X | One Eye & the Biggest Mouth

Persephone's point of view

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"That my favorite student," the professor beamed as she got inside the classroom, eyes on me. "I see that one time was enough for you to know your place near me, sweetheart," she grinned, eyes on mine.

"What does she mean?" Apollo asked as he sat behind my girls with Atlas on his side. "Did she punish you? When?" I said nothing.

But the professor had other ideas, "Last year, she was being a smartarse, so I did something to her, but how would I know she would react so… explosively to some of her past memories? I mean, no kid should have memories like the ones she has. I would have gone," enough.

"Personal, professor," I said through greeted teeth.

She gulped, "Quite the traumatized kid you are. 10. 15. I hope you don't go through some dark shit when you turn 20, child. You have quite the karma with 0s and 5s apparently."

"When we were 15? Is this about the mountain?" Atlas gasped.

"It's about nothing. If you bring that bloody mountain to me again, I'll cut out your tongue to see if grows back, Atlas Vincent Bathory-Moreno," I hissed.

"Oh, yes. You keep it a secret. Aye, you keep too many secrets, kid. It'll kill yourself," the professor kept talking. "You seek some therapy. Really, kid. You should go after some help to take of that mental health of yours. Still throwing up at the simple mention of," no.

"Shall I take this comment of yours to the Headmasters, professor? Will you keep butting in on personal affairs that have absolutely fucking nothing to do with you? Isn't it unethical to expose your students the way you are doing to me right now, professor?" I glared daggers at her. "'cause if you keep this up, you might push the wrong button, and if you do, it won't be pleasant."

She rolled her eyes, but I noticed when a shiver ran down her body and she swallowed hard. "I was just trying to help."

"Then don't!" I pretty much hissed.

"You shouldn't be so rude towards a professor," Vain-Dove purred.

"And your mother shouldn't have murdered mine. Seems like things aren't as they should be, uh?" Every word left my lips bitterly and poisonous.

Professor Ophelia cleared her throat, "She's not her mother, Persephone."

"It's like her mother only took one thing from me, professor. You saw my memories, did you not? Shouldn't you know better than to try getting in the middle of my conflicts with the arch-demons?" I frowned disgusted.

The cyclop froze, when she gulped, she did it loud enough for everyone to listen it. "Vain-Dove is as innocent as they were, Persephone."

"We both know that's bullshit." My siblings were unborn babies. They were as innocent as they come. "Eye for an eyes, a tooth for a tooth, professor. I'll keep trying to kill the hybrid twins and their mom until the end, 'cause that's the blood debt the Queen owns me. Though we both know she owns me way more than three lives," I stared at my hands.

"Revenge is not the way. You will pay evil with evil."

"I'm ready to sell my soul for that to happen if needed," I smirked.

"Only mom died," Atlas exclaimed behind me. "Wrath-Grey died and so did mom. It's enough, Dora. We are even."

"Even?" I scoffed bitterly and I could tell almost everyone flinched. "You have no idea what that bitch took from me. You think mom was the only one who died? You are fucking wrong. You weren't there. You weren't there with me. You were out for months, how could you fucking know shite?" I yelled, my head turned to meet his, and I couldn't see anyone else but my siblings. "You have no idea what she did to me. What… what…" I closed my eyes, nausea taking hold of me.

"Persephone," professor Ophelia called softly behind me, but not touching my body. "Persephone, darling, do you want to go to the bathroom."

I clenched my jaw, "No. I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm fine," I turned around and faced my desk, jaw clenched, hands in fists, heart racing. "I'm fine," I told myself, "I am fucking fine. I've never been better." Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, than another, and another, feeling my inside burn, still nauseated, regretting having drank the shake earlier.

"Persephone, darling, you don't look okay!"

When I opened my eyes, I glared at the professor, "Who's fault is that?"

She sucked on her cheeks. But before she could say anything, both of the Headmasters came inside the class, and as they did, they eyes landed directly on mine and they got wary. "Are you okay, Persephone?" They asked together.

I pressed my lips together, "Same as yesterday."

Their eyes went to the professor and she froze. "I hope you weren't telling the entire class about the memories you saw on Persephone Callidora Bathory-Moreno's mind last year, professor Ophelia Hrisoverghi!" Headmaster Diana said in a low and dangerous tone.

