Perseus: part 1

Int, James' office

There's a knock at the door


The door's unlocked


Um…hello sir…

My name's Presley. I've been having some issues lately that I can't explain…

The police just laughed me out of their office, I was hoping maybe you could help me…


Depends what kind of problem you're having.

If it's a crime that the police won't solve, or investigating a loved one who might've betrayed your trust, then I can help.

I'll accept any case, so long as I can provide closure, and I believe that it would be morally correct to do so.

So with that in mind…

Will you still tell me about your case?


Presley had fallen asleep



Wake up!



Where am I!?

Oh, right, my case…

Well, I haven't been sleeping well lately, and neither have my coworkers…

I don't know why none of us are able to fall asleep.

The police just laughed me out…

Is there anything you could do to help?



Well Presley, that's not really the kind of business I do…

I'd suggest seeing a doctor, or maybe a specialist.

There's no crime being committed 

Maybe you've just been working too much.

Take a couple of days off, see if that helps.


Please sir!

It's not natural!

It's been days since any of us have been able to sleep!

I don't know how long we'll last!

Isn't there anything you could do to help us?


I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid there's nothing I could do.

Get home, get some sleep, and have a good day.

Presly looks upset, anger flares across his face



I'll just go home then!

Ask the others, they'll tell you the same thing!

As Presly leaves, James catches something, a manifesto poking out of Presly's back


(What was that!?)

(Did he have a Manifesto?)

(Was he sent by the Casa Dei Re?)

(No, if he was, he wouldn't be so careless about showing his Manifesto)

(Unless he's meant to lure me into a trap!)

(I can't confront him because I don't know what his Manifesto is capable of…)

James gets up and leaves, locking his office


(I have no choice left but to follow him…)

(I'll tail him and see where he goes)

(Maybe I'll find the boss too)

Wait, I'm getting ahead of myself…

He mentioned a lack of sleep, he also went and fell asleep in the middle of our conversation…

I should check what sleep deprivation does to a person…

I don't know what kind of mental state he might be in right now…

James is located in the library

James walks down to a table with a stack of books, collected bewildered stares from people around him

James takes a seat


(Man, I can't even remember the last time I set foot in a library.)

(But I guess I don't really have a choice, now do I?)

(I need to know what I should be ready for…)

(His manifesto definitely has to do with sleep.)

(It might be able to accelerate the effects of sleep deprivation)

(If he can, then a minute per day would be a reasonable assumption…)

(I need to know how long I can fight before succumbing to his Manifesto's effects.)

(Death will definitely occur, but over how long?)

James begins reading through various books


(Decreased mental capacity…physical weakness…)

(Strokes, heart attacks…)

(This is a dangerous power…)

(I didn't realise how deadly it could be if he can manipulate sleep…)

(This Manifesto has too much power at its disposal…)

James stands up

(I must never let Presly discover the true potential of his Manifesto.)

(If he's been under its effects for the last few days, he should be experiencing lower cognitive functions right now.)

(This is my best chance to stop him before anyone can get hurt.)

Outside of the library


(The books I read said a person can go 11 days without sleeping…)

(He said he's been experiencing sleep deprivation for the last few days, let's assume 4)

(I spent all day in the library, so that would make it 5 days now…)

(I don't know where he would've gone, but now I have to find him if I wanna stop his Manifesto's effects before it can do any lasting damage to him)

(He came to me in a suit, so he must have a well paying job…)

(There's only 1 place like that left in downtown New York…)

John has a blank stare as he's revealed in the panel



When you said you wanted to work together again…

I didn't expect it to be so soon…

James stares through the blinds


Sorry to spring this on you so suddenly…

But something important came up…

I need to investigate one of your employees…



Has one of my employees committed a crime?!

What could've happened?!

I'm willing to vouch for each and every last one of those people out there.

I hired them all myself…

They were all especially chosen…

As if it were fate!


They haven't done anything wrong…yet…

It's more what they could do that scares me…

I trust you and your judgement.

It's not you, nor the employee's fault that I have to be here…

However it's my duty…

I must follow cruelty and agony in any form it may take…


What do you mean?

What are you trying to say?


You wouldn't understand…


No! James, if we're going to cooperate, then I need to know what's happening!

I also trust you, but I can't have you harassing my employees and wasting precious company time!

It's taken a lot of hard work, and sacrifice by everyone here in order to restore some level of trust in banks!

Please tell me what's going on!

James grits his teeth

James clenches his fist

James turns towards John, bringing out Lacerta as he faces him



Do you understand what I'm doing!?

Do you understand why I'm here now!?


What are you talking about?

You haven't said anything that clarifies what you mean…

James sighs before returning Lacerta


It's nothing…

I'm just a little tired…

I spent all day in the library yesterday, before coming here.

I just need you to help me…

I can't do this without you…


You're the only one I can trust right now…

You're the only person I'd consider…


You consider me what?

James hesitates, as if choosing his next words carefully


You're the only person I'd consider a…

…a friend…

John looks at James, as if in disbelief


I've never trusted anyone…

I shot my mother when I was young…

My family blamed me…

Labelled me a monster…a devil…

And I believed them…

I was thrown out onto the streets to fend for myself…


Did…did you ever get an education?

You seem too well spoken for someone raised after the Great War…


I had a teacher once…



So there was someone to give you a taste of a better life!

James hesitates to speak again…

James averts his gaze…


I wouldn't say that…

He taught me maths, science, reading and writing…french…

But whenever I would answer a question wrong…

Flashback Teacher


The teacher hits james across the jaw

Flashback Teacher

And you didn't even try to defend yourself either!


What's this?

James stands up, taking up a fighting stance, with Lacerta appearing behind him

Flashback Teacher

What do you plan to do with that thing?

You can't even control it!

If you could…

Your mother would still be here…

You and your family would all be together…


But no, alas for your parents…

They gave birth to a devil…

Death seems like a fair price to pay for that, wouldn't you agree?

Flashback James

Take it back…

Flashback Teacher


What do you mean?

Flashback James

I said take it back!

James attempts to throw a punch, Lacerta follows him

He connects with nothing…

Flashback Teacher



Bad form…

Other hand, it's too low. Not ready to defend your head…


The teacher punches James across the face


I-I'm sorry James…

I didn't realise you had to go through that at such a young age…

I'm sorry…


I don't need sympathy now…

What I do need…

Is your full and unquestioned cooperation…

What do you say?

Are you willing to help me?