
Tunde was walking down the hallway with Nneoma, enjoying their conversation, when suddenly Victoria appeared out of nowhere. Her eyes narrowed, her voice dripping with venom.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. The scholarship boy and his little friend," Victoria sneered.

Nneoma stood tall, her eyes flashing with defiance. "Victoria, leave us alone."

But Victoria wouldn't back down. "Oh, I'm just getting started. You think you're so special, Nneoma, with your little books and your 'intellectual' friends. But you're just a nobody, a wannabe trying to fit in with the popular crowd."

Tunde felt his anger rising, but he tried to stay calm. "Victoria, that's enough."

But Victoria turned on him, her voice venomous. "And you, Tunde, you're just a pawn in her game. She's using you to get attention, to make herself feel important."

Nneoma stepped forward, her voice firm. "That's not true, Victoria. Tunde is my friend, and I care about him. And I won't let you bully us anymore."

Victoria sneered. "Oh, I'm shaking in my boots. You think you're so brave, Nneoma, but you're just a weak little girl trying to stand up to the queen bee."

But Nneoma didn't back down. She stood her ground, her eyes locked on Victoria's until finally, Victoria turned and stormed off.

Tunde let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Nneoma. I owe you one."

Nneoma smiled. "Anytime, Tunde. We're in this together."