EURion: part 2



Can you see it?

Are you able to see it as well?

Are you like me?


(So I was right…the first time I'm not happy I said that…)

(So John was right about this place…)

(But, first, I have to ask about the man in the suit…)

Who is He?


He? Oh! You mean the man in the suit!

He saved me…

I owe that man everything…

I was nothing…I was on the street, with no hope of being saved…

I didn't know what to do…

I was scared, I was alone…


That's when he appeared!

Like an angel descended from Heaven…

He came before me, and said:

Mystery man

Now this simply won't do…

You have so much latent potential in you…

It would be such a waste to let you die…

Allow me to offer you salvation as one of my chosen people…

With this new power I shall grant you, take everything you've ever wanted. Prove to me you're worthy to lead humanity into this brave new world I'm making.


What do you say?


How could I say no?

This angel came to me in order to help me…

So I accepted his offer, and the next thing I knew he was gone…

And I awoke this power…


And what power would that be?


With my Manifesto, EURion, I can turn any object I touch into its monetary equivalent…

I can turn pieces of paper into a nickel, bottles of soda into dimes…

I can turn houses into thousands!

I wonder…Does this power work on living creatures as well?

We'll just have to find out, and I think you'll make a great test subject…


(Just who is he?)

(It's not just Ricky here…)

(That guy, Tom, he also had this kind of reverence for him…)

(Even down to the way he talks, he sees himself as some sort of messiah, and he seems to have the power to back it up…)

(So far he's just recruiting small fries, but what happens if he gives the wrong person a more dangerous Manifesto?)

(I have to find this guy soon, or else…)


When you entered my bank…

Did you already know all of this?

You must've…

Why would a detective arrive at my bank with all those questions prepared if he didn't already have suspicions…

Who told you?

Was it one of my employees?

No, it wouldn't be…

They wouldn't give up such large paychecks…

Was it someone who saw me and him in the street?

No, they wouldn't have been able to find me this quickly…

So it must have been the owner of that bank across the street…

Yeah, yeah it has to be!

Even if he didn't know about EURion, he still would've been upset that we were outperforming him…

Well then, that settles it…

First, I'll kill you! Then, I'll go across the street, kill that stuck up prick, and absorb his bank into mine!


(Damn it, he's sharper than I gave him credit for…)

(I can't let John get dragged into this…)

(It's a good thing he decided to go back to his office, otherwise he could've been taken hostage.)

(But, because there are no hostages–)


You're probably thinking "There are no hostages here, so I don't have to hold back"


That look on your face says it all

I just knew it!

But, what if I were to tell you that everybody in this building is my hostage?

It's realistic to think that I could send out EURion to turn all these guys into piles of change…

Unless you don't believe me, that is…

In which case that's a risk you'll just have to take…

Tell me gumshoe, are you a betting man?

Cause from where I'm standing, you look like you may be a little stuck right now!

Am I wrong?


(Shit! He's right…I can't gamble someone's life away on a chance…)

(What can I do?)

(I'll have to get him when his guard is down…)


(Or, if I could keep my distance, then I wouldn't have to worry!)

(He said he needs to touch something to turn it into money)

(Which means he can't do anything without getting closer!)

(Lacerta excels even at long distances…)

(That's the plan!)

(Once he comes in for the attack, I'll take my shot!)


What are you so smug about?

If you don't remember, everyone in this building is my hostage!

All it would take is you budging even an inch, and I'll use EURion to turn them into piles of cash!

You hear me?!

I don't want to see you doing anything funny…

James chuckles to himself and grins


You're right

You hold all the cards here

I'm powerless in this situation

I guess I have no choice but to be turned into money

How about getting a bit closer…hm?


(No, no I don't like it!)

(He's too confident!)

(He has something up his sleeves!)

(And with him insisting I get closer to him, I'm pretty sure he's like me and needs to be close to do anything)

I see through you gumshoe…

I know that you need to get close for your Manifesto to do anything!

