Chapter 5- future plans(changed 1)

Shiba POV

[3 days later]

Three days passed in a blur. There was nothing major happening in the village. I spent most of my time buried under paperwork, signing documents, approving missions, and keeping Sunagakure running smoothly. It wasn't glorious work, but it had to be done. The wheels of the village had to keep turning, and for now, I had no choice but to take care of the mundane.

By the end of the third day, I needed a break. I decided to head out into the desert for some solo training. I hadn't tested my abilities to their fullest since arriving in this world, and the vast emptiness of the desert was the perfect place to let loose.

I stood under the scorching sun, the sand stretching endlessly before me. I took a deep breath, recalling the technique I'd watched hundreds of times in the anime—the Shadow Clone Jutsu. From memory alone, I formed the necessary hand signs and channeled my chakra, picturing the replication process clearly in my mind.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I shouted, releasing the chakra.

In an instant, a perfect copy of myself appeared beside me. I couldn't help but grin. First try. I always thought learning ninjutsu in real life would be more difficult than watching it in anime, but maybe I had underestimated myself.

Satisfied with my progress, I decided to step things up. I thought back to one of Naruto's signature moves—the Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu. With the same confidence, I molded a larger amount of chakra and formed the hand seals once again.

"Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

A puff of smoke erupted around me, and suddenly, I was surrounded by a small army of myself. At least a hundred clones stood in the desert, all grinning back at me.

"Well, shit," I muttered under my breath. "That worked better than I thought."

I dispelled the clones and moved on to testing my druid abilities. I focused on the flow of nature around me, channeling the green aura chakra that I had come to associate with my druid bloodline. As the green energy flowed through me, the barren desert around me began to change. Plants sprouted from the sand, and water bubbled up from the ground, turning the lifeless dunes into a small oasis.

I could feel the connection to the earth, the plants, and the water. It was incredible. I spent the rest of the day experimenting with my powers, shaping the desert, and practicing until I was satisfied.

By the time I returned to the village, the sun was setting. As I walked through the gates, my mind turned to my future plans. I needed to be strategic, and my knowledge of the original Naruto timeline gave me an advantage. There were key events I could exploit to strengthen Sunagakure.

First on my list—the Uzumaki clan. I remembered how their members were scattered after the destruction of Uzushiogakure. I planned to offer sanctuary to any surviving Uzumaki members, which would be a major boost to the village. Their sealing techniques were unmatched, and I could use that power.

Second—the Uchiha clan. I didn't plan on waiting for the massacre to happen. If I could sway a few members to join Suna before the inevitable tragedy, it would not only increase our strength but also weaken Konoha which I mean they kinda deserve it, why would segregate a clan that is loyal to the village, just cause Madara went rogue doesn't mean the whole clan gets punished(sigh).

Lastly, I considered the kekkei genkai clans of Kirigakure. When their massacre eventually happened, I would be ready to take in any survivors. Suna would become a sanctuary for these people.

With those thoughts swirling in my mind, I made my way to the greenhouse where I had planted the seeds from my system reward. I walked through the doors and was greeted by the sight of rows upon rows of healthy, fast-growing plants. The modified Adam Tree's influence was already working wonders.

One of the common plants had fully matured, so I decided it was time to put my elixir-making skills to the test. I carefully harvested the plant and began the process of creating two specific elixirs.

The first one I made was the Speed Elixir. I ground the plant into a fine powder, mixing it with a few other ingredients to form a glowing, booger-green liquid. It looked disgusting, but it was effective. I poured the elixir into a small vial, sealing it tightly.

Next, I created the Focus Elixir, a concoction designed to sharpen the mind and enhance concentration. This one was trickier. I had to use precise measurements of herbs and chakra-infused water to stabilize the formula. The final product was a thick, gray liquid that looked equally unappetizing.

With both elixirs in hand, I sat down, staring at the two vials. The speed elixir was said to drastically increase movement speed, while the focus elixir would heighten mental clarity and sharpen reflexes.

Screw it. I popped the corks on both and downed them in one go.

Immediately, I felt the effects. My body surged with energy as the Speed Elixir took hold, and my thoughts became sharper and more focused thanks to the Focus Elixir. I felt… powerful. There was no doubt about it—these elixirs worked.

