XI | One in a Million

Pride-Niklaus's point of view

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It's too much shocking news for less than twenty minutes.

There's a possibility that mother did way worse than just killing Athena Victoria Bathory, and also that she must have directly done something to Scarlet, besides killing her mom in front of her.

She was punished by that fucking cyclop, who I am ponding to murder. Especially after she exposed Scarlet to us like that, which in part is good because it gave us nothing, but at the same time is disgusting as I saw how that messed with her. How she reacted similar to the bathroom episode yesterday.

Then she fought her siblings in front of us, proving that they are not okay.

And now there's a one in a million possibility that I might be able to fall and become a duo with Scarlet for the rest of the bloody freaking year. Which is way more than I thought possible. Especially when we have so many projects that require extra time with your partner, out of class, to make.

However, the bad side is that she might also fall as duo with the damn fox. That would be a fucking nightmare. Thankfully, she seems to think the same as me.

Though she seems against being a duo with any of us. Even her twins.

"Hah, that's interesting," professor Ophelia beamed at the back.

"You can't do that," Scarlet yelled horrified. Way more horrified than any of us. "I might commit a serious murder with any of my five possible pairs. Let me do it alone. Put one of them in a trio. I can do it alone."

"Scared of some time alone with us, Scarlet?" I provoked.

Her fake golden eyes glared at me, "Your demon arse do understand that I will stab you non-stop if you fall as my pair, right? I will kill over and over again until I fucking find a way to keep you permanently dead."

I also want to stab her over and over again. Not with a blade though. "You think so?" I grinned sensually. "Don't worry, I'll stab you back. It's not like we haven't done this before, uh?" She clenched her jaw, her breathing uneven, angered and pressured. "I don't bite."

"Well, I do," she flashed her fangs.

Is she offering? Because I might accept. "What? Will you suck me dry?"

But she didn't seem to even notice the dirty second meaning of my words, when she faded to where I was, hands on my neck, and snapped, "What if I do?"

Ah, I love this strangling game. The dagger-on-the-throat is still my all time favorite though. "I haven't been sucked dry yet, I don't know how that feels, I might let you do it once," twice, thrice, or as much as she wants. "I'm sure you would do an amazing job with those full lips of yours."

"I only need my fangs for that," she hissed, still clueless.

It only amused me further, "Your lips would be touching my skin, would they not, Scarlet?" Let's play a bit more.

Slowly, she began to realize what her words also meant, and as her snow skin turned red, she looked offended. She pushed me away and faded to be far from me, then scowled as if disgusted, but it was too late, I noticed what passed through those fake-golden eyes of hers. "Disgusting piece of shite, how dare a aberration like you suggest such filthy things? You have no class. Fucking arsehole."

"We are both the same kind of aberration, Scarlet," I smirked amused. "And what dirty thoughts are going inside that mind of yours? I was literally talking about your vampire drinking blood habit. In what other way could you possibly suck me dry with your mouth?" I think almost everyone choked with my words, even the headmasters.

"You lil fucker," she clenched her jaw almost breaking her teeth.

"Scarlet," I tilted my head softly, "I assure you nothing on me is little."

Her eyes widened and she gasped, "You disgust me."

Do I? Do I really? I don't think so. "Yeah?" I smirked mischievously.

"This won't work!" She growled at the headmasters who were just there watching us discuss amusedly.

They are always like that, probably because, as they told me before, they believe we would be better joining each other than fighting like this. But it's kind of hard when fighting is the only thing Scarlet does near me. "You don't even know if you will pair with him, Persephone."

"Gods above help me, I hope the fuck not," she stood, arms crossed on her big chest, looking insanely hotter when angry. Which is very often, as she's always angry when she's near me. Angry at me. "Let me do it alone, please."

"Not happening. If we do it for you, we'll have to do it for all others, and that is not why you're here. You have to blend in with each other," Diana purred.

"I. Don't. Blend. In!" Scarlet pleaded. "Let off, please."

"Still wanting privileges, mad dog?" Primrose scoffed bitterly.