Haven't you realised yet? I'm too smart for you!

Why're you still smiling!?

I figured you out!

You shouldn't still look that smug!


No, no, you're right

I've been found out, so I shouldn't look smug

I just can't help myself…



(I used to be great at figuring people out!)

(That's my job!)

(I'm the one that manipulates people into doing what I want! Not you!)

(He definitely has something up his sleeve…)

(I need some kind of insurance that he won't do anything…)

Pardon me, David!

Will you come in here for a moment please!



(What!? What's he doing!?)


(Well, not mr calm and collected anymore are we, gumshoe?)

(That look on your face says it all)

(That look of panic and frustration on your face tells me all I need to know…)


Um, excuse me boss, you wanted to see me?


Why David!

Thank you for coming in!

This man was thinking about making an account with us!

Why don't you tell him about all the benefits of joining our happy little family?

Ricky puts his arm on David's shoulder


(I get it now…)

(I went too far, so you decided to take a hostage into the room with us…)

(Now I can't just wait for him to attack me…)

(I have to be ready to attack any moment, in case he decides to kill this kid!)


(Let's see what you do now…)

(Will you take the risk and reveal your Manifesto in order to save him?)

(Or are you willing to bet on your speed to stop me from turning him into change?)

Why don't you show me what it looks like?


Ex-excuse me sir?

Wh-what do you mean?


I meant his ID

We can't let someone join us without some kind of paperwork, now can we?

(You know exactly what I mean, don't you?)

(bring out your Manifesto…I wanna know what it looks like)


(He's got me cornered, there's not much else I can do at this point…)

No problem, give me just a second to find it

James brings out his manifesto while looking for his ID

(There. Are you happy?)

Here it is!


(Phew! I dodged a bullet! That thing looks tough!)

Thank you David, I'll handle it from here.

David leaves and closes the door on his way out

See detective?

Do you get it yet?

There are just winners, and losers in this world

And you lose!

Now, leave, and never come back

Unless you wanna be turned into cash

(Jokes on you! The minute you turn your back to leave, I'll use EURion to turn you into a pile of coins!)

(I wonder how much I'll get from you?)


I guess you're right

James turns his back to Ricky


(Idiot! Idiot! I can't believe you fell for it!)

(You're mine now!)

(You have nowhere to run anymore!)

Ricky calls out EURion to attack James


There really are winners and losers aren't there?

Unfortunately for you…

James brings out Lacerta

I am not the loser today.



Lacerta fires a bullet, hitting EURion right through the arm


I won't kill you, cause I feel like that'd be a waste of your potential.

With a power like that, you'd be able to change people's lives for the better.

So I'm gonna leave you alive, and I'll leave now.

Take this as a second chance, and change your life for the better

James begins to leave


(You…You idiot!)

(You exposed your back to me again!)

(Did you not learn your lesson?)

(even if my Manifesto won't attack you…)

Ricky draws a pistol from his pocket

(I've been carrying this with me for cases just like this…)

(Now! This is goodbye, gumshoe!)



James shoots Ricky in the other arm

I tried being nice to you…

Now, stop this quest that he sent you on…

And use this chance to live a good, helpful life.


(I…I can't believe I lost)

(Maybe…maybe he's right…)




You're back!

Did you learn what it was?


Yeah, turns out, there wasn't anything suspicious about that bank

They're a clean operation, like you


Huh, I could've sworn there was something, but, you're the professional

Thank you for your time detective, here's your payment in full.


Thank you John, pleasure doing business with you

Hope to see you again…

(I'm sorry for lying John, call me crazy…but I feel like I saw something in that Ricky…)

(Even when holding someone hostage, he released him the minute he proved his point)

(He didn't try to make an example out of anyone)

(I hope that the next time I meet him, it'll be under different circumstances.)

(I just hope…)

(My actions are helping people…)