Chapter 6: The Power of Creation

'Creation....' Van mumbled. He recalled the Book of Attribute back.'How do I activate it? How can I use it? Is there a limit?' Such thoughts filled Van's mind, he was unsure how his Unique Ability worked. 'Maybe...I should say it's name?'

He wondered. When a Cultivator uses a skill, they usually shout the name of their skill. A Skill, obviously is very rare and very strange. A Cultivator at 1st Realm GrandMaster or above can manifest their Aura, Elemental Energy and Mental Energy outside of their body solidified to have a physical form.

An example would be, for a Physical Cultivator who wields a sword can attempt to slash a hundred times in a second. This would require a huge amount of Stamina and even Aura. But, if the Cultivator has the Skill "Hundred Slash" or similar, they can activate the skill by saying its name, then do a singular slash. The singular slash would become a hundred slash, requiring less effort, Stamina and Aura.

For an Elemental Cultivator, Skill can enhance their firepower and the potency of their Elements like the Skill "Ice Bullet" making it even more faster, deadlier and even pierce through stuff. For Mind Cultivator, Skills can grant them the ability to create illusions, read peoples mind and even control someone.

"Creation....uhh...stick?" He said as low as he can, not wanting to attract the attention of the other prisoners. A one meter wooden stick materialized in to his hands, causing Van to jump out of surprise.

'It worked!' Van thought happily, holding the stick in his left palm. It was sturdy and long. Another idea came to his mind. Soon, a white small pill appeared in his palm. Without hesitations, he swallowed the pill. When the pill was digested, a refreshing feeling surged from the depth of his body. Slowly, his swollen cheeks began to heal, the bruises he had dissappeared.

That was- Tier1 Healing Pill.

'It worked! It actually worked!' Van laughed wholeheartedly inside his head, the feeling of achieving something great washed over him. He felt happy at his own success, then many more ideas came to his mind. What if....

'What if I create a Lightning Elemental Skill!' His excitement soar through the roof, before he forcefully calm himself. Without wasting any more time,

"Creation: Lightning Steps!"

Suddenly, waves of information entered his head. It contains how to use the Skill, Lightning Steps. It workes by coating his feets with Lightning, giving him immense boost in speed. It was similar to him coating his whole body with Lightning like he did before when trying to escape. But! Unlike the one from before where he can only move in one direction, Lightning Steps allows him to moves as freely as he like. It could even used to leap high and fast.


Van has been too preoccupied with his Creation Ability that he did not notice someone was walking towards him. When he heard the steel doors opening sound, every hair in his body stood up straight within seconds. He was utterly shocked! He had unknowingly let his guard down. Van looked at the person coming to him with wary gaze.

"Come with me." It was the same person whom had beaten him up before. The runic symbols on his slave collar glowed with purple hue as Van lost control of his body again. He was being controlled by the armored man through the slave collar. His healed cheeks were unnoticed by the armored man, probably because it was dark and it was hard to clearly see things in the darkness.

As Van helplessly followed the armored man, he looked at the other prisoners on the way with pity. They too, looked at him with pitiful gaze. "The Chief wants to see you. You better behave." The armored man ordered him.

Forcing a nod, Van continued followed the armored man as he thought of a way out. Clearly, the armored man was stronger than him, it was evident on the pain he received from a simple kick. Finally, after who knows how long they have been walking, they have reached the door leading outside of the Cell Rooms. It's called Prisoners Dungeon.

What greeted him after walking out of the door was a well furnished and decorated room with two couches parallel to each in the center of the room, flower vases on a study table near the window with stacks of paper works above it. Glowing lamps on each side of the room, illuminating the room with its gentle glow.

"Sit on the floor and be quiet." Van did as he was told, sitiing uncomfortably on the floor. The armored man took a sit on one of the empty couches.

Soon, another person entered the room and sat directly at the opposite of the armored man. The armored man immediately stand up and bow down 90 degrees, greeting the person the just came in.

"Good day to you, Chief. " The chief nodded and signaled the armored man to sit down on the couch.

"Marcus, is this boy the one you captured yesterday?" The Chief, with pointy ears asked the armored man as soon as he sat down leisurely.

"Yes Chief, he is the human boy who tried to trespass to our Settlement."

"Mm. Good job on capturing him." Chief praised the armored man. "Boy, what is your current cultivation?"

" Expert...1st Realm...M-mind Cultivator....." Van spoke while stuttering as a powerful pressure locked on him. He was struggling to breath properly, his face was distorted in pain.