Chapter 13-time skip

AN: sorry for not uploading :( Work has been fucking me the whole week, without lube, my back hurts and I'm fatigued but writing lessens the pain just by a bit I meant to release this by Sunday but I said fuck it, and took the day off, and slept the whole day and if you want more chapters, POWER STONE me to death, hope you enjoy :)


Chapter 13: Suna Expansion

Shiba's POV

[two months later]

I don't know how long it's been since I last took a break. Maybe two months? Yeah, two months since I started this crazy grind. And here I am, still awake in the middle of the night, twirling in this damn chair, trying to wrap my head around everything.

What the hell am I even doing?

I'm pushing myself to the brink of exhaustion every day—training like a maniac, gathering every last bit of gold and iron sand I can find, building up this village brick by brick. It's like I'm trying to prove something to myself, like I'm scared of stopping because if I do, Suna might just fall apart without me. I keep telling myself this is for the future, for the village, for the war that's coming. But damn, sometimes I wonder if I'm just losing it, getting swallowed up by all the pressure and the fear knwaing at me like death is coming for me again.

Four months ago, Suna was just scraping by. The desert was unforgiving, our resources limited. But look at us now. We've got a functioning plumbing system, irrigation channels spreading water through the village, and for the first time, people are starting to believe in something bigger. I see it in their eyes when I walk the streets—they're hopeful. They think I'm going to lead them into a new era, make Suna a powerhouse like Konoha, Iwa or Kumo

It's a lot to carry. And it's not like I can afford to slow down now. There's always more work to be done, more to build, more to perfect. I've been taming the local fauna—snakes, scorpions, spiders, you name it. You'd think it was a hobby or something, but no, this is about survival. Suna's was and is famous for its poison and puppets, and I'm leaning into that. We've got to make those strengths even stronger. The ninken in Konoha? They're tough, sure, but wait until they see what I've got coming. My desert creatures are deadlier, faster, and when the time comes, they'll be the perfect scouts and assassins.

But even with all the progress, it feels like something's still missing. Like there's this nagging voice in the back of my head telling me I'm forgetting I always had this idea. I want to make Suna the strongest, most feared and loved nation in the world. I want Suna to be the one that brings the Great Nations to their knees.

And that's when I remembered the Chinoike Clan.

It's funny how things you thought you'd forgotten come back at the perfect time. I was sitting here, staring at the ceiling, and suddenly, I thought of them. A clan that rivaled the Uchiha. The Chinoike, with their terrifying Ketsuryūgan—the ability to control blood and cast powerful genjutsu. How could I have forgotten about them? Then again Naruto has an atrocious amount of filler in the show.

From what I remember They were exiled, banished to the Valley of Hell in the Land of Hot Water by the daimyo's first wife. The Uchiha were the ones who drove them there, and they've been rotting in exile ever since. But if I could find them, bring them back to Suna, their bloodline would be a game-changer. Imagine controlling the blood of your enemies in battle and on top of that have metal release and powerful genjutsu. No one would stand a chance unless you are at kage level.

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I had to track them down. I had to bring them into the fold.

So, here I am, twirling in this damn chair, psyching myself up for what's coming next. And if I play my cards right, the Chinoike will be the next piece in this puzzle. Hope my charisma level is high enough to convince them to leave the hell hole they call home for another hell hole called the Land of Wind. Honestly, what's the worst that could happen?

I figured I couldn't do this alone. Sure, I'm strong enough to handle most things, but diplomacy? That's a whole other beast. I'd need backup, and not just any backup. Erza's got the presence and strength to make anyone rethink crossing her, and Zoro—well, he's Zoro. The guy's a walking sword museum, and I'm sure anyone thinking of starting trouble would reconsider when they see him.

I found both of them training, as usual. Zoro was working on his sword forms, his three swords moving with deadly precision. Erza was nearby, practicing with a long spear, her focus so intense you'd think she was about to go to war.

"Oi, Cap'n!" Zoro called out, noticing me. "What's with the look? You scheming again?"

I grinned. "Always. We've got a new mission. Pack up, we're heading to the Land of Hot Water."

Erza raised an eyebrow, pausing mid-swing. "The Land of Hot Water? What business do we have there?"

I leaned against a nearby wall, crossing my arms. "We're recruiting. There's a clan there—one that could turn the tide of the upcoming war. But first, we've got to convince them to leave their hell hole and move to Suna. You in?"

Erza exchanged a look with Zoro before nodding. "If it's important to Suna's future, I'm in."

Zoro shrugged. "As long as there's a good fight and alcohol, I'm game."

The journey to the Land of Hot Water was quiet, the landscape shifting from the harsh, dry deserts of the Land of Wind to the more forested regions. We traveled disguised as civilians, blending in with the travelers and merchants that passed through the various towns. Nothing too flashy. I didn't want to draw attention. After all, we were walking into a clan's territory that didn't exactly trust outsiders.


AN: power stone me to death and point out any mistakes