Circinus: part 2


Trust me Gregory…

We'll find a way out…

We'll both make it out of this safely!



We can do this!


Glad we're on the same page here…

But now what to do about this thing…

It seems to have attached itself to the map…

If we abandon the map, then we'll not know which path it wants us to walk down, meaning we could be attacked by anything and not even realize it.

Have you seen anything about how this map acts?

Anything at all?


Well, before I came here I was wishing to find someone to help me, then it brought me here, and that's when you got caught as well.


How long have you been trapped following the map?


Probably a few weeks by now.


A few weeks!?

How have you survived for so long?!


Well, any time I get hungry, or thirsty, it leads me to conveniently placed food or water…



I've been thinking, why are we getting attacked whenever we step off the intended path from the map?

Well, with what you just told me, it doesn't seem like this Manifesto would be malicious…


What do you mean?

It's attacking us, of course it's bad, just look at what it did to your arm!


No, it's nothing.

My arm was already hurt from a fight I had a few days ago.

And think about it, if it was meant to only hurt you, why would it lead you to food and water?


I, uh, I don't know



The only reason it would help you is if there's certain conditions that need to be met for its power to activate!


What do you mean?

What are you trying to say?


I'm saying I think I know what this Manifesto can do!


You do!?


Tell me!


I believe your Manifesto can manipulate probabilities…



How would that work?


Think about it! 

That would explain it…it creates the best possible route to reach what someone wants, and if they don't have a way of acquiring whatever it is normally, it will increase the odds of that item, or that path appearing!

However, if the map keeps all of the positive energy it generates focussed on its path, then that explains why we get attacked when we try to leave its path…

It's like a counterweight on a scale!


What do you mean?

How could a Manifesto do all that?


That question I don't know the answer to…

I really have no idea what Manifestos are truly capable of…

I've heard talk about a Manifesto that's able to give other people a Manifesto…

If that's true, then where are these powers coming from?

Is the Manifesto able to create all of these powers out of nothing?

If so, then that breaks a basic foundation of our science:

something can't come from nothing!

Mass can only be redirected, it can never be fully destroyed!

Is it possible luck works the same way too?

And if so, then is it not possible that the map is redirecting the bad luck away from its path?

That would explain the seemingly random attacks against us.

It's not on purpose, it's not meant to discourage us either…

It's merely a side effect of the bad luck being pushed away from us!


How could we use that knowledge to escape though?


That's simple really…

James holds up the map

We just follow the path of fortune it's given us!

And if my assumption is correct, then so long as we stay on the path, we'll reach our destination safely!

(With all that in mind…)

(I'm still not a step closer to discovering how to escape…)

(How will I know it's safe to leave?)

(If I'm on the luckiest path right now…)

(Then all around me, I'm surrounded by misfortune…)

(I can't tell Gregory this, I don't want to scare him…)

James looks down at Gregory, smiling, carefree


(This is his Manifesto, so there should be a way to deactivate it…)

(Could it be when they reach their intended destination?)

(But no, if that's the case, then how come Gregory couldn't leave earlier?)

(He said his goal was to find someone to help him…)

(I feel like I did that…)

(Wait…maybe I did!)

Gregory, I'd like to test something…

Now whether or not we do it is up to you, but it has to be left up to you.

It would involve you going into the bad luck area surrounding us…

If I'm right, you shouldn't be affected…

What do you say?

Gregory stops in place, frozen…a look of fear across his face


(Shit! I went too far!)

I'm sorry for suggesting it…

It was a dumb idea to begin wi–


I'll do it…



Are you sure!?

You don't have to do that!


If I do, and you're right, I'll be safe…

If you're wrong, then you'll jump in to protect me, right?

You'd save me, wouldn't you?

James stares at Gregory, stunned. He composes himself before answering


Of course I would…

Has there ever been a moment where you've doubted me?


No, I trust you…

I believe you…

Gregory turns away from the path

So please, if things go wrong…

Save me again!

Gregory jumps off of the path

James brings out Lacerta to be ready


Nothing happens

James starts laughing



I did it!

I've discovered the secret of the map!

I've conquered its puzzle!

We know that escape is an option now!

Gregory! Shouldn't you be more excited!?

The next panel reveals Gregory crying, a knife pointed at his throat


P-please James…

Save me…



That's right James…

Save the kid…

Not so happy anymore are you?

You shouldn't have drawn so much attention to yourself…

Especially not this deep in our territory…

After defeating Mercury and Lennon, the boss has put out a massive bounty on your head…

And let's just say that we're eager to collect it…no matter what means we need in order to get it…


You bastard!

Taking a child captive!

Based on your word choice, I'd say you're part of La Casa Dei Re, am I wrong?


You catch on quickly…

Now, if you'll just offer yourself to us, then we'll be on our way to collect the bounty…

And don't worry about the kid, we'll take him with us.

He'll be raised to join the mob and I'm sure he'll rise through the ranks!


You're a member of the Casa Dei Re, so I'm assuming you work with a partner?


Of course we do!


Why don't you show yourself?

A gloomy looking man walks out of the shadows, towards James and Kurt


Do I have to?

I mean, why risk our necks to kill this guy?

Can't the guards just deal with him?


Think about it Bro!

If this guy beat Mercury and May, then there's an opening at the top…


What are you trying to say?


Think about it…

If we can beat the guy who beat Mercury and May, then who do you think would rise to the top?



We would?

Wouldn't we?



After today, we're gonna be cruising and living the easy life!


Are you sure?


One million percent sure!


We're gonna be rich!

We're gonna be rich!


(Damn, even though normally, these guys would be nothing but a little bit of dirt on my shoes…)

James looks down at his arm

(Fuck, because of my fight with Cetus, and the nails from earlier are still digging into my arms…)

(I don't know how long I can deal with the blood loss…)

(But…even with my arm like this…)

(For Gregory's sake, and for the sake of those who would get hurt if the Casa Dei Re continues…)

James assumes a fighting stance


(I absolutely must not stop going…)

(I must not falter at all…)

(I'll push my body to its limits and keep going even further!)

Hey you two!

The two look at James

Why don't you just shut the hell up already!

You said you wanted to present my head to your boss…

Then do it.

Just know, when your boss sees my head…

It'll be from the ground, begging for mercy.