A Fight and a Visit

Nneoma and Victoria's rivalry finally came to a head in a fiery confrontation in the school courtyard. The two girls stood facing each other, their voices raised, their fists clenched.

"You're just a fake, Victoria!" Nneoma spat. "You think you're so perfect, but you're just a bully!"

Victoria sneered. "And you're just a weak little girl, Nneoma! You'll never be as popular or as loved as me!"

The argument escalated until the two girls were physically fighting, pulling hair and scratching faces. The school administration intervened, breaking up the fight and suspending both girls for a week.

Tunde was devastated when he heard the news. He missed Nneoma dearly and felt lost without her by his side. He decided to visit her at home, hoping to cheer her up and show his support.

As he approached her house, he felt a mix of emotions: excitement to see her, but also nervousness about how she would receive him. He knocked on the door, and Nneoma answered, looking beautiful but troubled.

"Hey, Tunde," she said, her voice soft. "I'm so glad you came."

Tunde smiled, feeling a warmth in his heart. "I missed you, Nneoma. I had to come see you."

They sat down in her living room, talking and laughing together like they used to. Tunde realized that he had developed feelings for Nneoma beyond friendship, but he didn't know how to express them.

As the visit came to an end, Tunde hesitated, wanting to stay longer but not wanting to overstep. Nneoma smiled and took his hand, her eyes sparkling with affection.

"Thanks for coming, Tunde. You're a true friend."

Tunde grinned, feeling happy and content. "Anytime, Nneoma. I'll always be here for you."