EURion: part 1


(It's been a week since the incident at the diner)

(I wonder if a week in the hospital with those injuries was enough to convince those two goons to spill the beans about their boss)

Pardon me doctor, I need to talk to the two patients in this room


I'm sorry sir, I have orders to not let anyone through


I'm sorry, but I don't like repeating myself

I need to talk to those two in there

Police officer

Well, you're not gonna get much out of them I'm afraid


What do you mean?

Police officer 

Looks like someone got to them before you could


Wha-what do you mean?

Someone got to them?

Are you saying…

Police officer 

Yep, dead as a doorknob

I'll let you in cause I know you, Spectre.

C'mon in


(Who would have known about them being here other than me?)

(Could their boss have heard about them being defeated?)

(Did he send someone to silence them?)

(Is that why they're dead?)

(Is it my fault?)

(No, I can't keep thinking like that…)

Police office

There ya go James,

Two corpses, most likely an animal got them

Probably a guard dog or something

Look at the clean bites through the skull


Th-those teeth marks!

I recognize them!

(Yeah, they're definitely the same bite marks as the ones on that other gang member when he was killed…)

(This was definitely to quiet any potential loose ends…)


(It's getting worse…)

(They're not just coming after me anymore…)

(They're planning on killing anyone who witnessed anything…)

(Would that include Barbara?)

(She saw Eve be killed…)

(What about the doctors at the hospital who treated those goons?)

The door creaks open

A tall man, with large bags under his eyes, as well as black combover with specs of grey.


Um…excuse me sir…

I'm sorry to trouble you, however I have a problem that just can't wait


Don't worry about it,

And please, call me James


Uh, James…

I'm Jonathan B. Goode, but everyone just calls me 'John', I'm the manager of the last bank down the road…

But then today, I noticed a new bank open across the street

Normally competition wouldn't be an issue, however, this bank came out of nowhere

This new bank had no slow build up, and they're giving away money like it's growing on trees

I don't need to explain to you why that makes me feel worried

I'm not sure if there are mob ties, or what, however…

I'm certain there's something shady going on in that bank…


(A new bank?)

(How can they afford to open?)

(And how can they afford to loan money?)

(No one is investing in banks anymore, so where is their money coming from?)

John, do you know if the owner of this bank is wealthy, or if he has some kind of high social standing?


From what I can tell, he was only on the street a few weeks ago…

I don't know what's changed since then, but now he has an automobile, and a large building downtown…


That…is suspicious…

(Perhaps by investigating this bank, It will lead me closer to the mob…)

(This could be a money laundering scheme by them…)

Very well sir, I'll take on your case


Thank you very much James!

Allow me to show you where the bank is located…


Is this the bank John?


Yes, this is the bank, I'll be in my office across the street…

Please come find me once your investigation is finished…


I don't see anything that would indicate something shady taking place inside…

However, they do say to not judge a book by its cover…


Welcome sir!

What may I do for you today?

In need of a loan?

Perhaps you'd like to buy some property?

Prices have never been lower!


Um, no thanks

And my name is James…

I would like to speak to the manager, I have some urgent business to discuss with him


Oh, well isn't that lucky!

I'm this bank's manager

The name's Ricky!


(This guy is the manager? Seriously)

(I don't trust him…he reeks of con artist…)

(Maybe that's how he's made so much money in such a short amount of time)

Could we please go to your office?

I have a business proposal for you


But of course sir…

Why don't you follow me…


(Did I strike a chord?)

(Well, maybe if he gets angry enough, he might let something slip…)


So sir, what kind of proposal did you come here with?


Well, before I share my idea with you, I'd like to ask a few questions

If that's ok with you…


Of…of course…


(C'mon…show your hand…)

(How did you make all this money)

(I'll make you tell me everything that you know…)

(Sooner or later, you'll slip up…)

(I'm willing to wait…)

(How long can you keep quiet?)


Well, mr. Ricky, almost all banks in New York have closed, how have you managed to open a new bank?


Well sir, I have made many smart investments that have allowed me to profit and establish this bank…



(That got me nowhere…)

(No amount of smart investments would give you enough money to open a bank like this after the war…)

Mr. Ricky, I was curious if you have a history in finance that would make me feel more comfortable trusting you with my money

(If my suspicions are right, he won't be able to get into specific details about his education)


Uh…you see…I graduated from college recently…

So I'm new to the field…



Did you go to a local college?

Or out of state?


Sir, what does this have to do with your investment?

Could we please get back on track…



(If you're gonna lie, at least have a fake degree hanging on the wall)

You're right mr. Ricky, my apologies…

(Now for the big finale!)

I just have a few more questions for you…



What else could you ask!?

Another fist appears for a second and hits the desk, the paper he hits is gone, instead there's a coin there instead


I meant…please go ahead and ask…


(That didn't take long, already losing your temper?)

(But, was that another hand that just appeared!?)

(And the paper…I could've sworn that coin wasn't there before…)

(Does he have a Manifesto?)

I'll get right to it…

Do you have ties with the mob!?


What? Of course not!

I got my money through investments!

Not the mob!


(Damn, I don't think he's lying…)

(He looks like he's telling the truth…)

I saw that other hand that came out of nowhere!

Did a man in a suit offer you "salvation"?!

Is that where you got it?!



(Does…does he know something?)

That reaction!

You met him!

Didn't you!?


Did he give you a Manifesto too!?



Can you see it?

Are you able to see it as well?