among the awakening youths filled the stadium with a palpable sense of wonder and hope for the kingdom's future.

Finally, it was Gray Valen's turn. He approached the pedestal with a mix of excitement and trepidation, his hand trembling slightly as he placed it above the black gem. The symbols beneath his palm glowed softly, and the gem shimmered in a delicate blend of purple and blue—a rare indication of dual awakening.

Gasps of astonishment rippled through the crowd. "A Dual-Awakener!" exclaimed Elena and Robert, Gray's parents, their faces lit with pride and disbelief. Their careful planning and hopes for their son had borne fruit in an unexpected and powerful way.

Over time, more children followed, each revealing their unique awakened abilities. Another Dual-Awakener, this time proficient in both physical and mental paths, emerged amidst envious glances from their peers.

Then, a moment of unprecedented astonishment unfolded. A child approached the pedestal and touched the black gem, causing it to blaze with all three colors—red, blue, and purple—in a dazzling display of triple awakening.

"Holy cow! A Triple-Awakener!" gasped an onlooker, the crowd buzzing with excitement and disbelief. Even Gray's parents couldn't hide their shock at witnessing such a rare and extraordinary event.

As the ceremony continued with its moments of awe and celebration, the sky above suddenly darkened. The earth trembled violently beneath their feet, and ominous black clouds coalesced, crackling with eerie blue lightning.

King Henry's gaze snapped skyward, his heart sinking with a foreboding dread. Before he could comprehend the threat looming above, a figure cloaked in darkness materialized within the storm clouds. Its malevolent gaze fixated on the Triple-Awakener, a harbinger of imminent danger.

In a blur of motion, the dark figure vanished, snatching the Triple-Awakener child with it into the heart of the swirling tempest. Simultaneously, the very ground beneath the Steel Fort Kingdom began to crumble, plunging the entire kingdom into chaos and despair.

With a desperate resolve, King Henry and the Awakeners who could manipulate magic and minds took to the skies, striving to rescue as many people as possible. Despite their valiant efforts, countless souls were lost as the once-proud kingdom descended into an abyss of destruction.

The survivors found themselves abruptly deposited twenty meters from the gaping chasm that had swallowed their homes and hopes. From the depths of this dark pit, a horde of malevolent flying demons emerged, their grotesque forms casting a pall of terror over the survivors.

Despair etched deep lines on the faces of those who remained, while King Henry's body crackled with crimson lightning—a testament to his unyielding determination to protect his people at any cost.

Yet, despite their united efforts, the onslaught of demons proved overwhelming. Cities fell, alliances shattered, and the world of Gaia trembled under the relentless assault.

Humans, elves, dwarves, and beasts—all races that once thrived in harmony—now found themselves united in a desperate struggle for survival against an ancient evil that threatened to consume everything they held dear.

In the face of overwhelming adversity, they were left with no choice but to scatter and hide—some seeking refuge in the towering mountains, others in the dense forests, and still more delving deep into the labyrinthine underground.