Chapter 2: 500 Years Later

Bronze Rock Settlement, 1st Day of the First Month of Year 1938.

" Young Master! " An elder with gray long hair knocked impatiently on a wooden door. " Is something wrong, Elder Shu?"

From inside of the room, the voice of a young boy sounded. " Young Master, I brought grave news! It's about Clan Leader!"

The door was immediately opened by a young boy at the age of 15. He has unkempt gray hair, his eyes gazing at the elder with worry. " What happened to father?"

The boy inquired, his voice laced with worry. The elder hesitated for a little bit, before opening his mouth. "Well....Young Master, please brace yourself for the bad news." The elder said grimly, he knows that the news he have will affect the Young Mastee greatly.

The boy nodded. " Clan Leader is dead. " Elder Shu said grimly, his voice shaking a little bit. The sudded news of the death of his father greatly shocked the young child. He stood rooted in one direction, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I-What....what happened to father..?" His words stuttered, unable to accept what happened. Elder Shu was heartbroken seeing the boy crying expression.

"He got killed by beasts...." He said weakly. The young boy, Van Rickord, ran back to his room and wept silently at the news of his father's death. Elder Shu was then approached by three servants.

" Prepare a proper burial for the Clan Leader. " He ordered the servants before telling them to carry out his tasks. He took a look one more time on Van's room, before he too walked away silently while grieving.

Van continued to cry for seven more hours until his eyes could no longer shed tears. During those 7 hours, he recalled all of his memories with his father.

"Van, if I were to die, you must continue what I started. Here, take this pendant and crush it only when I die. " He recalled his father's last words before he set out.

Holding the pendant hanging on his neck with care, the thought of destroying a gift given by his father saddens him. Two knocks were heard outside, promptly removing his attention on the pendant.

" Young Master, it is time for the burial. Please, come with me. " A voice was heard, he quickly identified who it was. It was Elder Shu younger twin brother, Elder Shan.

" I'm coming. " Van replied weakly. He changed into a black tunic dress, a dress code for burial. Opening the door, he was met with the face of Elder Shan, which looks no different from Elder Shu.

Following Elder Shan, the two walk for quite some time. Within an hour of walking, they reached the outskirts of Bronze Rock Settlement. Bronze Rock Settlement was a Settlement hiddend deep inside of a huge forest known as Mist Forest. Bronze Rock Settlement wasn't that big, but it can't be called small either.

The west part of Bronze Rock Settlement is used as a graveyard, where the dead are buried. In order not to create chaos, the Elders of Bronze Rock Settlement kept the news of Clan Leader hidden.

Thus, those who attended the funeral were Van, the 12 Elders, and servants who lived in the Clan Leader House. The burial ceremony only lasted for an hour, before every servant was sent back home. The 12 Elders, stood in front of Van.

" Young Master Van, the position of Clan Leader will now be given to you. " Elder Shu announced, shocking only Van. In his mind, he was too young and too inexperienced to rule.

" Clan Leader Van, this is your father's last order. That is to hand you the position of the Clan Leader. " Elder Ziu said, shocking Van even further.

It seems his father had forseen his death, hence why he made some plans. His gazed landed on the pendant again, this time with determination. He will not let his father down.

" I accept the Clan Leaders Position. " He said with steeled resolved. This put a smile on the Elders face, knowing that their Young Master had decided.

" Congratulations on becoming the Clan Leader!!! " They all shouted in unison. " Clan Leader Van, please raise your strength first. We, the 12 Elders will handle everything in your stead. This is also what we had agreed on. "

Elder Ziu spoke. Van nodded in confirmation. He was too weak to have the Clan Leader Position. Therefore, he will let the Elders handle to Settlement affairs for him.

As for him, he returned back to his room, mustering every courage he has and steeling his resolved. Taking one last look at the picture of hid deceased mother and father, he destroyed the pendant by pinching it. The pendant easily broke like it was a fragile item, emitting a crisp sound as it shattered into countless pieces.

The next moment, the shattered pieces of the pendant glowed in black, eeri color. A long black slit appeared in mid air in front of Van, before expanding into black circle that absorbs everything.

" Elder Shu! Ahhhh-! " When Van felt the absorption force of the black circle in front of him, his immediately called out to Elder Shu, even if Elder Shu was no there, it should have notified some servants or guards. But his efforts were futile, before anyone can hear his scream for help, he already got devoured by the black hole.

As soon Van and the black hole dissappeared together, the room went turned silent.