Chapter 7: Proposal

" Expert...1st Realm...M-mind Cultivator....." Van spoke while stuttering as a powerful pressure locked on him. He was struggling to breath properly, his face was distorted in pain

"At your current age? It seems you're one of the geniuses of the Humans huh....?" The Cheif spoke, pondering about something. Satisfied with Van's answer he retracted his overwhelming pressure.

The pressure vanished like it never existed, allowing Van to breathe properly like before. He looked at the Chief with wary gaze while the latter looked back at him with like it was looking at an ant. An ant that he could crush anytime he want.

"I have a proposal for you, human slave. You probably already this, but I'll say it again. Over a month ago, the demons who were frustrated worked together to create something terrifying. Something called, Abyss Gate. From this gate, a separate dimension exist."

Van, who have no idea what the Chief was talking about, nodded seriously because he wants to know more about those Abyss Gate. Never have he heard of them, he was very clueless about it.

"Five Abyss Gate appeared and surrounded our Elven Leaf Village. I ordered evey one of my finest warriors to try and kill all the demons inside of it. A lot of my warriors died and they only managed to destroy one Abyss Gate. "

Van nodded attentively. He felt like the Chief had hidden some crucial information, but he can only keep quiet as he doesn't even know.

"I will be sending you to one of the Abyss Gate." The Chief then waved his hand, "Destroy the Abyss Gate and freedom shall be yours." He said.

Van felt the space around him warped, it was the first time he felt such thing he wasn't able to describe it freely. In the next moment, he dissappeared inside the room and re appeared somewhere else.

"Chief, the Elven Warriors from the Abyss Gate on the East has returned." An elven messenger appeared in the room where the Chief and the armored man, Marcus was idly sitting.

"Mm. Good. Let them go back to their homes and copulate with females elves. Our population has been declining, I'm afraid we, the elves are going to dissappear from existence."

"I'll tell them your orders." The Elven Messenger bowed before leaving.

"Chief, you forgot to tell the Human Child that the weakest warrior of ours is at the King Stage 3rd Realm Cultivator and the strongest is at GrandMaster Stage 4th Realm and they still died." Marcus said.

"Oh, did I? Let the Human Child be, Marcus. I'm very sure he'll comeback and beg to be our slaves instead of fighting the Demons." The Chief said, revealing a sly smile that send shivers on Marcus spine.

— North —

Van looked at the 5 meter tall Abyss Gate in front of him. The gate was made of purple mist at the shape of a tall door. Not interested in going inside, Van walked towards the opposite direction of the Abyss Gate.

"If there are tools for enslaving, naturally there are tools to remove its effect." On his, a paper with runic symbols written on it appeared. He then tore the paper apart, but nothing happened.

He frowned. He can only think of one possibility. The slave collar he has isn't a Tier1 Slave Collar. Not disheartened by a bit, he proceeded to create a Tier2 Enslavement Breaker.

"I....can only create Tier1 Items for now huh...." He sighed in dissapointment. He concluded this because he wasn't able to create the Tier2 Enslavement Breaker.

"So my only choice is you huh." He looked back towards the Abyss Gate, his key to achieving his freedom. But of course, he wasn't that dumb. Using his Unique Ability: Creation, he created hundreds of Tier1 healing pills, mental energy restoration pills, elemental energy restoration pills, food pills and a bunch of Tier1 spears as his weapon.

He created a Tier1 Spatial Earrings, a tool that can store any non living things. It's big enough to accommodate all the pills and spears he made. Satisfied with his preparation, he walked towards the Abyss Gate with excitement.

- Bronze Rock Settlement -

" Clan Leader...." Elder Shu, with a solemn look entered Van's empty room. It has been over a year since Van's dissappeareance, yet they still couldn't find him. He, along with the other Elders have been doing their best, but still couldn't find Van.

"Tell my brother Shan that I will be going to the Abyss Gate. Tell him to handle everything while I'm gone." He ordered a servan nearby before walking towards the only Abyss Gate in Bronze Rock Settlement.

Elder Shu was angry, mostly because the Abyss Gate appeared above the burial ground of Van's father. He felt that the demons have disrespected the former Clan Leader so he was going to let them taste his wrath!