"I didn't spill it. I just… I tried to help."

"Out loud. To the whole class?" I scoffed. "What a way to help."

"Don't make us retrain you, professor," Headmaster Samuel muttered.

"I won't do it again. I genuinely wanted to help. I'm sorry, Persephone."

I glared at her for what seemed like eternity. "If you say so," I should have compelled this jerk to forget everything she saw in my mind, even if I were sent to detention for it. "Don't mention that ever again," I hissed, "please," I added just not to sound like I'm imposing. Even if I am.

She gulped, "I won't." Then she turned to the Headmasters. "Sorry."

"You won't be able to mention her memories ever again," Diana said with an innocent smile but her words brought me security. "Don't worry, Persephone."

"Why the damn mystery?" Apollo growled.

Headmaster Samuel stared at him, "You should respect what your sister has decided, Apollo Valentine Bathory-Moreno, there are things that are hard to speak out loud to anyone who hasn't be through it. The thing your sister has seen and gone through, would break any of you if you were in her place. Your actions will only make her trust less and less on you. If you judge her now without even having any idea of what happened, I can't imagine how you would react if you were to know the truth of everything."

"They won't," I said matter-of-factly. "They can question me as much as they want. I am never opening my pretty mouth to tell them shite. I warned them about this yesterday when they came to see me in the roof, but they don't seem to have grasped the depth of the truth in my words. Or how serious I was being."

"Does father knows?" Apollo asked, and I could tell he was angry.

I kept staring at my hand, "He suffered enough already. This burden in all mine to carry," I can't let dad know he lost two unborn babies, when mom hadn't even managed to tell him he was going to be a father again. It would break him. I can't let my dad break again. "Some things aren't supposed to be brought up out loud but to stay buried, Apollo. Some secrets need to be kept well to remain a secret, 'cause if they were to become an information, the destruction that would come with them would be too great."

I'm the future Queen. I need to take my revenge without causing a full on break war, 'cause that would harm our people. Dad would definitely cause a war. He's an impulsive vampire, and if he already blames himself for mom's death, he would definitely fall into despair if he knew that he also lost two babies in one go. Especially when he always wanted to have more kids after the three of us.

My dad is all that's left to me with the twins. I can't be that cruel.

It's too bloody cruel to want me to tell him about it.

"So, don't you ever tell me this is even again. You don't know shite!"

"They told you it was even again?" Headmaster Diana gasped. "Oh boy, they were looking for a fight. Because this… is anything but even."

"My point exactly!" I almost jumped from my seat. "Ugh, they don't get what I tell them. And they even call me stubborn."

"How is it not even?" Pride-Niklaus frowned from his seat.

"Ask your slutty mother," I hissed, all nauseated again, swallowing hard, I turned to the two deities again. "So, Headmasters, what are you two doing here? You didn't came here just to see my pretty face, right?" Some of the kids behind me gasped and I ignored it. They can say whatever they want, but I'm pretty hot.

"As tempting as that is, no," she turned to Headmaster Samuel.

"The advanced classes are also a mean to mix the students that normally wouldn't willingly mix with each other," ugh, is it me or headmaster Samuel is always the one who brings the worst news?

I covered my face with my hands, annoyed beyond imagination.

"How is that going to work?" Pride-Niklaus questioned just as annoyed.

"The six on the top three aside, all the 47 students will me sorted on duos in a random manner," headmaster Diana exclaimed overjoyed, probably the only one. "The six on the top three will be sorted between each other. All of you will also stay like that for the rest of the year. Sorting will make the choices fair and no one will be able to complain about it."

"What?" All six of us yelled.

I can't pair with any of them. I CANNOT.

With my siblings it won't work 'cause we are not good.

With lustful fox, he will hit on me non-stop and I'll kill him.

And I'll definitely kill either Pride-Niklaus or Vain-Dove if they fall with me. Better yet, we'll all kill each other 'cause I won't be able to keep my pretty mouth shut about how I loathe their dear mom, and they won't be okay with me badmouthing their mom non-fucking-stop.

If it's me and Pride then, we will absolutely stab each other again.

Or worse. Though I refuse to think about that possibility in particular.