"I'm better than ten of you, choco elf," Scarlet snapped viciously. "I'm top 1, and I'm more powerful than your entire sisterhood together. So, yes. I do think I could use some privileges," this girl is crazy.

"We are top 1, Scarlet. Not just you. Both me and you," I purred amusedly.

"Disgraceful detail. Side affect of how hard it is to find a way to murder a piece of shite like you. Thus, unworthy a mention," she scowled without even one look at me. "Pretty please?" She tried again.

Sigh, "You ain't running away from this, dear," Diana winked at her.

"Fuck," she cursed exasperated and dropped on her seat again. "Fuck!"

"I can help with that if you want," the damn fox said naughtily and both me and Scarlet cringed at the same instant.

"I'm going to murder him!" She warned the headmasters while pointing at Loki, and I couldn't agree more. If that bastard falls into a duo with me, I won't be able to hold back the consuming desire of murdering him. And different from me and Scarlet, and our twins, there is a way to kill nine-tailed foxes and make it in a way that they will stay dead.

"With kisses?" He tried and I had to clench my jaw not to growl.

Taking a deep breath, Scarlet used her water magic to bath the fox away from us and to the back of the classroom. "I am not joking, dirty fox," she hissed. "Will you only understand my seriousness when I kill you?"

Yes. So, please, do it. Or I will.

"I love the way you hate me!" He beamed.

Fucker has been stealing my words. Annoyed, without anyone noticing it, I used my gravity magic and made him go from the floor to the ceiling, to the floor, to the ceiling, to the floor, to the ceiling, and to the floor again. I'm lucky that there is at least 17 gravity magic users in here, and two of them are Scarlet and Dove.

"Ouch, babe, your love hurt," insane bastard.

"So? How will this work, headmasters?" My sister asked unease. "I have no desire on making a pair with the slutty fox."

"Neither do I!" I scowled. "Let's hope I go with my sister."

It's not like I can openly voice my desire to go with Scarlet.

"If I'm lucky I'll go with Dora," Atlas stated firmly.

"No. I will," Apollo added pushing his twin.

"I'm the unlucky one then," she growled visually unwillingly. "Shite." Again, she covered her face with her hands in frustration and let our a thread of curses. Her cascading crimson red long curls falling over her shoulders.

"As you are all so excited," Diana used her spatial primordial magic to make two crystal boxes of different sizes appear in front of her. A small one with our six names, and the huge box with all the 47.

"Wait!" Scarlet gasped, eyes widening. "47 isn't even. One person will be left alone. That doesn't sound so fair now, does it?" Of course, she would point it.

"The remaining person will make a trio with the last duo. You ain't getting out of this, Persephone. Fighting against it is fruitless, sweetheart," Samuel told her. "Now, let's get over with this. After everyone is chosen, your places will be changed. There are 53 seat in class and they are numbered. The duos will be sat according to the highest number of each duo. Is 7 falls with 42, 42 will seat where the top 7 was supposed to seat."

Okay. That's fair. It means I'll end up sitting close to Scarlet either way. And it also means my sister will end up near Adeline. Even better for her.

"Each roll has about six seats. The top three will all seat on the front roll, and then on," Diana began to move both boxes and mix all the balls inside that contain our names. "Let's start," she turned to the God of Time. "You pick the balls. One per time, I like suspense."

Scarlet groaned, "You like to see us miserable."

"You will thank us later, sweetheart," Samuel giggled, but by the scowl on her face? She ain't having. "Let's start with the top three. All students get up with your things and go to the sides of the wall. We'll be magically sitting you where you shall be seated," he lives for the drama, so I'm not surprised.

In a second we all obeyed them, because some may be annoyed, but those two are still freaking deities, and angering them would be the same as having a death wish. I'm glad that I'm one of their favorites, which Scarlet probably has no idea off, since she acts so openly about being their favorite. I bet we're a tied on that too. Adorable.

Knows what is even more adorable? Seeing her standing up and still being the shortest person in the entire class, while I'm the tallest. And by how she's glaring around annoyed, I bet she's thinking the same.

"First ball," Diana beamed.

Samuel showed it to us, "Loki Vilhelm Aaberg!"