Chapter 6

This person POV

Chapter 6: Decision Made

The Hokage's office was filled with tension that seemed to suffocate the very air inside. Tobirama Senju, known for his stern demeanor and hatred for the Uchiha, stood rigid, his arms crossed as he faced his older brother, Hashirama. The First Hokage sat at his desk, his normally stupid expression replaced with a serious expression.

Tobirama's voice cut through the silence. "You're making a mistake, brother. This plan of yours—handing out tailed beasts like gifts to other villages—will backfire, not only at us ."

Hashirama met Tobirama's piercing gaze with a calm, yet weary look of his own. "I've thought about this, Tobirama. The tailed beasts are too powerful for one village to hold. If every village has one, it will create balance. It's the only way to avoid full-scale war."

Tobirama shook his head in frustration. "You're too optimistic. Balance, you say? What stops them from using these beasts to wage even more destruction? Kumo? Iwa? You think they'll sit quietly once they have the power of a tailed beast under their control?"

Hashirama let out a deep sigh, leaning back in his chair. His hand instinctively went to his chest, as if trying to ease an unseen pain. "You think I don't know that? I know the risks. But what other choice do we have? We either share the power and hope to avoid bloodshed, or we hoard it and invite conflict. We can't hold all the power ourselves, Tobirama."

Tobirama's eyes narrowed. "I agree that hoarding them all is dangerous, but your solution is too naïve. The other Kages don't share your vision of peace, brother."

The silence hung in the room again, thick and oppressive. Hashirama closed his eyes briefly, his face etched with exhaustion, both physical and emotional. Tobirama's sharp gaze softened slightly, noticing something he hadn't before—the tired lines on his brother's face, the dullness in his once vibrant eyes.

Hashirama opened his eyes and spoke softly, almost in a whisper, "The battle with Madara… and the Nine-Tails… it took more out of me than I let on." He paused, taking a slow breath. "My body has been deteriorating ever since. My chakra… it's not replenishing the way it used to. I've been healing myself for months, but it's not enough."

Tobirama's face paled. "What are you saying?"

Hashirama forced a weak smile. "I don't have much time left, brother."

The words hung in the air like a death knell. Tobirama felt a surge of panic, something he hadn't felt since they were children. "You never told me… Why didn't you—"

"I didn't want to worry you," Hashirama interrupted gently, his voice calm but filled with regret. "And because I didn't want you to carry this burden while I was still able to fight. But now… I need to tell you, because when I'm gone, Konoha will need you. The village can't falter. You'll need to lead them."

Tobirama was silent, the weight of the revelation crashing down on him like a wave. He had known something was wrong, had noticed the fatigue in Hashirama's movements, the way he seemed slower to heal from even minor injuries. But to hear his brother, the strongest shinobi in the world, admit that his time was running out was like a blade to the heart.

Hashirama continued, "This plan with the tailed beasts… it's my last chance to create lasting peace. I can't leave the world like this, brother. The villages need to come together, not tear each other apart. I won't live to see the full results, but I believe in this plan."

Tobirama's jaw clenched. "And if you're wrong? If you die and this plan of yours causes more chaos? What then?"

Hashirama's smile was bittersweet. "Then I'll trust you to make things right. I know you will, brother."

Tobirama looked down at the floor, fists clenched. He hated this. He hated how his brother always put his ideals before his own well-being, how he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders without asking for help. And now, he was being asked to do the same.

"You can't leave me with this burden," Tobirama finally said, his voice tight. "You're the only one who can hold the village together like this. The only one who can lead."

Hashirama stood up slowly, walking around the desk to stand in front of his brother. "Brother, you're more than capable. You always have been. I trust you."

Tobirama looked up, his eyes meeting Hashirama's. There was pain there, but also a fierce determination. "And I trust you," Hashirama added softly, his hand resting on Tobirama's shoulder.

For a moment, Tobirama didn't speak. His mind raced with thoughts of what was to come—the war that was already brewing, the power struggles, the threats from within and outside the village. But when he looked at his brother, at the faith and love in his eyes, something settled in him.

"I'll do what I must, brother," Tobirama finally said, his voice low but resolute. "But I won't do it your way. Konoha will need strength to survive the storm. Not just ideals."

Hashirama smiled, a tired but genuine smile. "I know you will. And that's why I'm leaving the village in your hands."

The two stood in silence for a long moment, the weight of the conversation still heavy but shared between them now. Finally, Tobirama spoke again, his voice quieter. "How long do you have?"

Hashirama looked out the window, at the village he had built from nothing, at the dream he had worked so hard to achieve. "Maximum a year or two, maybe less."

Tobirama nodded, the finality of it sinking in. "Then we'll make those years count."

Hashirama placed a hand on his brother's back as they both gazed out at the village. "Yes, we will."

AN: more power stones=more chapters