Chapter 8: Abyss Gate(1)

(Van's POV)

Standing near in front of the tall Abyss Gate, wielding a spear made of pure silver and it feels light to carry too. Gathering my resolve, I took a step. Every great journey starts with a single step after all. Quickly jumping through the mist like door, my whole vision was dyed by purple mist.

The experience was brief, not lasting for more than a few seconds at most. I appeared inside a huge, earthen cave. Instead of another dimension, I feel like I was just transported inside a huge, vast cave.

Hanging high above from the cave ceiling, huge and pointy long earthen spikes pointed downwards, threatening to fall down any seconds. The ground and walls, made of sturdy brown dirt.

Two demons, known as Headless Armors was walking towards a few meters away. Tightening my grip on the spear, I started running towards them. In matters of seconds, I'm only a few feet away from them.

Immediately, I swung my spear upwards below the armpi the left Headless Armor, cutting its right arm off its body successfully. With a swift duck to the ground, I avoided a very slow sword strike from the right Headless Armor.

Putting force on both feet, I jumped backwards avoiding another sword strikes from the left Headless Armor. They are mindless, on top of that they are very slow, each of their movements was very predictable. I know nothing about the demons I am facing right now, I just called them Headless Armor because they are basically just walking armors without helmet.

The battle continued. With every swing of my silver spear, one of their limbs will be cut off. Thanks to my spear being so sharp, I managed to cut through their armor like butter. My first fight was easy, too easy. Now both Headless Armor layed on the dirt ground, unmoving and immobilized, their limbs were scattered across the ground.

"Now, how do I kill them?" I asked myself. Despite the fact that their limbs have been cut off, no blood spill out of their body. "Do they even have a heart?" I wondered. With a swift movement, I plunged my spear downwards, towards one of the Headless Armor's chest area where I suppose the heart is located.

My spear pass through the thick armor like it was paper, killing the Headless Armor. The Headless Armor and its body parts turned into red particles before vanishing out of my sight. I did the same for the other Headless Armor, it too, disappeared into nothing.

"Aren't these guys a bit too weak? How did the Elves got defeated?" I wondered. I find it strange that a group of trained and experienced warriors were defeated by them. I did not dwell on that thought for any longer because I can hear light footsteps. I'm not sure if its going to me, but all I know is, that everyone here is an enemy except myself.

Wanting to take my fight even more seriously, I coated my body and spears with the power of lighting. Snakes of blue lighting danced around my body, an idea of creating an enhancement skill by using lighting and Creation came to mind.

Swinging my spear while spinning my body backwards, I parried an attack from my behind. The attacker was a red small demon that look like a adult human, albeit very hideous looking with two horns protruding from it forehead. It was using a dagger crafted from bones.

The red demon was surprised by my counter attack, perhaps it did not expected such outcome. I pushed his dagger away with force before plunging my lightning enhanced spear into its chest, where I can assume the heart is located. I was stronger than the demon, I didn't even feel its physical strength.

With wide eye, the red demon turn into red particles like the headless knight from before. The bone dagger it was wielding did not disappear, I immediately picked it up and stored it to my Storage Earrings.

Checking my surroundings that appears to be empty and free from demons, I decided to create some skills to help. I'll also need a set of lighting armor, just for another layer of defence.

Minutes later, my preparations were finished. Adorned with a full body set of light armor of a helmet, chestplate, shoulder pads, gauntlets, boots made of silver, just like the spear I wield.

I created new skills as well, some complimenting my lightning element. Lightning Reflex - for a fix duration of 10 minutes, enhances physical strength, movement speed, reflexes, eyesight and thinking process. Will only works below the Sage Stage of the 2nd Realm.

Lighting Bolt - from the caster's finger, fires a single bolt of condensed lightning, capable of a small destruction. Can only attack within the range of five meters.

Body Regeneration - Stops the body from bleeding. After a minute of not receiving any more wounds, slowly heals the body. Does not heal internal injuries. Regeneration increases as Cultivation increases. Also increases the effects of injury healing pills. Automatically activates.

Lightning Wrath - Strikes the chosen enemy within the range of 10 meters, capable of chasing the chosen enemy and wide area destruction on hit.

Small Storm - Within the range of 5 meters and height of 5 meters, the caster being the center, strikes all enemies with lightning. Duration fix at 10 seconds.

With new skills and armors to my arsenal, my excitement grew. It took a quite some time to think of how my skills would work, now that my fantasy came to life, I cannot wait to test them out. I activated Lightning Reflex, a warm feeling surge to my whole body, filling me with its energy to the brim. The feeling was very incredible, I felt like addicted to it too.

My gaze shifted to my sides, using Lightning Steps, I ran and continued running, stopping only after I spot an enemy after a minute or so. It was a worm, a gigantic and long grey worm with more than half of its body underground.