I stood up, stretching my limbs, feeling the strength coursing through me. This was only the tip of the iceberg. If I could mass-produce these elixirs, my village would be unstoppable.

"Not bad," I muttered to myself, taking a moment to savor the feeling. "Pretty damn good, actually."

I leaned back in my chair, staring at the ceiling of the greenhouse. The elixirs I'd just consumed were doing wonders, sharpening my mind and making me feel like I could conquer the world. There was a lot to do, but with enough time, I could turn Sunagakure into the strongest village in the world. I just needed to be smart, make my moves carefully, and prepare for the chaos that was coming. Hopefully, I wouldn't get jumped by thousands of ninjas or, worse, assassinated in the middle of the night.

Before I could entertain that paranoid thought any further, a knock at the door broke my concentration. A ninja entered, bowing low before speaking.

"Kazekage-sama, forgive the interruption, but the Wind Daimyo has just arrived in the village. He's here to meet with you."

I blinked, processing the words. "The Wind Daimyo? Here? Personally?"

The ninja nodded. "Yes, Kazekage-sama. He's waiting in the reception hall."

I was genuinely shocked. The Wind Daimyo hardly ever bothered to make personal visits. Who the hell would've expected him to show up here without warning? The relationship between Sunagakure and the Land of Wind's leadership had been strained for years, ever since the village started to decline. This must be important if he made the trip himself.

"Bring him in," I said, standing up and straightening my robes. "I'll meet him here."

As the ninja left, I steeled myself. The Daimyo was notorious for being cocky, rude, and having a stick so far up his ass that it practically defined his personality. I had a feeling this wouldn't be a pleasant conversation, but I needed his support. After all, the backing of the Daimyo could make or break Sunagakure's future.

A few minutes later, the Daimyo entered the room. He was dressed in extravagant robes, his chin held high as he looked down at me—despite me being the Kazekage and probably more powerful than anyone he'd ever met.

"Kazekage," he greeted, his tone filled with arrogance. "I see the rumors were true. You've managed to stabilize this village, at least for now."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Welcome to Sunagakure, Daimyo-sama. To what do I owe the honor of your visit?"

The Daimyo didn't bother with pleasantries. "I came here to see if the gold you've promised is actually real. I've heard reports that you've been mining vast amounts of it, and the Land of Wind is in dire need of financial resources. I expect Sunagakure to fulfill its duty to the Land."

So that's why he came. Greedy bastard.

"I assure you, Daimyo-sama," I said smoothly, "the reports are accurate. The gold we've been refining is ready to be sent to the capital. You'll receive your fair share, as promised."

The Daimyo's expression softened slightly, but his arrogance remained. "Good. Then I expect you'll uphold your end of the bargain. In return, I'll continue to provide support to this village. However, do not disappoint me, Kazekage."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I replied, bowing my head slightly. "Sunagakure will continue to flourish under my leadership, with your support."

The Daimyo made a noncommittal noise and waved his hand dismissively. "Very well. I'll be returning to the capital soon. Don't forget what's been agreed."

Without waiting for a response, he turned and left the room, his entourage following closely behind.

I exhaled, finally relaxing as the door closed behind him. The nerve of that guy. But, as much as I hated dealing with him, the support of the Daimyo meant I had the resources I needed to implement my plans.

With the Wind Daimyo backing me, I could now begin the long process of building the ninja school, setting up an ANBU division, and even creating a secret Root organization to ensure the safety and security of the village. It would take time, manpower, and resources, but it would be worth it. Sunagakure would rise to greatness.

But for now… I needed a break.

I stood up, stretching my limbs before heading out the door.

A grin spread across my face as I made up my mind. The Red Light District was calling, and I wasn't about to ignore it. After all, I was the Kazekage, and no one would dare question me. Besides, it had been a while since I'd… released some of my pent-up urges, the only times I did release my urges, it was with my hand in the bathroom. . . with no phone or porn, I've had to use my imagination.

I stood up, stretching my limbs before heading out the door. Yeah, it was time to indulge myself. After all, running a village wasn't just about paperwork and politics. Sometimes, you had to let loose.

And tonight, I planned to do exactly that with some BIG. BOOTY. MILFS